Chapter 216 – The top ten list is announced

The next day.

Du Ge, with his seventh junior brother, junior sister, and the former master of Tianlan Valley, Xu Heming, Elder Qian Dajin, and three others from Tianlan Valley, rushed to Danyang City to explain the acquisition of Tianlan Valley to the Supervisory Institute.

The seventh junior brother showed excellent control abilities at Tianlan Valley, so Du Ge naturally wanted to bring him and train him.

As for why he brought the junior sister, it was purely because her skills were too low, and when it was necessary to transfer skills for the greater good, she could be used for that purpose.

It’s better to take advantage of her than others.

The junior sister had long heard about what happened at Tianlan Valley from the seventh junior brother and had been extremely envious when he was mentioned to have reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

This time.

When the third junior brother took her out, she deliberately wore several layers of clothing, waiting for him to transfer skills to her.

Not only her, but Xu Heming and the others also wrapped themselves up like zongzi.

After all.

Touching a piece of clothing would lead to the removal of a limb. The Sect Leader’s techniques were terrifying, but wearing a few more pieces of clothing wouldn’t hurt.

On the way to Danyang City, the Alien Star Battlefield announced the top ten rankings.

First place: Wang Chong; Sect Leader of the Seven Star Gate;

Second place: Luo Cang; Outer Disciple of the Tiandao Academy;

Third place: Xiahou Xin; Third in command at the Flame Dragon Gang;

Fourth place: Zuo Zhonghou; Menial worker at the Xingning Temple;

Fifth place: Yin Jun Tang; Third generation disciple of the Changsheng Zhai;

Sixth place: Shi Chunqi; Freshman at the Jixia Academy;

Seventh place: Shan Cong; Second-tier scholar of Yan State;

Eighth place: Niu Zilian; Attendant at the Outer Gate of the Bi Hai Palace;

Ninth place: Mo Yingjun; Princess of Daqing State;

Tenth place: Chi Shiwen; Soldier at the Yan State Prisoner of War Camp;

Du Ge glanced at the rankings and lost interest in the people listed.

These people were from all over the place, with all kinds of backgrounds, but the second-ranked person was just an outer disciple of the Tiandao Academy.

This proved that the ranking was meaningless.

The Tiandao Academy was the top sect in this world.

Such a sect had at least a thousand outer disciples, and there was basically no power or status, just slightly higher than menial workers.

In terms of status, the princess of Daqing State was undoubtedly the most noble, but she was only ranked ninth, lower than a menial worker at the Xingning Temple.

In other words, she had basically not used her status as a princess to influence the country’s affairs.

In short.

Except for his own efforts to develop his power over the past month, the other nine people were just there to make up the numbers, probably trying to take advantage of the situation, but not more than others.


After the rankings were announced, these people would probably not try to take advantage anymore. They would probably work hard to develop their power, cultivate their keywords, and quickly grow, eliminating others.

To be precise, the battle in the Alien Star Battlefield was only just beginning.

At this point.

There were still 1270 people left on the Alien Star Battlefield.

Those who ranked lower would not take on the top ten themselves, but would use various external forces to eliminate those in the top ten, exposing more people.

For those in the top ten, in order to survive, they would not only need to strengthen their own power, but also take action against others in the top ten, allowing more people to enter the top ten and then eliminate them. This was the most common practice…


The most panicked group of people at this time were the warriors ranked between eleven and thirty, who were most afraid to use their keywords and would lie low in the days to come, allowing their rankings to drop, and that was them…

“These people are too tangled up. Why not just develop their own abilities and fight openly?” Du Ge muttered to himself.

He had already made up his mind to strive forward and kill everyone before they could develop their abilities, and completely revitalize this stagnant situation.

The princess of Daqing State was not easy to kill, but was it not easy to kill a menial worker at the Xingning Temple?

Of course.

The premise was that he had to gain mobility.

“Senior brother, what are you thinking?” the junior sister asked. “Are you worried that the Supervisory Institute will be unfavorable to us?”

“No, I’m thinking about how to raise everyone to the Golden Elixir stage after borrowing the spirit stones,” Du Ge smiled and shook his head, looking at the dark clouds covering the sun. “The storm is coming!”

If you’re planning to rob the Supervisory Institute, how can the storm not come?

Xu Heming looked at Du Ge and muttered to himself.

Although he knew that Du Ge practiced a technique that absorbed the spiritual power of others and would eventually go down this path, he had never given up on treating his group of useless people. If he said he wasn’t moved, it would be a lie.

Who didn’t know that it was easier to find a group of healthy people and help them improve their skills?

Moreover, Wang Chong’s technique was obviously more suitable for being a lone ranger, challenging people of higher realms along the way, absorbing their skills, and becoming a super master in the shortest time possible, reaching the Golden Elixir and Elemental Infant stages.

Xu Heming couldn’t understand why he insisted on finding a group of hangers-on for himself.

A person with a top-notch evil technique, a kind heart, and an impulsive, reckless personality.

Can such a person really go far?

As Du Ge traveled day and night to Danyang City.

The Imperial Palace of Daqing State.

The emperor looked through the documents in his hand and at the official in front of him, with a strange expression on his face. “You mean the princess established an academy some time ago, openly recruiting women from the common people to teach them knowledge?””Hmm, I heard she’s at odds with the Third Prince, trying to prove to him that women are no less capable than men,” the official said. “Today, the princess has sent all the maids from her mansion to the academy. These days, she’s been persuading professors from the Imperial College, military instructors, and court officials to take positions in her academy. But the professors, upon hearing that the academy is full of women, worry about their reputations and not one wishes to go. The princess has already sought the Empress Dowager’s help…”

“Ridiculous, military generals? Even if women learn all sorts of skills, what then? Can they really go to the battlefield and fight?” The Emperor laughed disdainfully, shaking his head and tossing the document in his hand aside.

“Your Majesty, should we issue an edict to shut down the princess’s academy for women?” the official tentatively asked.

“No need, let her make a fuss,” the Emperor smiled. “When she can’t manage it anymore, it will stop naturally.”

Tian Dao Sect.

Luo Cang took a deep breath and knocked on the Elder’s door: “Elder, your disciple Luo Cang wishes to apply once more for the Inner Sect Disciple Examination.”

Yan Long Fort.

Xiahou Qing packed his belongings and climbed down the cliff from the back mountain overnight. By the moonlight, he checked the forged pass and plunged into the dense forest.

Xing Ning Temple.

Zuo Zhonghou knelt in front of the Zen master, his head heavily bowing down: “Master, some days ago, I heard my fellow disciple chanting scriptures, and I felt as if a Buddha’s light entered my body, ethereal, like a dream or illusion. I feel a connection with Buddha and wish to ask the Master to teach me the ways of Buddha’s teachings…”

Having already shaken off the Fang family’s guards, Fang Wenle was now leisurely lying in the arms of the top courtesan of a certain brothel, staring at the name of Wang Chong high above, then at his own ranking of 603, a sneer crossed his lips. He took a swig of wine and muttered, “First place? Truly courting death!”

Inside the tent, a languid voice came through: “If the young master doesn’t come soon, this servant really will die…”

The top ten each displayed their Supernatural Powers, beginning to fight for their own destinies.

Most of the warriors silently closed their personal Interfaces, continuing with their current tasks, as if the top ten rankings had nothing to do with them.

These elites from various planets had a deep understanding of the Alien Star Battlefield.

The current battles were between the top ten and the top thirty, irrelevant to them, and the early development of the top ten would take at least two to three years.

The real decisive battle in the world of immortals and martial arts would not happen until at least twenty years later. For now, hiding oneself was more important. There was no need to rush, just quietly lay out plans and wait for more people to expose themselves.

At this moment, Du Ge and his companions were already standing outside the Supervisory Office, waiting for the summons from within.

Fang Shan and a group of wealthy merchants stood to one side, anxious and fearful. The affairs of the Dan Yang City branch were forcibly suspended under the strong intervention of the Supervisory Office, with all assets and stocks seized. If Wang Chong could not withstand this challenge from the Supervisory Office,

Then everything of the Seven Stars Sect, as well as their investments, would turn to ash in an instant.

Fang Shan had never dealt with the Supervisory Office before. He didn’t understand why the Supervisory Office would forcefully intervene in all the good deeds of the Seven Stars Sect, which were beneficial to the country and the people, and where not a single due tax was omitted.

Moreover, the situation clearly indicated that they intended to suppress the Seven Stars Sect.

Those people probably don’t understand economics at all!

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