Chapter 162 – Paul is too young

“It brings you luck, not me.”

Ed agreed to join Du Ge’s command, but firmly refused to change his name.

After all, no matter how you look at Du Ge’s fish era, it looks like a conspiracy.

Although they still don’t know where the problem lies, it’s definitely not wrong to refuse first.

And, everyone present is sly like an old fox. Through previous events, they had already judged Du Ge’s character. He wouldn’t kill innocent people indiscriminately. This may be related to his youth and lack of experience, but kindness is the greatest weakness of a pirate.

However, Du Ge is the greatest salesman, and no one can walk away unscathed from him.

So, at his suggestion, Enke the sea monster took Antonio and Ed, among others, on a thrilling whitewater rafting adventure.

Then, both of them agreed to change their names.

Because when Enke’s two tentacles were swimming with them in the waves, it was really too exciting.

They almost kissed each other…

Paul certainly wouldn’t kill anyone, but his character is too bad, and they couldn’t stand being tormented by him!

And, they overestimated their prestige among their subordinates.

When they were caught playing in the water by Enke, not a single subordinate took the initiative to open fire on the Avenger.

But when it came to naming, both of them played a little trick.

Ed added the name of a freshwater fish to the end of his name, and Antonio not only added the name of a fish in the middle, but it wasn’t even a fish, just a name he randomly came up with, with the word “fish” added.

As a result, after changing their names, Du Ge just shook hands with them, congratulated them, and completely failed to notice anything wrong.

Of course, nothing happened, and both of them coincidentally put their little schemes behind them, feeling that they had worked.

“So it’s settled, Vice Admiral Antonio. Next, I will lead the attack on Mahamadu. I will give the navy the time to attack in advance, hoping for their cooperation.”

Du Ge handed Antonio a glass of rum, smiling, “Of course, if I don’t hear the news of the Royal Navy setting sail, I will turn the army around and attack the navy headquarters. I can’t be the king of the pirates, but being the king of the navy is the same. And, I heard that Admiral Mikaro also has a map of the Fate Sea.”

“I haven’t heard of that…” Antonio was stunned for a moment, frowned, and said, “Captain Paul, don’t talk nonsense. And, our navy will cooperate. We’ve long wanted to eliminate the pirates lurking in the four seas. You can’t win the navy headquarters, Enke the sea monster isn’t invincible, after all, it can’t go ashore…”

“Of course, I believe in the vice admiral’s reputation, it was just a casual remark. But a powerful shark stirring up a war in the fish school, weakening the strength of the fish school, is always a good thing for the navy, isn’t it?” Du Ge smiled, raised his glass to Antonio, and drank the wine in one gulp. “Think about it, isn’t that the truth?”

A smile unconsciously appeared on Antonio’s face, but soon, the unfortunate incident of the Black Magic Hand’s smile before his death came to his mind.

He quickly suppressed his smile.

However, Du Ge’s words still struck a chord in his heart.

“The fact that Admiral Mikaro has a map of the Fate Sea is absolutely true.” Du Ge poured himself another glass of wine, solemnly declaring.

Although the process was a bit thrilling, stirring up the waters of Herd Island had indeed made him the biggest beneficiary.

Having tasted the sweetness, Du Ge didn’t mind stirring up the waters of the world even more.

There were still more than 500 examinees in the Simulation Field. If the water wasn’t stirred up to the point where they couldn’t survive, these guys wouldn’t jump out.

They would just bide their time, wait until the last moment of the main task, and then come out to collect heads.

Too much trouble.

Du Ge didn’t have time to play house with them in the Simulation Field.

The longer it dragged on, the greater the risk.

And, by ending the Simulation Field early, if there was a chance to start another one, he could gain two more skills.

“Captain Paul, don’t spread rumors about things that don’t exist.” The matter of the Trident of the Sea God had caused a sensation, and Antonio naturally knew that if the news of the map of the Fate Sea got out, it would bring Mikaro Admiral a lot of trouble. He waved his hand.

“This is true.” Du Ge smiled, pointing to Marsha Hoya, “Don’t forget, the witch is with me.”

Under the black cloak, Marsha Hoya, holding a crystal ball, couldn’t help but tremble, secretly feeling that the witch’s reputation had been completely ruined by him. One day, if she left Paul, she probably wouldn’t have anyone coming to her for divination again!

“Well, I know it’s true now.” Antonio inexplicably felt a wave of annoyance, “Captain Paul, is there anything else? If not, I think I should leave.”

“There’s one more thing.” Du Ge looked around and beckoned to Vito, “Vito, come here.”

Vito walked out helplessly.

Although he had made up his mind to change his strategy, being low-key had become his instinct. Exposed in the spotlight, he felt uncomfortable all over, as if everyone’s eyes were focused on him.

“… ” Antonio frowned and looked at Vito.”We need a messenger between us.” Du Ge smiled and pushed Vito out, “Vito is my most capable assistant. I think it’s best for him to act as our messenger.”

Vito looked utterly bewildered.

What’s going on?

First, they told me to find Mahamadou, then to look for Safra, and in the end, I was pushed to Antonio. Do you even have a plan?

And what’s the point of putting me in the navy?

The navy follows orders for all actions. How could they possibly go in search of the Destiny Sea Chart?

No, that’s not right!

It’s precisely because they follow orders that he can make the most of his advanced skills!

The Royal Navy is the perfect place for his growth…

But still.

Under the fluorescent lights, being led away by Antonio meant he would be exposed very quickly, right?

Vito sighed inwardly. Alas, Paulo really isn’t a good partner. He’s too impulsive, and moreover, he doesn’t consult on anything. Clearly, if the two of them had discussed it, they could have come up with a better strategy.

What’s the rush?

The battle is over.

What’s wrong with making Antonio wait a bit?

“No problem,” Antonio said, glancing at the uneasy Vito and readily agreed.

He just wanted to end this damned negotiation as soon as possible, take a shower, change his clothes, and report the situation at sea to Admiral Mikaro as soon as possible to see how he would deal with that damned Paulo. This naval battle involved too many issues.

The young man named Vito didn’t manage his expressions well, revealing that Paulo had arranged for him on a whim.

Thinking about it, it made sense.

With Rorlan Swan suddenly appearing here, it was impossible for Paulo to have made detailed preparations in advance. How comprehensive could a young man who had only one ship a few days ago be in his thinking?

Impulsiveness and disregard for consequences are the normal reactions.

Perhaps Paulo and this Vito could be used to completely dismantle the so-called King of the Four Seas…

Seeing the shy and uneasy Vito, Antonio’s thoughts suddenly cleared.

That’s right.

Paulo is just a lucky kid.

Adding a fish suffix to his name is just him overthinking.

Dealing with Paulo is much easier than dealing with Mahamadou and his group of old foxes.

And this Vito should also be easy to control. Throw a bunch of money and beauties at him, and maybe with just a few words, he’ll become one of the navy’s own.

On the other side.

Aide also sighed.

Compared to Mahamadou, Paulo was far behind, acting on whatever came to mind without considering the consequences.

Such a guy, even if he stumbled upon a mountain of gold, would end up penniless again in the end.

The so-called Age of Fish might really be his own wishful fantasy.

After stabilizing Paulo, it was time to find a way to contact Mahamadou and discuss how to deal with Paulo.

Only Mahamadou was worthy of becoming the King of the Eastern Sea.

Kill Paulo, take his Ocean Horn, and Mahamadou could become the King of Pirates. A powerful weapon like the sea monster Encke, controlled by someone more capable, could play a much bigger role.

Until Antonio left, no one mentioned anything about examinees, Keywords, or attributes. It was as if everyone had ignored them.

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