Chapter 259 – Our Lady of Du Ge

Having integrated the largest sects, Du Ge no longer needed to run around tirelessly.

Those minor sects and schools were easily flattened by dispatching just a few cultivators from the Mahayana Realm.

Capturing their sect leaders and elders, Du Ge personally performed surgeries on them, infusing them with spiritual power, and turned them into his own people.

In a matter of months, Du Ge unified the cultivation world, eliminating the distinctions between righteous and evil sects.

As for the mortal nations.

With formidable strength at his disposal, recruiting them was like taking candy from a baby. Du Ge’s plan was still to send people to invite the emperors, then perform surgeries on them, infuse them with power, discuss tax policies, and promote the stock market…

After unifying the cultivation world and the mortal nations, Du Ge truly achieved noble plundering.

He equalized spiritual power among cultivators, sparing the lower-level ones countless years of cultivation effort;

In the mortal realm, everyone had food to eat and a house to live in.

Although the food had to be earned through labor and the houses were only on paper, with no telling when one could actually move in.

Moreover, the whole family had to work, and every month they had to take out loans…

But this did not prevent Wang Chong from becoming a god among men.

You see.

In this world with backward productivity, even without loans, the public would hardly have any money left over.

In years of disaster, they might have to sell land, houses, or even their children to survive…

But holding the stocks issued by Wang Chong, even with thirty years of debt and not a penny in hand,

At least they had work every year, and with work, they could survive. Waiting a few years to move into a spacious and bright house was like living in heaven for them.

After unifying the world, Du Ge didn’t even know how high his attributes had become.

He only knew that when he circulated energy in a full circle and absorbed spiritual power, the cultivators in the Mahayana Realm around him couldn’t even think about cultivating, because they couldn’t capture even a trace of spiritual power.

Even without using spiritual power, he could shake mountains with a shrug and stir the cosmos with a stomp…

It seems the legend of Gonggong breaking Mount Buzhou must be true.

Du Ge seemed to have entered a new realm, his body tougher than steel, standing still and letting the Mahayana Realm cultivators attack him without being able to harm him in the slightest.

Du Ge’s realm gave those Mahayana cultivators he had bullied a new hope, all of them looking forward to the day when Du Ge would break through the world’s limits and reopen the path to ascension for them.

No matter how strong the body, it can’t be taken back; the key is the increase in mental power that comes with attribute enhancement.


Du Ge’s mental power had reached an astonishing 84,000, surpassing Nan Youlong’s 78,000, with his divine sense covering a hundred miles in all directions.

He had money, people, and power…


If this world wasn’t a playground created by Pan-Universal Entertainment for ratings, and he had truly traveled here, with the achievements he had now, Du Ge wouldn’t want to go back.


The body on Qi Yuan Star wasn’t his; there was nothing to miss…

But now, with the power and status to look down on everything, Du Ge wanted to return even more.

Freedom, he wanted true freedom, not the kind that could be taken away at any moment.

To achieve true freedom, he had to confront Pan-Universal Entertainment head-on.

In this world where even ascension was impossible, seeking an answer to fight against Pan-Universal Entertainment was clearly futile.

Therefore, he had to experience more worlds to find the answer.

“Old Dan, don’t you think the Alien Star Battlefield is lacking in challenge? It’s even less interesting than the Simulation Field. These guys are too weak.”

Yan Country.

Supervisory Institute.

Du Ge watched Dan Cong, who was writing furiously, and sighed.

Dan Cong’s pen paused, and he offered a sheepish smile: “Maybe you’re just too strong?”

As Du Ge’s power grew, so did Dan Cong’s realm, rising with the tide.

After all, his reputation was spreading.

Through his own cultivation, his cultivation level had reached the Divine Transformation Realm, and his ranking in the Alien Star Battlefield was firmly in second place.

But every time he interacted with Du Ge, Dan Cong was terrified, fearing that on a whim, Du Ge would take his head.

They didn’t belong to the same force; killing him could potentially give Wang Chong’s native forces a chance to grab more resources. For the sake of more people surviving on his own planet, it wouldn’t be strange for Wang Chong to do anything.

“Old Dan, you seem distracted. Are you afraid of me?” Du Ge asked with a smile, looking at Dan Cong.

“Yes.” Dan Cong put down his pen and admitted candidly, “Wang Chong, you’re too strong. But it’s undeniable that your tactics took everyone by surprise. After all, everyone is still following inertia, acting according to previous strategies. By the time you rose up, no one could contain you anymore.

Killing everyone, no one would be able to see the replay of this Alien Star Battlefield. You could still win using the same tactics next time.

Even if you spread your experience to the other warriors of your planet, the next Alien Star Battlefield could very well be dominated by your new tactics, catching everyone off guard. So, killing me is the best choice for you.”

“Is that what you think?” Du Ge laughed.

“Wouldn’t you do the same?” Dan Cong replied, “Once your tactics spread, everyone will learn them, and you won’t have the advantage in the next Alien Star Battlefield.”


I dare to do this because I have two Keywords!

Du Ge inexplicably thought of the second Simulation Field.

Back then, many tried to imitate his table-flipping, but in the end, they just provided him with precise coordinates.

Imitators are common, but those who learn from me die.

Flipping the table accurately is not so easy.

“Old Dan, don’t be so pessimistic. Do you remember what I said when I first sought your cooperation?” Du Ge looked at Dan Cong and shook his head with a smile.

“What?” Dan Cong frowned.

“I want to distribute the top ten spots, arranging one for each planet, so more people can survive.” Du Ge crossed his arms, “And now, I still plan to do so.”

“Why?” Dan Cong’s eyes widened, “By keeping the top ten for your planet, you could gain more resources for yourselves.”

“Because I can’t stand the way Pan-Universal Entertainment operates. Who are they to toy with lives? We are not their tools for amusement.” Du Ge’s face glowed with a saintly light, “They want us to fight, right? I’ll deny them the spectacle. I want more people to survive.

Today, I bestow kindness upon others, and in the future, on other Alien Star Battlefields, I hope others will bestow kindness upon my planet. When all Alien Star warriors adopt the concept of equal resources, more people will survive because of our good deeds. I want to thwart the schemes of Pan-Universal Entertainment in this way…”

Are you out of your mind?!

Dan Cong looked at Du Ge, his mind unable to comprehend again.

Because he realized that Wang Chong seemed serious. He swallowed and furrowed his brows, thinking, don’t you know how dark human nature can be?

How did I not realize you had such a compassionate heart?

Doing this, the people on your planet would probably court-martial you when you return!

“I know it’s idealistic, but someone has to do it, and I’m willing to be the first to challenge human nature on the Alien Star Battlefield.” Du Ge smiled.

Du Ge wasn’t faking his expression; he knew exactly what Dan Cong was thinking.

But he didn’t care.

Keeping the top ten for Qi Yuan Star was a fool’s dream. People can pretend, but he couldn’t tell which planet these people in other bodies were from.

Can a secret be kept once, let alone twice?

So, his tactics would eventually leak out.

Since they would leak, it might as well be him who spreads them.

Skills from the Alien Star Battlefield might be brought back to reality.

But when he was in the Simulation Field, the skill from his second Keyword was 100% brought out, so there was no reason that skills couldn’t be brought back from the Alien Star Battlefield.

And his second Keyword was Noble.

The second skill of Noble, Benevolent Healer, made those he helped harbor kind thoughts towards him;

So why should this help be limited to Qi Yuan Star?

Close by, he helped nine people less powerful than him gain resources and the chance to survive, who would inevitably become high-ranking on other planets upon their return;

In the distance, he helped the public of ten planets, distributing resources and giving them a chance to live, which was the greatest help…

In future Alien Star Battlefields, encountering even one or two Alien Star warriors who harbored kind thoughts towards him would be a huge win.

After all.

He had to go through seven Alien Star Battlefields.

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