Chapter 174 – Turmoil

Only the elite can enter this simulation field, and they are good at disguising themselves.

Du Ge did not expect Saphira’s generals to find them, and he couldn’t cover everything by himself, so he naturally focused on the important matters.

It takes half a month to sail from Phoenix Tail Island to Alta Ale, even with the addition of the Feather of the Sea God, it only triples the speed, and it still takes at least five days.

Large-scale military operations require a lot of preparation, at least two days at the fastest.

After all.

After finding the Golden Compass, they still need to set off to find the Trident of the Sea God, and they can’t just find a place to replenish supplies at the last minute.

Some things can be urgent, and some things cannot.

There are nearly five hundred examinees in the simulation field, and any kind of accident could happen, just like the Black Magic Hand last time. If he hadn’t been clever at the time and used his head to hit the boat, his head and body would have been separated and he would have been eliminated.

At a critical moment, he couldn’t just dance in a skirt!

Thinking of dancing, Du Ge considered for a moment and still prepared a white dress for himself, being careful for thousands of years.

So, nearly eight hundred pirate ships must be brought along, not for fighting, but to bring joy to the enemy.

They are his guarantee of survival.


He has a nautical chart and the Feather of the Sea God, so he is already much faster than others.

Even if others are faster than him, the Sea God’s daughter, Janet, is with him. If they find the Trident of the Sea God and want to end the simulation field, they will have to come to him…

Blitzkrieg can be fought, but not recklessly.


Du Ge made the most adequate preparations.

In another five days, it will be the end of the month.

At that time, the top ten rankings will be announced.

He can just see what the situation is with the shrinking circle?

This damn simulation field, all the time is wasted on the road.

When Du Ge was preparing for the expedition supplies.

The examinees on Phoenix Tail Island had already spread the news in various ways.

Mahamadu and Mikro didn’t understand what had happened when they inexplicably lost the fragment of the nautical chart, but that didn’t stop them from making preparations in advance. To infer the whole from a part, the elites in the simulation field all have strong deductive abilities.

“The Sea Fish Pirate Group’s Paul has collected the Destiny Nautical Chart and obtained the Feather of the Sea God from Janet…”

“Paul Wals single-handedly conquered Saphira. Where will Mahamadu and Jon Ludi go?”

“The Golden Compass is hidden in Alta Ale. Friends, this is the last chance to stop Paul.”

“Admiral Mikaro is summoning wizards with enhanced mobility to the Silver Mountain Port…”

“Urgent! Mahamadu is offering a reward for individuals with enhanced mobility.”

“Jon Ludi is offering a reward for examinees with enhanced mobility…”

With the instigation of the examinees, the situation on Phoenix Tail Island spread like wildfire.

For a while.

All the examinees in the simulation field went crazy.

How did this guy do it?

In less than a month, how did he collect the Destiny Nautical Chart and even find Janet?

Who is he after all?

This is an elite pre-selection competition. All those who can participate in this simulation field are outstanding examinees from all over, from third-year students to fourth-year students. They all have their own abilities to stand out in the cruel simulation field.

They have their own pride.

They are not like Du Ge, who can enter the Alien Star Battlefield whether or not he enters the top ten.

This simulation field is their final assessment. Those who enter the top ten will go to the Alien Star Battlefield, and those who don’t will return to the civilian class. After experiencing a month of luxurious life, no one wants to go back to being a civilian.

On the Alien Star Battlefield, because the flow of time is different, they can live for at least several decades. Even if they live a grand and glorious life, they will have earned it back. If they win, there are various benefits to enjoy. So, even if they die, they want to die on the Alien Star Battlefield.

Once you have tasted the top luxury, going back to being a civilian is worse than death.

Even the top ten examinees have a strong sense of crisis.

Before the end of the simulation field, all rankings are meaningless. It’s too dangerous to wait for the end at this time. It’s possible that others might casually kill a few people and make a name for themselves, and then they will be pushed down. There won’t even be time to cry at that point.

This damn Paul has caught everyone off guard.

By the time they get to the Alien Star Battlefield, at this stage of development, they have already lost.

Snatching rankings, improving themselves, spreading news to mobilize examinees from all over. At this point, waiting is just plain stupid.

…”……Everything must go, don’t miss out as you pass by, top-quality rum, finest crafted blankets, porcelain from the distant East, all for just two silver coins each, all for two silver coins! Pick anything, choose anything, we’re not counting costs, it’s a clearance sale……”

This was a candidate with the “Trade” keyword.


“Three silver coins on the small.”

“Ten silver coins, I bet your left leg is one centimeter shorter than your right.”

“Three silver coins, I bet the number of moles on your body is odd……”

This was a candidate with the “Gambling” keyword.

He had been leisurely gambling in the casino, and in nearly a month’s time, he had made a name for himself as the “Gambling Madman” in the city.

But the moment he heard that Paul had collected the Destiny Sea Chart, he couldn’t care about anything else.

Bet on anything, make up for quality with quantity, use the greatest odds to increase his attributes.

He even considered, after leaving the casino, to find the mayor and make a big gamble on the city’s fate to boost his fame.


“Get moving, everyone get to work, no one eats until the job’s done! What are you waiting for? Are you even pirates? Drink up and go out and rob for me…”

“What are you looking at? Cook your dish properly, it’s been ten seconds and not a single dish is ready, believe it or not, I’ll chop off your head and throw it into the frying pan.”

A candidate with the “Urging” keyword was eating in a bar, and upon hearing the news of the Destiny Sea Chart from the bar owner, he didn’t hesitate for a moment, drew his curved blade, and started urging all the customers, chefs, and waiters in the bar.

And it didn’t stop with the people in the bar.

To the astonishment of everyone, he ran out onto the streets and started urging the passersby.

Suddenly, even walking slowly became a sin.


“Brother, it doesn’t matter that your father has died, you have to be strong and look forward. Yes, smile, be optimistic, your life is still full of hope. Death is just death, it’s not a big deal……”

At the funeral.

A candidate with the “Optimism” keyword unhesitatingly stood up, encouraging the mourners to be optimistic.


As the crowd became agitated and wanted to beat him up, the “Optimism” candidate drew his curved blade and held it to the filial son’s neck: “Tell me, should we look forward, should we be optimistic? I’m about to be eliminated, yet I still think the sky is blue, the air is beautiful!”


In one day, there were 80 kidnapping cases in Mazia City;

The pirate ship docked at Lido Port was forced by a madman to start a race within the harbor;

A noble on Rolia Island suddenly started a killing spree at his own banquet…


Honesty, selflessness, fairness, generosity, pettiness, defiance, paranoia, competition…

Each candidate had a different keyword.

They showcased their abilities, using various methods to make a name for themselves, to increase their attributes.

Cities, ports, and islands within the Simulation Field were overrun with all sorts of madmen, disrupting the social order.

The whole world went mad in an instant.

450, 400, 300…

In just three or four days, the number of candidates in the Simulation Field plummeted.

The growth from actions and words that matched their keywords was ultimately not as fast as killing, especially when someone was exposed, candidates with evil-type keywords naturally turned their blades on their companions.


And the bounty notices for Mikaro and Mahamadou were undoubtedly telling everyone that they too were candidates, come and join forces with them!

Only by joining forces could they take down Paul.


A large number of candidates with various motives began to converge towards Silver Mountain Port and Xiushan Island, Paul’s strong collection of the Destiny Sea Chart disrupted everyone’s rhythm, they were already desperately seeking solutions.

After all.

There were only ten spots in the top ten.


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