Chapter 165 – Angry Selma

“Sailma, I want to make a deal with you.”

“Sailma, there is the strongest man in the world on this ship.”

“The most beautiful sea nymph in the world, I am willing to have a spring fling with you, not for your treasure, just because I like your eternal beauty…”

“Sailma, my night sky shines because of you.”

“Sailma, I am very big…”

“Sailma, I will always be waiting for you at the Old York Inn in the Port of Koyin, please remember my name, Martin Plant, the Giant Clam.”

The whereabouts of the sea nymph Sailma are elusive.

No one knows where she is, but that doesn’t stop the pirates from expressing their love for her in various ways.

Not only pirate ships, but also merchant ships, everyone hopes to be the first lucky one.

They try every means to win Sailma.

The skull flag on the pirate ship has long been taken down, replaced by various fish patterns to increase their luck.

On the sea.

There are Whale, Octopus, Swordfish, Cod, and Sailfish…

Some people write various love slogans on the sails;

Some are shirtless, showing off their muscular bodies on the deck, displaying their strength;

Some cover the pirate ship with flowers and wine;

Some invite singers, holding loudspeakers to showcase their singing voices on the sea, it is said that the sea nymph likes beautiful singing…

Some simply have the entire crew take off their clothes to show Sailma their pride…

Each person shows their abilities.

Just from the appearance of the ships, it is impossible to tell who is a pirate and who is a merchant ship?

More accurately, the ships floating on the sea are all love-seeking ships.

Sailma roams the sea daily, enjoying the happiness that belongs to her. When she feels like it, she will make a deal with someone who catches her eye.

Then, she secretly watches how the person she made a deal with gradually rises to glory, or descends into madness!

But these days, the sudden changes on the sea have completely confused her.

What’s going on?

When did she become so popular?

What do these people want?

Do they want to sleep with her?


One late night, Sailma rushed onto a pirate ship called “Tiger Shark,” spear pointed at the captain’s neck, and demanded the truth.


She became furious.

Her life has come to an end, inheritance, a large sum of money for a child, and having to trade away all the treasures she has accumulated over the years…

Are these people crazy?

Can such absurd rumors be believed?

Does she lack men?


Even if she wanted to sleep with someone, she wouldn’t trade away all her treasures, are they worthy?

She has always entertained others, and now there are people who dare to seek her entertainment?

“Who is it? Who spread the rumors?”

Sailma’s blue hair is like countless sea snakes, moving without wind, a golden fish tail slapping on the deck. Her handsome face is filled with undisguised anger, and she pushes the spear forward, piercing the captain’s skin. “Tell me, who told you all this?”

“Everyone is saying it,” the captain trembled, “after the Isle of Herd, this matter spread, as if it was said by the witch of Herd…”

“The witch Hoya?” Sailma asked coldly.

“It could also be the witch Paul.” The captain’s eyes glanced at Sailma’s chest, half-covered by two shells, and subconsciously licked his lips. “It is said that he made a deal with you.”

“Paul?” Sailma frowned. “Which Paul?”

“Paul Wells, the leader of the Sea Fish Pirate Group. He tamed the sea monster Enke and defeated Admiral Antonio.” The captain quickly said, “The Fish Era’s matters were also spread by him.”

“What Fish Era?” The more Sailma listened, the more absurd it became. It had only been a few days, and this world had become unrecognizable to her.

“It means that the next era belongs to the fish. Adding a fish suffix to the name can increase one’s luck.” Looking at the fierce Sailma, the captain realized that he had been fooled. He swallowed hard, moistening his dry throat, and tentatively asked, “Lady Sailma, is this also false?”

“It’s true,” Sailma said impatiently.

“…” The captain was stunned for a moment, plucked up his courage, and asked, “What about the large sum of money for a child?”

“You are too ugly,” Sailma looked him up and down, then suddenly jumped back into the water, her fish tail swaying, quickly diving into the sea and disappearing in an instant.

“Too ugly? Does Sailma like young men? But I am very skilled…” The captain foolishly touched his beard, suddenly realized, and rushed to the ship’s side, shouting towards the sea, “Sailma, don’t go, I still want to make a deal with you…”


Sailma boarded several pirate ships to confirm the source of the rumors.

Some said it was spread by Laine in Madok Port, and some said it was spread by the pirates of the Isle of Herd…

Although Laine’s version came earlier, Paul’s reputation was obviously greater and more convincing.

That night.

The sea nymph headed straight for the Isle of Herd, she wanted to hold the man who insulted her reputation accountable.

And, in her impression, she had never made a deal with the man named Paul, she wanted to let the other party know the consequences of offending a sea nymph.

“Paul, Mahamadu has raised the reward for the Destiny Sea Chart to 400,000 gold coins.” Barry was promoted to the super first mate of the Sea Fish Pirate Group, looking full of confidence in his future.

In fact, at this moment, every member on the Angel Smile was full of confidence.

Barry organized the information in his hand and reported to Du Ge, “Yesterday, Mahamadu’s reward was still 350,000. Captain, are we sure we won’t raise the reward amount? If this continues, even if someone gets the sea chart, they won’t come to trade with us.””There’s no need; we don’t even have 200,000 gold coins.” Compared to Barry, Du Ge seemed somewhat nonchalant as he poured bottle after bottle of rum into the mouth of the sea monster Encke, laughing, “It’s better if they don’t come to trade. If they do, we can only resort to open robbery.”

“Open robbery?” Barry looked at Du Ge in astonishment.

“We’re pirates, aren’t we? If we don’t rob, are we actually going to pay with money?” Du Ge said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“But if we issue a bounty and don’t pay the reward, we’ll lose our credibility. Without a reputation, we’ll never become the King of Pirates,” Barry said earnestly.

“My reputation was already ruined when I cooperated with the navy; I don’t care if it gets even worse,” Du Ge shrugged, pouring a bucket of beef jerky into Encke’s mouth, “Barry, don’t worry. You don’t really think someone would be foolish enough to ignore a 400,000 bounty and come for our 200,000 gold coins, do you? If we encounter such a fool, robbing him is definitely the right move. He must be up to no good.”

“…” Barry was stunned and asked curiously, “Then what are we aiming for? Without the Destiny Sea Chart, we’ll never find the Trident of the Sea God. If someone else gathers the charts before us…”

“It doesn’t matter who gathers them,” Du Ge said with a smile, stopping his feeding of Encke, “Barry, you have to believe in the prophecy of fate. No matter who finds the Trident of the Sea God, it will ultimately end up in my hands.”

Ed looked at Du Ge strangely, not sure if he was genuinely foolish or just pretending to be.

If he was pretending to be foolish, there seemed to be no benefit to what he was doing. With a sea monster at his disposal, a surprise attack on Mahamadu would surely be most effective, yet he chose to stand still and even spread the news;

If he was genuinely foolish, there was still an air of cunning about him that wasn’t quite right…

At this moment.

Ed had already secretly contacted Mahamadu.

Mahamadu instructed him to continue to infiltrate and gain Paul’s trust. Later, he would send a powerful assistant to help him seize the opportunity to assassinate Paul and take the Ocean Horn.

“Captain, when do we attack Mahamadu?” Ed asked, “If we keep waiting, Mahamadu and the others will join forces and wipe us out. I’ve heard there’s more than one artifact in the world. If they find an artifact that can counter Encke, we won’t be able to beat anyone.”

“Wait a bit longer,” Du Ge said with a smile, glancing at him, “The world isn’t chaotic enough yet. Let the bullets fly a little longer. Who knows, maybe the navy will attack Mahamadu before we do?”

“How could that be possible? Admiral Mikaro isn’t stupid,” Ed said.

“What if he loses his mind?” Du Ge laughed, “In this chaotic era of fish, anything can happen…”

Twenty days had passed in the Simulation Field, and there were still 489 candidates left. Apart from Du Ge, no one else had taken the initiative to stand out. It had to be said, these people were really good at biding their time.


From the analysis of various pieces of intelligence, it was impossible to determine which of the big shots were candidates and which were natives.

These guys were playing their roles too well.

Of course.

It could also be that Du Ge had muddied the waters too much, overshadowing their brilliance.

As Ed said, there were other artifacts in the world, and relying on a single sea monster Encke was not safe.

The sea was too vast for a blitzkrieg.

If he made the first move, he could very likely become the target of someone else’s strategic planning.

Du Ge was waiting, waiting for Vito’s borrowed authority, waiting for the sea witch Selma.

He felt that after so many days of fermentation, the sea witch should be able to trace things back to him.

With the fall of the Sea God and Jansine sealed away.

The sea monster and the sea witch should be the two top characters in this Simulation Field. Having both of them in his grasp would be truly foolproof.

From the beginning to the end, Du Ge was the one coveting the sea witch’s collection.


Martha, who was lazily playing with a crystal ball, looked towards the sea.


Encke also turned towards the sea, protectively positioning itself in front of Du Ge.

Du Ge was startled for a moment, extending his senses over the sea.

Five seconds later.

He felt a creature rapidly approaching the Avenger from the seabed.

Du Ge instinctively looked towards Martha Hoya.

It was one thing for the sea monster Encke to hear the sound of the Ocean Horn from hundreds of miles away, but what about the witch? Wasn’t she only able to sense within a hundred meters?

How could she perceive even further than Encke?

Who exactly was she?

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