Chapter 178 – Born free

Sailing into the waters near Elgarale.

The first thing Du Ge saw was the neatly arranged hundreds of warships, and every sailor on the warships was dignified, forming a sharp contrast with Du Ge’s side.

After all.

In order to create happiness, the sailors on Du Ge’s side had long been transformed into a happy circus.

Different from before, Du Ge revealed terrifying combat power surpassing sea monsters on Phoenix Tail Island, conquering everyone in the pirate group, and they even obtained the Sea God’s Feather, which was a symbol of invincibility in the ocean.

Serving such a strong individual made them feel honored and happy.

And compared to the unpredictable battles, dancing wasn’t unacceptable.

After all, dancing doesn’t kill people…

The ten people left by Gaul were specifically selected to deal with Du Ge.

But Du Ge’s advanced skills were too deceptive.

It wasn’t transmitted by the Black Magic Hand, and it could be stopped as long as one didn’t laugh.

Originally, when Du Ge’s pirates danced, their morale was low, and it felt like torture.

But now, they were truly happy.

As long as someone is happy, bad luck will occur, so all the way, Du Ge didn’t dare to rehearse…

Invasion was rampant.

When attacking, the attributes doubled, which meant they couldn’t counterattack in a defensive posture like Safra.

At the sight of the Sea Fish Pirate Group, Aiden commanded the Royal Navy to charge.

When the Sea Fish Dance Troupe fell into the water, broke masts, and ran aground due to various accidents, the Royal Navy also experienced various bizarre misfortunes.

The helmsman suddenly had a severe stomachache and lost control of the direction;

The sailor controlling the sail accidentally got entangled in the sail rope, and in the process of breaking free, lowered the main sail, causing a series of collisions between ships…

Of course, there was also the classic accidental firing of the cannons…

With over a thousand warships between the two sides, various bizarre non-combat casualties occurred.

It looked like two groups of clumsy novice pirates fighting on the sea.

Despite frequent accidents, both sides were still in high spirits, and the Sea God’s Feather and its speed boost were equally effective.

The two unlucky fleets soon collided.

The cannons roared.

The dancing Sea Fish Pirate Group was obviously no match for the Royal Navy, which had been preparing for battle all along. As soon as they met, they fell into a disadvantage and had several ships sunk by fierce cannon fire.

The sailors in skirts had to hurriedly run to their respective battle stations, adjust the cannons, and return fire…

To guard against Paul’s sneak attack, Gaul and others were dispersed and hidden in different naval warships.

Gaul reached out and pulled off the cannon’s roar, and in the splashing sea, a large crab landed on his head.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, he let out a cold laugh, found the location of Octopus Enke, jumped off the warship, and swam over there.

The moment he entered the water, his figure had disappeared, blending into the sea.

His keyword was concealment, the exclusive keyword of an assassin.

It was with this keyword that he infiltrated Micaro’s fleet, witnessed all of Micaro’s conspiracies, and figured out everyone’s keywords.

In the end, he obtained the Golden Compass from Micaro, and when Vito and others had a falling out with him, he swiftly rose to second place by attacking the examinee who possessed the control keyword.

Not only did his attributes soar, but he also obtained Micaro’s Ring of Gravity.

While others attracted Paul’s attention, he felt completely confident in launching a surprise attack to take down Paul.

After obtaining the Golden Compass and killing over twenty people, he unexpectedly didn’t have the highest overall attributes.

Gaul couldn’t imagine what Paul had done to boost his attributes so high, even if he obtained the Fate Chart, he intercepted the Golden Compass afterward!

Kill Paul.

Take his attributes and all his equipment, and he would be the absolute first in the Simulation Field.

At this moment.

A crazy obsession had taken root in Gaul’s heart.

“Take care of yourself.”

Du Ge reminded Mans and gave Enke the command to attack.

He couldn’t distinguish who the examinee was on the opposite side.

After all, the sea was too chaotic, and in such a situation, no one would be foolish enough to expose themselves.

Since they wouldn’t come out.

Then sink all the ships.

Without ships, they would naturally jump out.

In any case, the Golden Compass must not leave Elgar Enke.

With Mans around, he wasn’t afraid of how many ships would be damaged…

The giant octopus swam out, and its huge tentacles rolled toward the Royal Navy’s ships, sinking one ship in just a few moves.

Du Ge also rushed out and transformed into a humanoid sea monster at the bottom of the sea, swiftly dismantling the ships with the Dragon Sword, while raising his mental power to the highest, perceiving the changes on the battlefield…

One person and one monster cooperated.

The Royal Navy’s warships sank one after another.


A voice entered Du Ge’s ears.

“All living things have the freedom to choose their own lives. Enke, why should you be subject to others? Be free, the sea is your home…”

With this voice.

Du Ge felt that his attributes had dropped significantly.

He was stunned for a moment and instinctively looked in the direction of the voice.

At this moment.

The sea monster Enke seemed to have broken free, released the ships entangled by its tentacles, and turned to the sea without hesitation…


The nemesis.

This one has liberated his private property.

Du Ge didn’t care about drilling the ship, he stuck his head out of the sea and blew the horn of the ocean.

The sound of the horn echoed on the sea.

But the octopus Enke seemed to have not heard it at all, and continued to dive into the depths of the sea!This is true freedom indeed, even the Sea God’s restrictions have lost their effect!

Du Ge cursed under his breath, tossed aside the Ocean Horn, and turned to chase after Encke.

Encke was not only an assistant but also linked to his attributes; he absolutely couldn’t let this big guy get away…

As Du Ge turned to pursue the sea monster,

Gaul had locked onto his position, stealthily making his way towards Paul, while simultaneously twisting the Ring of Gravity in his hand, applying pressure to Du Ge to slow down his movement speed…


He watched, wide-eyed, as Du Ge sped off, swimming further and further away.

In the blink of an eye, he had vanished from sight.

“Damn! How high are this one’s attributes? Can’t even the Ring of Gravity hold him down?” Gaul was stunned at that moment, then quickly realized, “No, it’s the Dragon Sword in his hand, the Dragon Sword that’s providing him with power.”

Seeing that he couldn’t catch up to Du Ge, Gaul had no choice but to give up the chase and turned back, planning to lurk near Jimmy.

Jimmy had released the sea monster.

If Du Ge caught the sea monster, he would surely come to kill Jimmy first.

That would be his chance to strike; an assassin’s skills are stealth and a one-hit kill, chasing after Du Ge would be foolish.

The nine people he left behind were both helpers and bait.

What “swift action”?

With the Feather of the Sea God, Vaden is nothing!

As long as he could take first place, anyone could be sacrificed…

But just as his head emerged from the water, a cannonball, coming from who knows where, struck his head without warning, leaving him dazed and bleeding profusely.

If it weren’t for his high attributes, that cannonball would have eliminated him on the spot!

Truly damned unbelievable!

Gaul, frustrated, clutched his head, feeling the blood gushing out, hesitated for a moment, then stealthily moved behind a companion who wasn’t much use as a “Keyword,” and with one slice ended his life, healing his own injuries.

“Freedom for humans is like air for life. Oh people bound by Paul, why not break free from your shackles and fight for freedom?”

Having released the sea monster Encke, Jimmy’s attributes soared, propelling him to the 13th place. Overjoyed, he redoubled his efforts, setting his sights on the members of the Sea Fish Pirate Gang, freeing everyone he could within his power.

Top ten!

Breaking into the top ten would satisfy him.

Moreover, he also discovered that helping the Sea Fish Pirate Gang regain their freedom increased his attributes much more than helping others.

This proved that these people were definitely under Du Ge’s control.

Freeing them would correspondingly weaken Du Ge, making him easier to deal with.


Having released Encke, he had already offended Du Ge; he didn’t mind offending him a bit more…

As Jimmy was freeing the pirates, Vito on another ship also heard his voice.

Immediately after, he furrowed his brow, reflecting on his own abnormal behavior during this period, and was overjoyed. He looked longingly at Jimmy on the other ship, wishing he could embrace him and plant a big kiss.

Under the sea, Encke was very fast.

But a sea monster is a sea monster; when it felt the threat of the human behind it, it didn’t think to speed up and escape but instead turned around to face the enemy. Its tentacles reached for Du Ge, and once again, Encke went from being Free Encke to Pet Encke.

Du Ge’s attributes returned.

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