Chapter 172 – Decisive Action

I’m so stupid!


If I had known that the fate chart could be collected in this way, I would have done it myself…

Now, I’ve given it to someone else for nothing!

Mans looked straight at the complete chart in Du Ge’s hand, suddenly raised his hand and gave himself a hard slap.

Well done!

Safla secretly exclaimed.

“What are you doing?” Du Ge asked knowingly.

“Fixing my brain,” Mans muttered.

If you don’t open your mind, you can’t fix it!

Du Ge muttered in his heart, deciding to comfort the new underling who was injured: “No need to regret it. Even if you know you can repair the chart, Safla won’t give it to you. Because she doesn’t trust you. Unless you kill her and take her chart, otherwise, gaining her trust will take a lot of time.

Assuming you know she has the chart, can you still gain her trust when you inquire if she has the chart?

You should know.

Safla is the king of the South Sea. If you show any sign of suspicion, she will doubt you.

Even if she doesn’t doubt you, you have to expose your abilities to gain her appreciation, and then she will give you the chart.

But exposing your abilities will put you in danger, and you might be killed by someone to gain experience. Or you might go to great lengths to get the complete chart, only to be killed by someone else who takes the chart. You don’t have enough strength to protect yourself, do you?

This is an unsolvable problem.”

“…” Mans thought carefully, and it was true. If it were just him, he might not be able to get the complete chart.

“So, meeting me is already the perfect ending for you. You have the ability to repair the chart, and I have strong force. The two of us together are invincible,” Du Ge said with a smile at Mans. “Brother, your luck has come. Add a suffix of ‘sea fish’ to your name. With the two of us working together, we will conquer the world.”

“Mans Eel.”

Mans looked at Du Ge and obediently added a sea fish suffix to his name.

He knew there was a problem with the sea fish suffix, but Paul had already obtained the complete fate chart, so theoretically his role was already fulfilled. At this point, obedience was the best choice.

Surviving, not getting first place, still had rewards for getting in the top ten.

“Mans Eel, welcome to my team,” Du Ge said warmly, reaching out his hand and shaking Mans’ hand firmly.

“Okay,” Mans’ tense mood relaxed.

Du Ge then looked at Safla.

“Swordfish, Safla, Swordfish.” Safla understood immediately, quickly changed her name, and squeezed out the most sincere smile on her face.


Fate chart.

The examinees on Phoenix Island had a bad feeling when Du Ge made Safla submit and hand over the fate chart.

When Mans took the initiative to come out, repaired the mast with a few hammers, and then repaired the fate chart with another hammer, the examinees were all stunned!

What’s going on?

It hasn’t even been a month yet!

The fate chart has been collected?

Next, Du Ge found the Golden Compass, and then through the Golden Compass found the Trident of the Sea God, and traded it to Jenny. The simulation field was likely to end directly!

What’s the point of them still playing?

It hasn’t even been a month yet!

Their attributes are getting lower and lower, how can they compete with Du Ge?


The signal officer on the Phoenix Conch issued orders, Safla’s pirate ship started to act, and began to cooperate with Paul’s pirate ship to block the entire Phoenix Island. The examinees on the pirate ship were sensitive to the danger.

Paul obtained the fate chart, and next, he would definitely take action to eliminate them.

While they were weak, he would eliminate everyone, and naturally, no one would obstruct him from completing the main task. And, by eliminating them, he could also block the news…


Before he completes the blockade of Phoenix Island, escape from here and spread the news, there’s still a chance!

“Guys, can’t fight anymore, I need to go take care of something.” On a certain artillery position, the gunner suddenly stood up and smiled at the loader next to him.

“Hurry back.” The loader didn’t even look up. “Safla surrendered, I feel like we’re going to have new work soon, probably have to put on a dress and go dance on the ship, this damn Paul…”

Ignoring the chattering loader, the gunner left the artillery position and ran to the back mountain of Phoenix Island at the fastest speed. The back mountain of Phoenix Island was a cliff that not even monkeys could climb. Usually, it wasn’t used for defense, but for them, it was no problem.

The gunner quickly passed through the crowd, and as soon as he stepped onto the back mountain, he saw the bartender who often went to the bar, also carrying a large package and heading into the woods.

As soon as they saw each other, both of them stopped in their tracks.

The gunner instinctively drew his machete.

The bartender didn’t hesitate: “Decisive, my keyword is decisive.”

The gunner was stunned for a moment. “My keyword is humility. I’m not as good as you.”

The bartender breathed a sigh of relief and said, “You’ve seen what happened with the fate chart. We have no chance if we fight alone. Let’s work together, only then do we have a chance.”

The gunner thought for a moment and sheathed his knife. “Okay, I’ll follow your lead.”The bartender chuckled, “I’ve prepared a boat behind the hill. While Paul is gathering forces at Phoenix Tail Island, we should seize the time to leave and spread the news. We need to unite more people to stand against Paul.”

The gunner nodded, “That’s what I was thinking too.”

“Let’s go, time is of the essence,” the bartender glanced at him and said.

“After you,” the gunner said with a smile, stepping back to physically show his deference.

“No problem,” the bartender unhesitatingly took the lead, “Brother, I still don’t know your name.”

“You first,” the gunner continued to yield.

“I’m also called Paul, Paul Marlen,” the bartender said with a smile, glancing at him, “I must say, our skills really complement each other. With just a bit of your modesty, I can make decisions immediately.”

“Yeah, it’s a pity they’re not main combat skills,” the gunner laughed, “My name is Henry. Just call me Henry, at this point, names don’t mean much anymore.”

“You can call me Marlen, to distinguish me from that Paul,” the bartender said, “By the way, tell me about your advanced skill! We’re in the same boat now, we should trust each other.”

“Why don’t you go first?” the gunner humbly said, “I think you’re more suited to be the leader.”

“…” The bartender looked at him and said, “My skill is called Decisive Action. It helps others make quick decisions. You’ve been to my bar for drinks, haven’t you noticed how quickly you order and pay when you meet me?”

The gunner was taken aback, “So, was I influenced by you just now?”

“No, that was the choice of your innermost heart,” the bartender said, “I can help you decide, but I can’t change your thoughts.”

“You’ve still changed my thoughts,” the gunner frowned.

“Henry, Paul has already obtained the Destiny Sea Chart. Worrying about these things is pointless now. If we don’t stop him, in a few days, we’ll all be eliminated,” the bartender shook his head, “So, why not just openly share our skills? It’s beneficial for both of us.”

“A dead Taoist friend does not make a poor Taoist,” the gunner glanced at the bartender, “In times of danger, I can designate someone from the same camp to take risks or fight for me.”

“…” The bartender’s steps suddenly halted, and he looked at the gunner warily, “Damn, how did you awaken such an outrageous skill? That’s really modest of you! Your skill should be used to surrender to Paul and then betray him. I feel it’s too dangerous to be with you.”

“Buddy, don’t be so tense,” the gunner shrugged and smiled, “You can make decisions for me, right? As long as our team is big enough, I can never harm you. Unless the skill you told me is fake. Cooperation is based on honesty, isn’t it? If we fight amongst ourselves now, we’ll gain nothing from this Simulation Field.”

“You’re right,” the bartender said, “But I still think you should surrender to Paul. That would yield greater benefits…”

“I could indeed send Paul to his death or have him fight for me,” the gunner said, “But can you stop him? Once he’s done killing you all, who do you think his blade will turn to next? We need to find more people, have more skills to cooperate, and only then do we stand a chance against that powerful guy.”

“Alright!” the bartender looked at the gunner and nodded, “Henry, but I think you should disguise your skill to some extent, otherwise, no one will want to team up with us.”

“I’ve thought about this problem before,” the gunner smiled, “What do you think about changing it to ‘A Step Back Opens Up the World’? Wouldn’t others find it easier to accept?”

“That’s a good name,” the bartender said, “But for some reason, being with you, I still feel a chill down my spine.”

“Marlen, don’t always think I’ll target our own people,” the gunner said, “Paul got the sea monster, but don’t forget, there’s also a siren. As long as we find the siren, we might stand a chance. Maybe you can pull the siren into our team, and then I’ll have her go to her death for us.”

“I suspect that all the information about the sirens is fake, finding her is no easier than finding the Trident of the Sea God,” the bartender sighed.

“Don’t be so downhearted, there are still over four hundred candidates in the Simulation Field,” the gunner smiled, “Maybe someone has awakened a skill to find people! Paul is too powerful, this is an opportunity. We just need to raise our banner high and attract more people to our side…”

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