Chapter 187 – The reason for the plummeting ratings

Proofreader&Editor: Howard Wong

"Where are our people?" Du Ge asked.


"How can you be sure they are ours?" Nan Youlong inquired.


"Passwords," Du Ge replied.


"It's useless," Nan Youlong shook his head again, "300 people, scattered across the world, the chances of meeting are extremely low. Like you in the second Simulation Field, broadcasting passwords to find people, you just turned yourself into a live target.


Moreover, some seniors have been tricked with passwords before, controlled by people from other planets, and had their passwords stolen. In the end, they were ambushed at the critical moment and lost all their resources. Hence, the textbooks have left us with the principle of not trusting anyone.


So, later on, passwords were no longer used on the Alien Star Battlefield. Before entering the Alien Star Battlefield, we wouldn't even arrange for you to meet other candidates…"


Control skills?


Du Ge was stunned for a moment, recalling the loyalty in the second Simulation Field, the private property in the third, and the freedom, instigation, and so on.




Finding companions on the Alien Star Battlefield was not safe at all, and it might just be planting a ticking time bomb for oneself.


"Got it now?" Nan Youlong asked with a smile.


"Got it," Du Ge nodded, "Once on the Alien Star Battlefield, you can only rely on yourself, right?"


"No, you don't understand," Nan Youlong shook his head, "Entering the Alien Star Battlefield, if you meet one of our own, you should kill them to take their attributes, if necessary. In the end, only the top ten decide the distribution of resources."


Du Ge was stunned.


"There are three thousand people on the Alien Star Battlefield, three hundred from each planet. Among those three hundred, as long as one occupies a top ten position in the end, they get resource distribution," Nan Youlong explained, "Just like in the recently concluded Simulation Field, you killed all the top fifty, and those who were uninvolved and sneaky, they moved up into the top ten rankings and still got their resource distribution.


We would never let those people onto the Alien Star Battlefield. But if they return from the Alien Star Battlefield, they are still heroes.


So, playing it safe is not necessarily wrong. In fact, in every Simulation Field, we arrange for at least ten percent of people to play it safe, to vie for a chance to move up into the top ten."


"Alright!" Du Ge nodded helplessly, "I have to say, the Pan-Universal Entertainment is quite fair."


"As long as they can provide a spectacular show, they are not stingy with a bit of resources," Nan Youlong said, "Just like they specifically provided the Simulation Field for our training, all they want is the show."


"Yeah, now I really understand," Du Ge nodded again, "I can watch past recordings on my room's computer, right?"


"Correct," Nan Youlong nodded, "It's good to learn from the experiences of the predecessors."


"I got it," Du Ge said.


"Any other questions?" Nan Youlong asked.


"Not for now," Du Ge replied.


"Good, don't go anywhere these days, focus on preparing for battle. Contact me anytime if you have questions," Nan Youlong said with a smile, then turned to Liang Fei and Liang Le, "If possible, it's best to leave one or two children behind. Having ties gives you a reason to return, and perhaps in critical moments, you can unleash unexpected potential. You wouldn't want your glory to have no one to carry it on, right?"


"Yeah, I'll consider it," Du Ge said with a smile.


"By the way, how high is your mental power?" Nan Youlong asked.


"1600," Du Ge replied.


Nan Youlong was taken aback, then gave him a thumbs up, laughing, "Not bad, your mental power increased by more than a thousand in one Simulation Field. No wonder you want to enter the Simulation Field again. But experience is more important, once you're on the Alien Star Battlefield, you'll find it's easy to increase mental power. The mental power you gained in the Simulation Field is nothing."


Is it mental power I want?


I want skills, alright!


Du Ge complained to himself, recalling his damn Muddy Water Fishing, and asked, "Consultant Nan, after returning from the Alien Star Battlefield, can I enter the power core and really manage some affairs?"


Nan Youlong looked at him with a smile and said, "At least you have to come back alive first."




After Nan Youlong left.


Du Ge returned to his room, logged into the main server with his account and password, and sure enough, he saw a large number of data clips.


Each data clip was annotated with a detailed name.


Such as:


Bai Yanshou — 3035 Group A — Third Place — Fantasy Background — Bravery;


Advanced Skills:


– Heart of the Brave: The higher the courage, the stronger the combat power;


– Rally After Setback: Maintain combat passion in injured state, doubling all attributes;




Du Ge randomly picked one and started playing it.


The opening was a lush forest, different from the Simulation Field, with only a floating orb in the sky, no sight of other people. Perhaps, as Nan Youlong said, the world was too big, with three thousand people scattered into it, it was impossible to gather together.


The same random drifting for five minutes.


Just like his third Simulation Field start on the sea, nothing but forest, impossible to understand the world background in just five minutes.


Fortunately, Bai Yanshou was lucky.


After the protective shield ended, he encountered a Minotaur tribe on the plains, but when he was ready to perform Body Possession, the totem pole erected in the middle of the tribe burst out with white light, nearly obliterating him on the spot.


His weakened soul had no choice but to possess the body of a Minotaur child under three years old to barely survive…


Du Ge glanced at the video duration: 30,306 hours, 57 minutes, 18 seconds;




35 years?


Du Ge's brow twitched.


This one really spent half a lifetime on the Alien Star Battlefield!


No wonder Nan Youlong said living on the Alien Star Battlefield might not be uncomfortable!


Becoming a warrior, for people from civilian academies, dying on the Alien Star Battlefield is worth it!


Bai Yanshou's subsequent days were dull, growing up, tempering his body, relying on Keywords, bit by bit gaining prestige in the Minotaur tribe…


At that time, the first place Body Possession was an apprentice of a necromancer, with the Keyword arrogance;


Bai Yanshou didn't care about the top ten, he focused on developing himself until he became the chief of the tribe, and formed alliances with other tribes…


Watching him use Keywords by the book, like an ordinary transmigrator, Du Ge's patience gradually wore thin, he saw no passion in Bai Yanshou's growth, many places where he clearly had better options;


Du Ge fast-forwarded.


It took Bai Yanshou ten years to integrate the grassland tribes, becoming the chief of the great united tribe, and another ten years to swallow the Druid tribe…


Until the last five years.


The necromancer launched an undead scourge, sweeping the entire world.


The Holy Church, mages of various fallen nations, elves, and other righteous tribes united to fight against the necromancer;


Until the necromancer was eliminated, Bai Yanshou never revealed his identity…


"What the hell, what can I learn from this!" Until the video ended, Du Ge was in a state of confusion, "A documentary of a Minotaur's life? Minotaur women are so ugly, how could he bear to do it, and he had more than ten children, and even intermarried with centaurs…"


Du Ge opened a few more videos, the growth of the characters in the videos was much the same.


Soon, Du Ge discovered a pattern.


Those who achieved good rankings on the Alien Star Battlefield were mostly those who encountered a Keyword that matched their identity during Body Possession, and then played it safe, developing their own power bit by bit until they were qualified to compete for the world.


It was often the aliens who started wars.


There was a guy who transmigrated to a world of immortals and martial arts, randomly got the Keyword forbearance, and actually secluded himself in a Sect for thirty years, formed a Golden Elixir, became a master, and still didn't dare to go out and see the world…


To say the least, there was no entertainment value.


Du Ge continued to scroll through the videos.


He didn't see any Keywords like aggression, recklessness, impulsiveness, or despair.


The Keyword of Hua Guyun a hundred years ago was alliance, strategy, wealth, hypocrisy; his performance was still quite stunning, but the early stage was also about playing it safe, developing, and using the great power to pressure people…


Each video lasted almost more than 20 years.


Which means.


Not just Qi Yuan Star, but warriors from other planets participating in the Alien Star Battlefield were also seeking development.


Thinking about it, it's right, securing resources for one's own planet is the right way, showing off leads to a quick death!


In a normal world, the decisive battle time is around thirty to fifty years.


In worlds of immortals or with gods, where there might be more uncontrollable masters, this time could extend to about 200 years, which should be the limit of growth that Pan-Universal Entertainment can tolerate.


Taking ten years as a unit, isn't this slow development?




If everyone can't grow up, the fights aren't good to watch either…


However, the patience of aliens is also quite high!


At this moment.


Du Ge probably understood why the people from Pan-Universal Entertainment specifically named him for the battlefield; if everyone on the Alien Star Battlefield played like this, the ratings would plummet!


If he were the boss of Pan-Universal Entertainment, he would also find a few different styles of people to throw in and play!

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