Chapter 160 – Harming others and benefiting yourself

The fierce pirates were like wooden stakes under the butcher’s knife of the Black Magic Hand, not even knowing how to block the knife on their necks; some people were more than ten meters away from the Black Magic Hand, already waving their knives wildly.

A slight difference leads to a thousand miles of difference.

The perception of distance and misalignment is simply a weapon of slaughter, which may not even be able to withstand the world of martial arts, let alone the pirate world with only combat skills and no internal energy.

Unless you keep dancing with the knife non-stop, forming an absolute defense around your body, there is simply no way to fight.

Du Ge experienced three simulations in the field, and each time there were keywords of slaughter in the field.

The first guy in the first round had an advanced skill like purgatory, but was disturbed by Wang San and returned to the west;

In the second simulation, Du Ge brushed his attributes to the sky, and had a group of loyal bodyguards, various skills to restrain, and the guy with the keyword of slaughter didn’t even jump up, and was pressed down;

This is the third and most dangerous time. If it weren’t for the stroke of luck, hitting his head on the bow, triggering the skill of the source of joy, he would have been eliminated…

Slaughter is indeed a top-notch keyword!


Du Ge also found his weakness.

Too soft-hearted.

If he randomly got a keyword like slaughter, he probably wouldn’t have the heart to slaughter a group of strangers like the Black Magic Hand.

This is a deeply rooted thought from living in a peaceful environment on Earth for a long time, and it can’t be reversed in a short time.

Du Ge frowned slightly, realizing that he had too many areas to grow in.

“Black Magic Hand, he is the Black Magic Hand!”

“Paul, kill him.”

The people on the other pirate ships finally reacted, realizing who Paul was chasing, and their sympathy for him disappeared in an instant. The Black Magic Hand was ruthless, liked to chop people into pieces, and no pirate liked to have such a knife hanging over their heads.

“Paul is a candidate, you fools, are you just going to watch him grow stronger? Let’s all attack together and kill him while he’s weak.” Seeing the sea monster getting closer and closer, the Black Magic Hand was forced into a corner, standing on the deck, shouting angrily at those around him.

He took the initiative to attack Paul, and his ranking and attributes were high. He really couldn’t think of a reason why Paul would spare him.

More candidates come forward, the greater his hope of survival.

No one responded.

Including the gingerbread vendor, no one believed that Paul was a candidate.

Not only could he perform witchcraft, but he could also control sea monsters. It was impossible for a candidate to have so many attributes…

Rather than believe that Paul was a candidate, it was better to believe that he had made a deal with Selma.


Even if he really was a candidate, would he come out to seek death at this time?

It hasn’t been half a month since the start, who has the attributes high enough to fight the sea monster alone?

Blame it on your high profile!


You are a threat to everyone as long as you are alive…

The candidates present saw the speed at which the Black Magic Hand swam in the sea, and also saw the scene of his wanton slaughter on the ship. No one wanted such a terrible opponent to live…

“You fools.” The Black Magic Hand angrily cursed, then looked at Du Ge who was approaching, “Paul, let’s cooperate. I am fourth in the simulation field, you know my abilities, let’s cooperate, plus the sea monster, we can slaughter everyone in the simulation field, I won’t compete with you for first place…”

The candidates in the elite field did not miss any opportunity to survive.

“Black Magic Hand, although I am a pirate, I like to sing and dance, and spread joy on the high seas. Do you think someone like me would keep a demon who likes to kill and dismember as a subordinate?”

Du Ge sneered and decisively rejected him.


His keywords are joy and slacking off…

In front of everyone, taking in the Black Magic Hand, whoever sees him will feel a chill down their spine. It would be strange if anyone could be happy!

Moreover, if you go out and kill people, does it increase your attributes or mine?


The gingerbread vendor and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they didn’t believe that Paul was a candidate, there was always a chance.

If the two of them cooperated, who would be their opponent?

It’s good that they refused.

The sea god died, and Paul tamed his pet.

Perhaps, Paul is the final boss of the simulation field!

At this moment.

The gingerbread vendor and others all had the same thought as Vito.

“Is there really no chance?” the Black Magic Hand asked.

“Killers, everyone will be punished.” Du Ge said righteously.

“This is what you asked for. If you don’t let me live well, I won’t let you live well either.” The Black Magic Hand sneered and hysterically shouted, “Paul’s keyword is related to joy, so when you kill him in the future, you must not laugh, whoever laughs will be unlucky.”

The gingerbread vendor and others were stunned, recalling what had happened before, it seemed that what he said was reasonable, but witchcraft and controlling sea monsters were still unexplainable.

But when a man is about to die, his words are good.

This was the Black Magic Hand’s advice before he died, it’s better to believe it than not.

In the future, when fighting Paul, just don’t laugh.

Better safe than sorry.

Du Ge didn’t care, as long as he spread joy, as long as one person felt joy, the bad luck would spread. Can you control yourself, can you control others?


The situation has been set.

Do you really think I will give you a chance to fight alone?

“Come, kill me and take my attributes.” Looking at the sea monster and Du Ge approaching, the Black Magic Hand laughed, suddenly dropped the knife in his hand, stood at the bow, closed his eyes, and sneered, “I don’t mind making it a little more difficult for those who watch me die without helping. I want to see who can laugh in the end…”


Exposed my weakness!

Again, giving up resistance, to increase my attributes!

This is a dilemma for both sides!


You can grow even with a keyword that harms others and benefits yourself.

Du Ge instantly understood the Black Magic Hand’s intentions.


He didn’t show any mercy to the Black Magic Hand either, commanding Enke to roll him up with his tentacles, then cut off his head with a knife, and sent him out of the simulation field.Having slain the fourth-ranked in the Simulation Field, his attributes soared once again by a large margin.

Watching the black demonic hand send himself out, the gingerbread vendors and others had mixed feelings.

But they didn’t show too much of it.


What good does it do to offer yourself to Paul?

The game has barely started for half a month, how high can your attributes be?

In time, as everyone grows, they’ll surpass you in minutes…

The black demonic hand is dead.

His last words, however, were heard by many, the natives of the pirate world didn’t understand what the so-called candidates or attributes meant, but that didn’t stop them from taking these matters to heart, including the fact that you shouldn’t laugh when facing Paul.

The war continued.

Roland Swan’s pirate crew launched a fierce attack on the navy at the periphery, aiming to take back the sea monster controlled by Paul.

The disheartened navy was retreating step by step, no match for them, and had to adjust their sails to flee towards Herd Island.

Du Ge gave a slight smile in the direction of Antonio’s command ship, patted Enke’s head, and the giant octopus turned around, heading straight for Roland Swan, remembering the task of taking back the Ocean Horn.

Roland Swan had brought out nearly a hundred pirate ships this time, with the help of the sea monster, he felt that he didn’t need too many pirate ships to conquer Herd Island.

Seeing the sea monster charging at them.

Nearly a hundred warships turned their cannons simultaneously, launching an attack on the sea monster Enke.

The sea monster Enke wasn’t so easy to kill, their goal was to take down Paul on Enke’s head.

A barrage of cannon fire surged towards them.

“Dive.” Du Ge patted the giant octopus’s head and commanded.

The giant octopus, possessing a smart intelligence, and believing the person on its back to be the reincarnation of the Sea God, didn’t hesitate to dive into the sea bottom, continuing its charge towards Roland Swan’s Avenger.

Once submerged, all the cannonballs became ineffective.

Du Ge, whose attributes had greatly increased, could hold his breath underwater for at least twenty minutes.

In three minutes, the giant octopus had swum over.

The giant octopus was much faster underwater than on the surface.


The Ocean Horn was the best locator, it didn’t need to deliberately search for the Avenger, there was no chance of losing direction.


A huge wave was lifted.

The great sea monster Enke emerged from the side of the Avenger, its tentacles coiling around the massive ship.

“Enke, leave the ship.” Du Ge shouted, leaping from the octopus’s head, heading straight for Roland Swan at the bow of the ship.

A flash of the blade.

A look of astonishment froze on Roland Swan’s face, the next instant, his head flew into the sky, and Du Ge deftly took the Ocean Horn from his hands.

No increase in attributes.

Roland Swan had not been possessed by a candidate.

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