Chapter 133 – High reward for a child

In such a chaotic world, happiness is clearly not a good keyword for expansion.

It has been five days, and Du Ge still hasn’t advanced to the second level of skills. He still only has the skill of “making the other person feel better”.

Besides making the other person’s mood better, this skill doesn’t have any special effects. When he smiles, the other person will still attack him.

Even slacking off hasn’t advanced to the second skill.

It has to be said.

The skills that advance through keywords really have no regularity to follow.

After entering the town, everyone went their separate ways.

Chef William went to buy food.

Piero, with an unwilling face, went to find a tailor to make new flags and emblem designs. Of course, he also had to find a painter to change the ship to the damn “Smiling Angel” name.

He complained all the way, stupid name, why not just change the name to “Smiling Clownfish”!

Du Ge, along with Barry and the others, entered the only bar in town.

The bar always had the latest information.

“Ryan, bring five barrels of beer and four roasted deer legs.” As soon as they entered, Barry didn’t even look up and ordered food and drinks.

Obviously, he was a regular here.

Ryan was the owner of the tavern, in his fifties. When he saw Barry and the others, he commanded the waiters to bring the drinks and jokingly said to Barry, “Old man, did you strike it rich?”

Barry waved his hand and said, “Don’t mention it, haven’t opened for half a month, and there are no big fish anymore. I’m afraid I can’t even afford your beer.”

“I heard you guys were looking for the legendary Trident of the Sea God, is that true?” Ryan wiped the glasses and smiled as he looked at Paul, asking.

“That’s right, but we’ve given up on that plan.” Barry didn’t let Du Ge speak, he didn’t plan on revealing that he had lost his memory as the captain.

In his opinion, trading with Selma was too foolish.

And once others found out that Paul had become immortal, it would bring them endless trouble.

“Correct decision.” Ryan smiled, “I heard that the route to Hede Island is already crowded with pirates. Everyone wants to get a share, but many people can’t even get to the island and end up being killed. Bounty hunters are taking advantage of the chaos and have already made a fortune.

These days, there’s a rising star called ‘Black Demon Hand’. He single-handedly killed five pirate groups the size of yours in one day. Everyone on each ship was chopped into pieces by him, not even sparing the cooks. It’s a good thing you’re not going to Hede Island, at this time, there are no other pirates intercepting merchant ships, you can make a big profit…”

Black Demon Hand?

Du Ge’s eyebrows twitched, could this guy be a candidate!

“So brutal?” Barry was stunned for a moment, “Does Mahamadu just let him slaughter pirates on his territory?”

“Mahamadu wants to catch him, but until now, no one has seen his shadow.” Ryan said, “The reason I know he’s called Black Demon Hand is because he likes to piece together the fragments of the bodies to form those words.”



This guy must be a candidate, only candidates would spare no effort to make a name for themselves.

His keyword is either “slaughter” or “brutal”.

No matter which simulation field, this type of keyword is the easiest to grow in the early stages.

Unfortunately, in every field, there will be such keywords. The first simulation field had a slow killer, and the one who came to teach him a lesson in the second simulation field also awakened the keyword of slaughter. At that time, that guy was ranked eighth.

However, in the first two simulation fields, he raised his attributes too high, and those two guys didn’t even make a splash.

But this time, he almost wasted five days of water, but killed several people.

Moreover, the information from the tavern owner is definitely outdated. That guy might have killed many more people by now.

Encountering slaughter, he probably has a high probability of losing.

Damn it!

“Ryan, do you have any other fresh news?” Du Ge asked.

Ryan looked at Du Ge, rubbed his hands, smiled but didn’t say anything.

Du Ge smiled and took out a gold coin from his pocket and threw it over.

Ryan skillfully caught it and casually put it in his pocket, whistling and smiling, “Little Paul is becoming more generous.”

At this moment, the young waiter of the bar brought the beer to everyone.

Ryan carried a plate of sliced ham and walked out from behind the bar, placing the plate in front of Du Ge. He pulled over a chair and sat next to everyone, lowering his voice and said, “I heard that Admiral Antonio is going to deploy the navy to block the Hede Island route in three days, closing the door and killing the dogs, completely wiping out the pirates inside.”

Barry was stunned. According to their sailing speed, they would enter the Hede Island route in two days. This news came just in time.

Ryan winked at them with a smile, “Anyway, you guys aren’t planning on going to Hede Island, right?”

He paused for a moment, “Then this news isn’t worth a gold coin. As a bonus, I’ll give you another one for free. Admiral Camillo plans to form a new legion called the Dagger Corps. It is said that the Dagger Corps will recruit only elites, and they will disguise themselves as pirates and infiltrate pirate groups to dismantle them from within.”

“Such a secretive plan, where did you hear it from?” Barry asked.

“I naturally have my sources of information.” Ryan smiled mysteriously.”To counter General Camilo’s Bayonet Plan, Mahamadu decided to launch a vanguard operation, selecting excellent pirates to infiltrate the navy and relay information.” Du Ge lowered his voice, speaking mysteriously.

Isn’t this just like the plot of Infernal Affairs?

As if no one else could play this game!

Du Ge was still scheming to muddy the waters. He regretted not being the one to leak the news about the Trident of Poseidon. If he had been the one to stir up this mess, he could have fished in troubled waters, and his attributes would have skyrocketed!

Barry’s brow twitched heavily, casting a strange look at his captain.

“Is this true?” Ryan looked at Du Ge skeptically. “The Bayonet Plan was only decided the night before last. Mahamadu shouldn’t have reacted so quickly. Besides, the direction you came from, it’s impossible for you to have had contact with Mahamadu.”

“I heard it from the sea monster Selma.” Du Ge said seriously.

“Sea monster Selma?” Ryan’s eyes widened in shock. “You encountered Selma?”

“Ryan, keep your voice down.” Du Ge chided. “I traded for a powerful force from Selma.”

With that, he reached out and twisted the sturdy oak table.

A corner of the table, like a block of tofu, was easily broken off by him.

Ryan knew what Paul had been like before. He looked at the oak table missing a piece, clearly stunned. After a long while, he came back to his senses: “What did you give in return?”

“Ryan, that’s my secret.” Du Ge smiled. “If you give me back the gold coin, I can tell you even more important information.”

The mention of Selma shocked Ryan. He reluctantly took out the gold coin Du Ge had given him earlier: “Paul, your information better be worth this price, otherwise, you’ll never taste Old Ryan’s gin again.”

“Selma has reached the end of her life. She plans to find an excellent pirate to carry on her lineage.” Du Ge’s voice dropped even lower. “It is said that any man who can impregnate her can have all the treasures she has collected over the years.”


Barry spat out the mouthful of beer he had just taken.

Ryan’s face turned beet red: “Paul, this joke isn’t funny at all.”

“Did I meet Selma, or did you?” Du Ge looked at Ryan, speaking seriously. “Even Poseidon can fall, let alone a sea monster? The offspring of Selma are her own. This is the heritage of sea monsters. I saw it in a book on her table. How could it be false?”

He seemed to remember something, leaned closer to Ryan, and warned seriously, “Ryan, you can tell others about Selma’s high reward for a child. But you can’t tell anyone about her weakness and the secret of her heritage. Otherwise, if I’m hunted down by Selma and become a ghost, I won’t let you off…”

(End of Chapter)

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