Chapter 145 – Muddy Water Fishing

“It’s all the same.”

Du Ge laughed heartily and continued to scatter gold coins into the crowd.

The source of happiness, when you spread happiness, there will always be someone who falls into misfortune.

From the center of Hede Island to the pier, it was a long downhill slope.

The street was only a little over four meters wide, and a portion of it was occupied by small vendors on both sides. There was only about two meters of space for people to walk.

Dozens of pirates closely followed behind Du Ge, running fast.

After Du Ge scattered the coins.

Suddenly, the pirate at the front tripped over a protruding stone and fell to the ground on the street.

Under inertia, the people behind couldn’t stop and ended up stepping on him, causing them to fall one after another.

In no time.

More than twenty pirates rolled into a group, blocking the road tightly.

Most of the pirates chasing Du Ge were holding machetes.

When they fell, in order to maintain balance, they swung their machetes randomly, inevitably hitting the people nearby.



The screams merged into one…

At this moment.

The gingerbread vendor happened to catch up. He was extremely fast and had quick reflexes. When he saw the pirates rolling into a group, he was already prepared to dodge.

He planned out the best route, rushing past the vendor from the side, then stepping on a stone pillar next to him and jumping three meters forward, just enough to leap over this group of foolish pirates.

But plans couldn’t keep up with changes.

In the instant he turned around.

A piece of melon peel happened to appear under his feet.

His left foot accidentally stepped on the melon peel, causing him to slip and lose his balance. He involuntarily plunged into the group of pirates.


His head was firmly held between the legs of an unknown pirate, and the strong smell made him dizzy. He was on the verge of suffocation.

The gingerbread vendor had high attributes and great strength. He exerted force to lift the person on his back, just as he was about to catch his breath.


With a bang.

A tremendous force hit his back, causing him to plunge back down.

Just as he opened his mouth and was about to breathe fresh air, before he could close it, he bit into something soft and squishy.

The taste of blood and fishy smell immediately rushed into his mouth.

And the person he bit let out a hysterical scream.




One after another, more and more pirates crashed into the group of pirates.

The gingerbread vendor couldn’t get up.

In the crowded and confined space, he couldn’t spit out what was in his mouth.

He had already realized what he had bitten.

Feeling nauseous and helpless, unable to bite harder, he was so frustrated that he wanted to cry.

This guy definitely didn’t take a bath after having fun…

This is really damn unbelievable.

He, the 24th-ranked expert, how did he end up tripping over a piece of melon peel? So unlucky!

If he had known, he would have taken a detour to the pier to intercept them…

He saw Du Ge scattering the gold coins, but he never thought it was a skill effect. He only thought it was a group of greedy people fighting over the coins, which caused this accident!

The gingerbread vendor finally managed to break free from the group of rolling pirates. He had lost sight of Du Ge and the others, and when he caught up to the pier, he only saw a small sailboat swiftly leaving, with pirates rushing to get on board in a hurry.

Some pirate ships were raising their anchors, while others didn’t understand what was happening and remained indifferent to the chaos on the pier.

“Damn it, you’re all dead.” The gingerbread vendor looked at Du Ge who was getting farther away, spat to the side with anger, and couldn’t help but retch. He took a few quick steps and boarded a pirate ship that had just raised its anchor. Looking at the group of pirates who were on high alert, he said with a stern face, “I am Mahamadu’s man. If we catch up to the boat ahead, I will give you plenty of gold coins. And also, get me a bottle of rum, I need to rinse my mouth…”

“Go to hell with your Mahamadu. You’re clearly just a gingerbread seller outside the witch’s hut. Boys, kill him and let’s go after the witch!” One pirate sneered, took out a flintlock pistol, and fired at the gingerbread vendor.


Sparks flew.

The next second.

The pirate let out a scream, dropping the pistol from his hand, and then a sword slashed his throat, blood gushing out. He weakly covered his throat and knelt down on the ground.

“Now, I am the captain of this ship. If anyone thinks otherwise, their fate will be the same as his.” The gingerbread vendor held a blood-stained scimitar, coldly scanning the crowd, then fixed his gaze on the sailor who was raising the sail. “Continue your work. You, bring me a bottle of rum, right away, immediately…”

The small sailboat raised its sail, untied the ropes tied to the pier, and could quickly set sail.

The large ship, on the other hand, needed to anchor and raise the sail, among other troublesome preparations. Therefore, Du Ge quickly escaped from the pursuers.

And luckily, none of them were harmed.”By Poseidon, I can’t believe we actually made it out,” Barry adjusted the mast, looking at the pursuers on the shore cursing at them, his face filled with relief. He was panting heavily, “Paul, you’re insane. I can’t believe you actually kidnapped the witch from Herd Island, and you succeeded. That’s just crazy…”

“It’s precisely because no one would think we’d dare to do it, that’s why we succeeded,” Du Ge said with a triumphant smile.

He had just been throwing around coins, reaping a large amount of happiness value, and his attributes had risen significantly.

It was only later that he ran out of gold coins.


He would have definitely scattered a large amount of gold coins on Herd Island, not for anything else, but to bring happiness to the world.

All attributes bought with money are worth it.

And he was familiar with this operation.

After all, in the last Simulation Field, all his attributes were bought.

Indeed, everything can be traded, and trade is the most powerful keyword.

The increase in attribute values was a minor matter. What made Du Ge happy was that the previously quiet fishing skill had finally awakened its second ability:

Muddy Water Fishing: In the water you muddy, you are definitely the biggest beneficiary.

This skill probably derived from him muddying the waters of Herd Island, taking away the most crucial big fish inside, and even touching this fish…

But no matter what, this was a skill tailor-made for him by the heavens!

It meant that as long as he kept stirring things up, he would reap more, like the Map of Destiny, the Golden Compass, the Trident of Poseidon…

If he couldn’t get these things, how could he be considered the biggest beneficiary?

The most crucial point.

The advanced skill of the second keyword can be brought into reality. This kind of passive skill that doesn’t require attributes is the most beneficial.

After leaving, if he muddies the waters of the outside world, wouldn’t he also become the biggest beneficiary, the biggest beneficiary in the real world…

Tsk tsk!

Reality once again proved.

Only by holding the initiative in your own hands can you gain the greatest benefits.

To hell with low-key, to hell with patience, those are choices made by cowards, the strong will lead the world.

“Bastard, do you know what you’ve done? You’ll be hunted down by everyone, my head must have been kicked by a donkey to agree to cooperate with a fool like you…” Martha Hoya leaned over the side of the boat and dry heaved a few times, finally regaining her senses, she cursed at Du Ge, “You stupid bastard, you even threw all my gold coins away, I’m definitely going to be killed, no, everyone will be killed by you…”

Du Ge cut the rope that bound her with a curved knife and casually threw it into the sea, laughing, “Martha, don’t be so angry, you should know, even if you didn’t agree to cooperate with me, I would still have kidnapped you.”

“You idiot, you not only cut off my belt, but also threw it into the sea…” The witch watched her belt slowly sinking on the surface of the sea, her eyes wide open, her face full of despair, “That belt contained the most powerful healing potion, and enough poison to kill 300 people.”

(End of the chapter)

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