Chapter 166 – Great Fun Person


A golden figure broke through the surface of the sea.

The water splashed up by her shimmered in the moonlight.


Ed’s pupils suddenly dilated.

He instinctively took a step back. Oh no, the sea monster found him. There’s no need for him to assassinate Paul. The Sea Horn must have been taken by Selma.

Enk’s tentacles immediately reached out towards Selma in the air.

Selma swung her spear, knocking away Enk’s large tentacles, and shouted, “Enk, are you sure you want to attack me?”

Enk bared his teeth and claws, firmly guarding Du Ge behind him.

“Fool, he’s not the reincarnation of the sea god at all.” Selma looked at Du Ge and asked, “So, you’re Paul Wells?” She looked Du Ge up and down, showing a look of surprise. “Indeed, a strong man. No wonder Enk mistook you.”


Is she here to ask Du Ge for offspring?

Upon hearing this, Ed took a deep breath. Oh God, did he do something wrong?

Selma didn’t come for revenge after all. If Paul and Selma’s transaction was successful and they obtained Selma’s treasure, then he would truly be the king of pirates!

Thank goodness the assassination didn’t happen.

Marsha looked at Selma, her eyes burning.

Barry shivered, oh no, the real master found him.

I knew I shouldn’t have made fun of Selma!

Is the path to becoming the king of pirates going to be cut off?

If only he hadn’t spread rumors about Selma…

What a big fish!

I have to touch her no matter what…

Du Ge looked at Selma’s fish tail and showed the most sincere smile. “Selma, I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Waiting for me?” Selma snorted, pointing her spear at Du Ge. “Is that the reason you spread rumors about me to force me to come find you?”

“Selma, don’t you think we’re the same kind of people?” Du Ge smiled.

“What kind of people?” Selma was stunned.

“Fun people!” Du Ge laughed. “It’s just that you use trade to bring happiness to yourself, while I use rumors to bring happiness to the world. Don’t you think it’s fun to fool a bunch of idiots?”

“I created an era of fish in your name, and everyone believed it. A group of people happily added the suffix ‘fish’ to their names and even renamed their ships. Tell me, what kind of expression do you think they’ll have when they find out the truth one day?” Du Ge said.

“…” Selma.

Barry’s eyes twitched.

Ed had a black line on his forehead. When he named himself, he played a little trick, but it turned out this bastard did it just for fun. He must have thought he was stupid for changing his name to a freshwater fish!

Damn Paul!

“So, you spread the rumor about me seeking offspring just for fun?” Selma’s face turned black.

“Yes, when you find those people and seek the truth, their expressions will definitely be wonderful!” Du Ge smiled.

“It’s wonderful, but you’ve ruined my reputation, and you must pay the price.” Selma’s spear pointed at Du Ge. “Only your death can clear my name.”

“Impossible.” Du Ge shook his head. “Do you think those who were deceived will help you clear the rumors, or will they continue to add fuel to the fire and deceive more people? If it were me, I would definitely choose the latter. Unless you kill every person who seeks offspring from you, this rumor will continue to spread…”

“What is your purpose in doing this?” Selma looked at Du Ge, suddenly leaped over Enk, and landed on the deck. Her spear still pointed at Du Ge. “If you don’t give me a satisfactory answer today, it will be your death date. Enk can’t stop me from killing you.”

“Entertainment to death, happiness above all. What sea god’s scepter, king of pirates, I don’t care at all. I like the fun of teasing others, even if it means dying for it.” Du Ge looked at Selma, smiling. “Selma, you have always been my idol. I like the fun people you created through trade. Is there anything more fun than changing someone else’s fate?”

“Do you think my trade is just to tease those people?” Selma asked.

“Isn’t it? In the long journey of life, if you don’t find something fun, it would be so boring!” Du Ge said. “Is there anything more fun than raising a freak, watching him grow, watching him make mistakes, watching him get lost?”

Selma fell silent.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have your ability, so I can only find some fun in the most superficial way for this world.” Du Ge sighed lightly and looked at Selma with a smile. “So, that’s why I said we are the same kind of people.

Of course, it’s also possible to add the sea god. I feel that old guy didn’t die at all. The so-called sea god’s scepter is just him having fun for himself. Maybe he tore up the fate sea chart into seven pieces.

Maybe that old guy is hiding in some corner, watching a group of people fight over the fate sea chart, laughing behind his hand!”Marsha looked at Du Ge, her gaze somewhat strange.

“No, Poseidon is dead, I saw him fall with my own eyes,” Selma said earnestly.

“What does his death have to do with us?” Du Ge chuckled, winking at Selma, “Selma, let’s collaborate!”

“Collaborate on what?” Selma asked.

“To be the greatest entertainer, I believe the best entertainer should play with the entire world, not just an individual. For instance, like me, creating a virtual era that everyone clamors for,” Du Ge spoke confidently.

Cold sweat broke out on Ed’s forehead. Madman, this one is a madman.

No wonder he spread so many rumors, and after setting the bounty at 200,000 gold coins, he never increased it. He was simply watching everyone make fools of themselves…

“Like spreading rumors, making everyone search the seas for sea monsters, to help her fulfill a costly wish for offspring?” Selma snorted coldly, repeating the words.

“That was just a little trick I used to lure you out,” Du Ge said with a shy smile, his eyes burning as he looked at the sea monster, “Selma, don’t you think we should keep this game going? With your skills, creating a fake sea monster that’s indistinguishable from the real thing should be no problem, right? Find a few lucky ones, let them complete the transaction with the female monster, give them treasure, and then, at their most glorious moment, tell them that the one they traded with was actually an abalone. Isn’t that fun?”

“We could even trade them a fake trident of Poseidon. Watching a bunch of people fight bloody battles over a fake trident, and then, when the victor goes to find Janice with the fake trident, to see Janice’s face when she gets the trident but can’t break the seal, how wonderful will that expression be?” Du Ge continued to suggest with a smile.

Little did he know.

Marsha’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Watching Selma, who was clearly tempted, Du Ge snorted to himself, what’s the main storyline?

I am the main storyline!

I don’t believe it, when the trident of Poseidon appears, you’ll still be able to hide in the shadows…

“Your proposal is interesting, but the transactions of the sea monster have always been fair. If such a thing were to spread, it would ruin the reputation of the sea monster, and then no one would ever trade with me again,” Selma said seriously.

“Not at all. Selma, don’t underestimate human greed. As long as there’s a benefit, even if only one in ten times is real, it will definitely bring them rushing,” Du Ge said with a smile, “Actually, I have many more fun suggestions. For example, this era’s vortex is the trident of Poseidon, the legacy of the sea monster. After this turmoil settles, we can concoct a battle for the gods, the descent of Poseidon, ensuring every era is interesting. Of course, all this is predicated on not letting the trident of Poseidon fall into Janice’s hands…”


Beneath the black cloak, Marsha’s silver teeth were nearly crushed.

“Selma, we always need to find some fun in life, don’t we?” Du Ge said with a smile, extending his hand, “I have many great ideas.”

“Deal.” Selma was finally persuaded, she looked at Du Ge, extended her hand, and shook his, “Paul, you’re an interesting guy. Would you like to make a trade with me? Give me your heart, and I can trade you endless life.”

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