Chapter 144 – Happy big money

“Let go of me, you lunatic,” the witch struggled desperately, but after Du Ge slapped her on the buttocks, she suddenly became obedient.

The little maid at the end of the corridor, who collected money, was stunned when she saw the witch being carried out. Then, she quickly drew the dagger from her waist and stabbed towards Du Ge’s chest.

Her movements were swift and decisive. Her skills were much higher than those of the pirates who fought at sea all year round, almost reaching the level of Feng Yunjie.

There was no room to dodge in the narrow space.

Du Ge smiled slightly and kicked towards her lower abdomen.

The maid flew back.

The dagger that was aimed at Du Ge’s chest changed direction and stabbed his leg instead.

Du Ge retracted his leg and smiled at her again.

The maid’s tense face unconsciously revealed a smile. Her tense mind relaxed for a moment, and Du Ge kicked again. The maid, who didn’t have time to lift her dagger, could only reach out and try to hold down Du Ge’s foot.

But with Du Ge’s enhanced attributes and strength far surpassing ordinary people, his kick pushed her hand away and directly kicked her in the lower abdomen, sending her flying.


The wooden door was shattered, and the maid fell onto the street, clutching her lower abdomen and writhing in pain.

What’s going on?

The pirates waiting in line outside the door were all stunned.

Barry covered his forehead in pain. It’s over. He knew his master was never calm, but this was too much. They had only been inside for a few minutes, and they had already thrown out the maid.

And when Barry saw Du Ge carrying the witch out right after, he felt despair.

Vito looked at Du Ge, his forehead throbbing. What does it mean for you to go in for divination and carry the witch out?


If you cause trouble and make me wait in line, what’s the point?


With chaos, he would never have a chance to grow. You never know what he will do next.

Paul and chaos were a perfect match.

They were afraid that the world would not be in chaos!

“Vito, catch!” Du Ge threw the package in his hand to Vito.

Vito reflexively caught it, and Du Ge turned around and rushed back into the witch’s hut, picking up the bag of gold coins that the maid had been carrying. Then, he turned around and rushed out again. “Barry, Vito, let’s go.”

After saying that, he took the lead in carrying the witch and rushed out.

Barry and Vito reluctantly drew their own scimitars and followed behind Du Ge, responsible for covering him.

At this moment.

The pirates waiting outside the witch’s hut finally reacted.

“Damn it, he took the witch.”

“Stop him.”

“What the hell, where did this lunatic come from? Isn’t he afraid of the witch’s curse?”

“Kill him, save the witch. This guy clearly wants to monopolize the Sea God’s scepter…”

And in the time it took for all this to happen, Du Ge and the others had already run dozens of meters.

The pirates drew their weapons and chased after them, shouting and calling their companions ahead.

On Hede Island, bounty hunters often cut off heads and run away. Being chased by a group of people was a common occurrence, and the people on the street were used to it.

When encountering such a situation, they would voluntarily move to the side and clear the way. The street vendors would skillfully drag their goods back and join the crowd to enjoy the unique joy that belonged to them.

However, they had never seen anyone carrying a person and running like this before.

What’s going on?

The witch was kidnapped?

Du Ge’s guess was correct. There were indeed many candidates on Hede Island, and three of them were waiting outside the witch’s hut. One was a pirate with a hook on his hand, lying in a corner sunbathing. Another was a beggar begging on the street, and the other was a pastry vendor selling gingerbread by the roadside.

They had ambushed and attacked many candidates outside the witch’s hut.

The fact that the witch was kidnapped completely caught the three of them off guard.

The pirate with the hook on his hand immediately jumped up from the ground and joined the chase.

The pastry vendor overturned his gingerbread stall, and the beggar no longer pretended to be pitiful. He surpassed everyone at a faster speed than the pirates…

What a joke?

They were waiting to get rich with the witch!

If the witch was kidnapped, how could they play?

“Beggar, I’ve been suspicious of you for a long time. What’s your keyword?” The pirate with the hook tightly chased after the beggar and shouted loudly.

“Fuck off, old hook. You stole my last bounty. I haven’t settled the score with you yet!” The beggar refused to show weakness. “Your keyword must be laziness. You’re running so fast, aren’t you afraid of losing attributes?”

“I’ll kill you, and my attributes will naturally increase.” The pirate with the hook yawned, and the beggar’s footsteps immediately slowed down, as if he could fall asleep on the street at any moment.

The hook on the pirate’s arm ruthlessly hooked towards the beggar’s throat, but his hook was three inches away from the beggar’s throat.

A flash of light passed, and the beggar’s head flew into the sky.

Blood sprayed onto the pirate’s face.

The pirate suddenly shivered, and the iron hook quickly stood up, blocking in front of his throat.


It perfectly blocked a scimitar.

“It’s you.” The pirate with the hook saw the gingerbread vendor looking at him from the side, and his eyes narrowed.”Old Hook, you react quickly, but you’re no match for me. Surrender and give me your attributes!” The gingerbread vendor laughed heartily, withdrew his curved blade, and slashed towards his side again.

He managed to create afterimages with his curved blade.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Old Hook, the pirate, parried left and right, quickly falling into a disadvantage. He yawned again, but the gingerbread vendor was unaffected. A bystander vendor, bored with the spectacle, plunged his head into the ground and fell asleep.

Old Hook was taken aback, “Your skill?”

The gingerbread vendor chuckled, “No one can hurt me! Now your life is mine…”

“Don’t kill me, we can cooperate. The one who kidnapped the witch must be a candidate. I can help you control him,” Old Hook quickly said, “No, not cooperate, I assist you. My skill can force people to sleep.”

“You’re growing too slowly,” the gingerbread vendor disdainfully shook his head, lowering his voice, “And, in this Simulation Field, I don’t need any assistance, especially not from a garbage Keyword like you.”


Old Hook defiantly yawned again.

A pirate running past them suddenly plunged to the ground, instantly falling into a deep sleep. However, after being stepped on, he jumped up with a howl, completely bewildered.

“Is your skill reflection?” Old Hook used all his strength to shout. He knew he was destined to be eliminated, but he wouldn’t let his killer get away easily. As long as there were still hidden candidates in the crowd, they would be prepared when they encountered him again.


The gingerbread vendor’s curved blade severed Old Hook’s iron hook, slid across his throat, and took his life.

Feeling his attributes increase, he spat contemptuously at the corpse on the ground, muttering, “Idiot, you guessed wrong. My skill, in this Simulation Field, is invincible…”

Having said that.

He no longer paid attention to the two contestants he had eliminated.

The gingerbread vendor turned around and continued to chase Du Ge.

Judging from Du Ge’s speed, his ranking must not be low. Killing him would certainly lead to a qualitative leap in his own attributes.

Rescuing the witch could also earn him her gratitude.

Then, allying with the witch and secretly attacking other contestants would be even easier.

“Captain, think of something, there are more and more people.”

Barry cleaved a pirate who suddenly jumped out from the side, shouting anxiously.

They were surrounded by pursuers on all sides, and Paul was still stubbornly holding onto the witch, completely unable to save him. He felt he wouldn’t survive the day.

“Big brother, you’re so handsome!”

“Big brother, your beard is so sexy…”

“Big brother, you’re so manly…”

Vito was flattering, complimenting everyone he met, then slashing them with his blade. His killing efficiency was much higher than Barry’s.

But facing the swarm of pirates, he also felt a bit overwhelmed.

Flattery is not a combat skill!

Even if they ran to the ship now, this crowd would still follow and kill them!

Why put themselves in danger?


A handful of gold coins were scattered into the crowd by Du Ge: “Brothers, it’s payday! Genuine gold coins, whoever picks them up, they’re yours!”


The crowd watching the excitement immediately became chaotic, everyone scrambling to pick up the gold coins on the ground. After picking them up, they would happily stuff them into their pockets.

Nothing makes people happier than finding money!


This kind-hearted pirate was not like other bounty hunters, who stingily scattered silver coins and even threw them at the pursuers.

Who’s the fool?

Would anyone rush towards the pirates’ blades for a few silver coins?

This fool must be a newbie, scattering gold coins by the roadside. Picking them up was no burden at all, and there was no need to worry about being hurt by those fierce pirates…

It’s a waste not to pick them up.

Nowadays, there aren’t many newbies like this!

The witch, who had been carried by Du Ge all the way, endured her dizziness and muttered, “That’s my money.”

Barry was also shocked by Du Ge’s spendthrift move, angrily shouting, “Paul, you should be throwing the money behind us, what’s the point of throwing it into the crowd?”

(End of Chapter)

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