Chapter 179 – The scheming


These people have seriously studied him…

Du Ge drove Enke out of the sea to breathe, temporarily away from the battlefield, and took the opportunity to relax and fish.

He could feel that his attributes had been decreasing all along, probably because a large number of fish in the net had been released and returned to freedom. But he didn’t care. His main improvement came from Enke and Selma. As long as these two big fish didn’t run away, a slight drop in attributes wouldn’t affect much…

Moreover, even if he released those pirates to freedom, it wouldn’t have much impact on the overall situation.

Both sides are in battle. Even if they regain their freedom, they won’t stop fighting in the face of the enemy’s gunfire.

Where can they run on the sea?

The pirates don’t have any other livelihood. If he sets them free, what can they do?

As long as he goes back, calls out, and even if he doesn’t have the fishing skill, these guys will still have to follow him…


Comparable to the keyword of trade, used by this guy in a stingy way…


The other side is the enemy. Du Ge can’t help but feel that there are more and more fools like this, just like Mans with “repair”. He didn’t remind the other party of the obligation to improve the keyword.

The top priority is to take down this guy who has freedom.

He’s too restrained!

“Enke, go back from the bottom of the water, find the one who harmed you just now. He actually tried to alienate you from the relationship with the sea god. What freedom can compare to being the pet of the sea god? Let’s find it and get rid of this hidden danger,” Du Ge gave Enke a new command.

He knew that the other party would make targeted arrangements based on his usual behavior, just like Mr. Zhao in the first simulation field.

But he didn’t care. What’s the point of being afraid of this and that when he’s the first?

Besides, as long as he doesn’t die, he will definitely be the biggest beneficiary in the end.

Enke’s perception is very keen, and he immediately dived into the sea, heading straight for the free Jimmy.

At this moment.

Jimmy was commanding the ship under him, cruising among the pirates, enjoying the increase in attributes wantonly.

He knew that his situation was very dangerous, but at this time, he couldn’t care about that much. He had to quickly raise his attributes in order to survive in this game.

It would be best if Gaul and Paul could both suffer.

In the simulation field, no one is trustworthy. Only the top ten are meaningful. Jimmy knew that those who were threatened by Gaul would not sincerely help him. Everyone is just waiting for a variable, an opportunity…


The octopus Enke burst out of the water, and its huge tentacles rolled towards the warship Jimmy was riding.

Jimmy turned and ran.

Du Ge wielded the sword of the dragon and pounced on him.

“Gaul, help!”

Jimmy’s freedom is as flattering as Vito’s, without any attack skills.

He saw the sea monster that Paul had re-captured and knew that releasing it would bring another wave of attribute increases. But now, he didn’t even have a chance to speak.

He had to use words to persuade the other party in order to let the target gain physical and mental freedom.

Pointing out Gaul’s concealment was only to distract Paul’s attention, to give himself a chance to escape, and to pit Gaul at the same time.

“Paul, concealment, Gaul’s keyword is concealment.” On another ship, Vito cooperated with Jimmy to pit Gaul. He knew that he had been controlled by Paul before, but Jimmy’s freedom saved him.

So, between Paul and Gaul, the choice was easy.

Gaul’s concealment was hard to defend against, and leaving him until last might result in getting nothing.

But Paul didn’t know that he had regained his freedom. With a little caution and not being touched by him, it was possible to turn the tables in the end.

After all.

Unless necessary, Paul rarely kills. He and Mikaro are actually the same type of people, liking to control and use others. If they succeed, they will climb very high. Once they fail, they will be beyond redemption.

This is the common weakness of people like them.

Two fools!

Gaul, who was hiding in the dark, ready to launch a surprise attack on Du Ge, was betrayed by two accomplices, and his nose was almost crooked with anger.

His hand was already on the gravity ring, but he forcibly stopped the rotation of the ring.

Paul was prepared. If he made a move, he would be walking into a trap.

No matter what kind of concealment, when making a move, his figure would be exposed. He actually only had one chance to make a move…

You f*cker, are you trying to pit Gaul?

Clearly, you’re trying to pit me!

When Vito spoke, Jimmy’s face changed immediately, and he quickly turned around: “Paul, I surrender…”

The sword light flashed.

Jimmy’s voice abruptly stopped, and a head, with a look of unwillingness, fell to the deck.

Feeling the increase in attributes in his body, Du Ge breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself, this guy’s ranking is not low!


This one released Enke, so naturally, he gained a lot of attributes.

But he also captured Enke back, and his attributes didn’t drop…

In other words, his freedom, like happiness, would permanently retain the attributes that were raised at the time, and he could repeatedly give the same target freedom.

What a pity.I hadn’t met this guy at the right time; otherwise, I would have let him use Enke to boost his attributes, fatten him up, and then slaughter him, making all his attributes my own.

That said, freedom and slacking off do go well together!

Grab with one hand, release with the other, and watch the attributes soar.

Indeed, with his dual souls and two keywords, he is the real big BUG…

Although Vito had exposed the keyword of Gaul, Du Ge no longer trusted him.

Flattery can be quite dangerous.

The scheming among them left Du Ge speechless. If Jimmy hadn’t called out Gaul’s name, and Vito hadn’t exposed Gaul’s keyword, perhaps I could have assassinated him successfully.

After all, I couldn’t sense Gaul’s presence at all.

At this moment, Du Ge suddenly missed Wang San and Feng Zhong from the first Simulation Field. That was genuine, sincere cooperation. The folks in the elite field are too complicated.


Since you dare to show yourself, you’re still my fish…

Du Ge chuckled, turned around, and leaped onto Vito’s ship, opening his arms warmly as he approached: “My dear partner, Vito Hoover Silverfish, I’ve finally seen you again. I thought you were eliminated?”

Vito Hoover Silverfish!

Vito’s forehead twitched with veins, damn, he was too cautious!

“Come, let’s join hands again and take back the Golden Compass.” Du Ge reached out his hand with a smile, “Women should help each other, the promises of the past won’t change. After we find Gaul, I’ll let you kill him, and we’ll both advance as top ten…”

At that moment.

I had changed my name first, and Paul took my hand, which is when the flattery stopped working.

I don’t acknowledge this name, so it should be fine, right?

“Really?” Vito pretended to be surprised, “You’ll let me kill Gaul?”

“Yes!” Du Ge insisted, taking his hand, “It’s been days since we’ve seen each other, and you haven’t changed a bit, still my dear sister. If it weren’t for you, maybe Gaul would have ambushed me.”

Not feeling any change in my body, this handshake should have failed.

“My dear sister, you must have changed back to your original name when you joined the navy, right? Sea fish will bring us luck. Now that we’ve reunited, change your name back.” Du Ge didn’t feel any attribute increase, holding his hand without letting go, still smiling, “Tell me loudly, what’s your name?”


Feeling Du Ge’s grip tightening, and the murderous intent hidden in his eyes, Vito wanted to cry but had no tears, murmuring softly: “Vito Hoover Silverfish.”

Many navy soldiers surrounded them, but at this moment, no one dared to move, awkwardly watching the two reminisce.

They didn’t understand why two grown men insisted on calling each other sisters, but then again, considering this was Paul, who made pirates dance in skirts, they let it go.

“That’s right, Vito Hoover Silverfish, welcome back to the team. Now, tell me, those people are the examinees, let’s go take them down and help you climb the ranks.” This time, Du Ge felt the attribute increase, his smile suddenly became genuine, he released Vito’s hand, flashed past, and chopped down all the masts of the ship.


Vito looked at Paul with a grievance, sighed, and thought, controlled again. The elite Simulation Field really has no easy targets, each more meticulous than the last.

Compared to Paul and Gaul, it’s only right that I was eliminated…

I hope Paul keeps his word!

To advance as a top ten and become a reserve soldier, that’s all I ask for.

“Alright, I’ll take you to Warden, he has the keyword ‘Swift’. Just take him down, and all the royal navy, including Gaul, won’t be able to escape.” Vito cheered up, decisively returning to his role as the guide.




Gaul, hiding in the shadows, watched with a cold gaze. You don’t trust me, but you trust him?

The Golden Compass is in my hands!

Without the Golden Compass, you’ll never be able to finish this Simulation Field in your lifetime!

Kill me!

I’m already second, at worst I’ll just take the Golden Compass and drag it out until the Simulation Field ends…

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