Chapter 158 – My pet baby

Damn it!


What shitty luck?

The Black Magic Hand’s face darkened, cursing under his breath, and spat out the knife in his mouth at the first opportunity. He only had time to take a deep breath before being pushed into the sea.

He had to dodge the falling debris and frantically find a way out.

Two warships collided behind him, blocking the Black Magic Hand from behind. Du Ge’s perception quickly returned to normal. He rubbed his sore head and, after a moment of confusion, realized that the Black Magic Hand was locking onto him with his line of sight!

But now was not the time to think about that. Du Ge knew that with the opponent’s attributes, two sunken ships could only delay him for a moment.

The most urgent thing was to quickly escape from his side.


When that guy broke free from the restraints and caught up, he would probably be killed by the knife.

Repositioning the location of the giant octopus, Du Ge changed his angle and swam from the back of the other warship towards the giant octopus. The sea was now full of warships, and he could easily avoid their line of sight.

When the Black Magic Hand finally broke free from the debris and resurfaced, he had already lost sight of Du Ge.

He frowned, “Is it because I laughed? What are his keywords?”

Shaking his head, he looked at the distant sea monster Enke, who was still killing everywhere. The Black Magic Hand hesitated for a moment, then bit the knife back into his mouth and swam towards the sea monster with all his might.

Paul’s target was the sea monster,

So he would go to the sea monster to intercept him.


The sea monster Enke was the pet of the sea god and had a great reputation in this world. If he could kill it before Paul and increase his attributes, it would be easier to suppress Paul when he came back.

He didn’t believe that such a big sea monster.

Paul didn’t have any attacking skills, so he would kill the sea monster before him.

Two straight water lines rushed towards the sea monster from two angles.

But Du Ge went first, and the Black Magic Hand was blocked by the sunken ship for a moment.

On the Clown No. 2.

Marsha, who had been observing Paul and the Black Magic Hand, looked incredulous as the Black Magic Hand was suddenly buried by the sunken ship. “Is the goddess of luck really protecting Paul?”

Vito frowned, puzzled. Up to now, he still couldn’t figure out what Paul’s keywords were.



What was the connection between the two?

The effect of his advanced skills was too strange.

On the sea.

The focus of the two warring parties was on the sea monster Enke, and there were hardly any natives who cared about the two superhumans swimming rapidly on the sea. If they did see them, they would quickly look away and focus on their own work again.

After all.

With gunfire flying and the sea monster ready to attack their ships at any moment, their own lives were more important.

It was the examinees on the battlefield who mostly focused on the sea monster.

But at this stage, facing such a big monster, most examinees were powerless and could only run for their lives when they encountered it.

To some extent, a giant octopus Enke with tentacles over a hundred meters long could be called a big BOSS guarding the gate.

The pupils of the octopus were different from those of humans, forming a W shape, and its photoreceptor cells were on the outermost layer, allowing it to change the structure of its eyeballs at will and even see the polarization of light.

This allowed it to keenly observe everything in front and behind it, with almost no visual blind spots.


When Du Ge and the Black Magic Hand, these two little bugs, approached it, the sea monster Enke immediately sensed them and instinctively felt the danger from them.

Two tentacles stretched out from the sea, one slapping Du Ge and the other slapping the Black Magic Hand.

Precise and accurate.

The visual structure of the octopus perfectly countered the Black Magic Hand’s advanced skills.

At the moment when the tentacles came down, the Black Magic Hand only had time to take out the knife in his mouth and stab the tentacle. Then.

He was thrown into the sea.

His knife was too short, and compared to the hundred-meter-long octopus tentacle, it was like a needle poking it. Although it would hurt the octopus, it would not cause any substantial damage.

In terms of strength, he was no match at all.

It was worth noting that the octopus Enke could easily crush a ship.

Moreover, the octopus lived in the sea, breathing through gills, which gave it a huge advantage over them, who still needed to breathe air.

After being slapped into the sea by the octopus, the Black Magic Hand immediately realized that he had overestimated himself. Although his ranking had gone up, the time was too short, and his attributes were not enough to compete with the sea monster Enke.


He dodged the octopus tentacles on the seabed, while looking for Paul. If he couldn’t even handle him, then Paul would be even less of a match for him.

As long as he found the opportunity to kill the unconscious Paul, his assassination plan would be successful.


He saw a strange scene.

Paul, who was also hit by the octopus tentacle, didn’t even draw his curved knife, but instead spat out blood while tightly hugging the octopus tentacle, his face filled with a sickly smile, and he was caressing the huge tentacle with a look of obsession and mockery in his eyes.

What is this guy doing?

Is he trying to make me laugh with this behavior?


Do you think I’ll fall for it a second time?The Black Hand hesitated for a moment, dodging the octopus tentacles, and resolutely launched his skill towards Du Ge, swimming towards him with all his might.

He didn’t need to be more formidable than the sea monster, just being better than Paul was enough.

But just as he swam halfway, he saw the octopus tentacle that Paul was holding suddenly wrap around him instead, pulling him away from the seabed.

Could he be killed by the octopus?

Did you travel all this distance just to seek death?


I won’t allow you to die at the hands of an octopus; you can only die by my hand.

Without any hesitation, the Black Hand swam towards the surface, intending to kill Paul before the octopus could.

Paul was well-known, with high attributes and likely a high ranking. Killing him would make oneself the number one in the Simulation Field.


The Black Hand burst out of the water, took a deep breath, and immediately searched for Paul.

The next second.

His eyes bulged out in shock.

The tentacle that had captured Paul gently placed him on its head.

And Paul stood proudly on the massive octopus head like a king, his lips still curled in a modest smile, but his gaze towards him was filled with disdain.


His skill was related to taming!

The Black Hand was horrified, bit his knife in his mouth, and turned around, swimming back even faster than when he had arrived.

Paul had tamed the sea monster Enke and was now invincible in this sea area. Only by returning to shore could there be a glimmer of hope for survival.

Is this some kind of joke?

Such a huge sea monster, tamed just like that!


What exactly is this guy’s skill?

“Good Enke, catch him.”

Du Ge patted the octopus’s head and smiled as he pointed at the fleeing Black Hand, giving the command.

At this moment.

He was spirited and exhilarated like never before, feeling the thrill of his return.

First place!

When he touched the octopus Enke.

The Interface sent a notification; he had once again reached the dazzling first place, and the Simulation Field generously rewarded him with two hundred points of mental strength, and all his attributes surged upwards significantly.

Although it still didn’t match the peak state during his trading days, it was almost on par with when he first left the Simulation Field.

However, his combat power at this moment was definitely fiercer than during the first Simulation Field because he now had a powerful assistant, the sea monster Enke.

The octopus was indeed the smartest of the invertebrates. If an ordinary octopus was as intelligent as a two-year-old child, then the sea monster Enke, which had lived for who knows how many years, had at least the intelligence of a teenager.

It completely understood what Du Ge said and could fully comprehend the meaning.

Moreover, compared to the fickle-minded human slaves, the octopus Enke was much easier to command, just as it heeded the call of the ocean horn, it would loyally execute any command issued by Du Ge.

Even though it was once the pet of the Sea God, after being touched by Du Ge, it became his private property. Not to mention the Sea God was dead, even if it came back to life, speaking might not be effective anymore.


The sea monster Enke immediately abandoned the large ship it had wrapped up and chased straight after the fleeing Black Hand.

The gunfire stopped once again.

On the sea surface, whether it was the navy or the pirates, everyone was stunned.

The Black Hand, chased by the octopus, with a mouth as if filled with the bitterness of Coptis, was on the verge of collapse. Taming an octopus was one thing, but being able to command it? This broken Simulation Field, is there no fairness at all?

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