Chapter 130 – Master of Touching Fish

In the kitchen, there was everything, including dried salted fish and live fish kept in a wooden barrel that had been caught from the sea.

The chef, William, was a fat man with a big belly. He already knew about the captain’s amnesia.

At this moment, he was rubbing salt on a freshly gutted fish. When he saw Du Ge enter, he instinctively grabbed the nearby meat cleaver and asked, “Paul, have you regained your memory?”

“Not yet, William.” Du Ge glanced at the hand reaching for the meat cleaver, smiled, and shook his head. The chef’s acting skills were clearly not as good as the first and second mates outside. Du Ge could clearly sense the tension in the chef.

He awakened the skill of not hitting a smiling face with his hand, so he smiled to ease the tension.

In the previous simulation field, awakening the trading skill directly led to the collapse of the simulation field.

He felt that not hitting a smiling face with his hand might have other uses, definitely more than just making the other person feel happy.

Of course.

Even if he didn’t, spreading happiness would still increase his attributes.

Sure enough.

When Du Ge smiled, William’s nervousness disappeared instantly. He unconsciously smiled as well, as if he had returned to the time before the assassination attempt.

He skillfully grabbed a piece of beef jerky from the nearby wooden barrel, put it on a plate, and handed it over. “Poor Paul, have some of your favorite beef jerky. Maybe good food can help you regain your memory.”

You still have fish blood on your hands!

You didn’t even wipe it off and grabbed the beef jerky directly. Won’t it affect the taste?

Du Ge unconsciously frowned, “No need, I’m not hungry. I just wanted to come and see the fish. I don’t know why, even though I’ve lost my memory, I always feel that fish will bring me luck.”

William was stunned for a moment, then threw the beef jerky back into the wooden barrel.

Then, he turned his head and saw their captain reaching into the wooden barrel containing the fish and grabbing a grouper. After a moment of daze, he touched the fish carefully from head to tail like a child, with a silly smile on his face.

William looked at Du Ge, who was touching the fish, in astonishment and sighed inwardly. Poor Paul not only sold his memories to Selma, but also sold his intelligence!

Master of Touching Fish: The fish you touch becomes your private property.

When Du Ge grabbed the fish from the wooden barrel, his personal interface immediately awakened a new skill.

Du Ge was ecstatic.

Amazing skill!

You see, he is a pirate, drifting on the sea all day long, and fish is the least scarce thing in the sea.

This skill might be considered trash in the ordinary world.

But don’t forget, this is a mythical world. Sea monsters, mermaids, and sea spirits all have intelligence.

Once he touches them, they all become his private property!

The key point is not the fish he touches, but the private property behind it.

What is private property?

It refers to the direct control, exclusive rights, ownership, usufruct, and security rights that the right holder has over specific objects.

Completely under personal control, serving personal interests, that is private.

So, the King of the North Sea, Lolang Swann’s Ocean Horn, and the giant sea monster summoned by it, as long as he touches it, it becomes his. It’s simply too enjoyable.

Of course, if he can snatch Lolang’s Ocean Horn and keep summoning sea monsters, he will truly become the King of the Sea.

And what about the sea spirit Selma?

Once he touches her, she becomes his too, right?

Even a fish that has become a spirit is still a fish.

The most crucial point is that, just like Feng Zhong’s manipulation, touching fish can also increase his attributes.

After all, the literal meaning is the greatest!

The so-called “muddying the water while touching fish” and “lazy swimming” are just its extended meanings.

Just now, after touching the fish for a while, he already felt his attributes rising rapidly. Of course, it might also be related to the new skill he obtained, and he genuinely felt happy.

Two keywords.

Double growth, double happiness.

In William’s bewildered gaze, Du Ge touched every fish in the wooden barrel.

Touching horizontally, touching vertically, touching with both hands at the same time…

Then, he understood the essence of touching fish.

Unlike Feng Zhong’s manipulation, which may require multiple attempts to increase attributes, Du Ge’s touching fish depends on the size of the fish.

The bigger the fish, the higher the attribute increase.

Even the dried salted fish hanging there can increase attributes, but the increase is minimal. Du Ge couldn’t even figure out if the slight increase from touching the dried salted fish was due to happiness…

In the following days, Du Ge basically stopped participating in the ship’s affairs.While the other crew members were busy cleaning the deck, mending the sails, and oiling the ropes, he spent most of his time in the sea, diving to catch fish, or rather, playing with fish. Because most of the time, Paul wouldn’t bring the fish he caught back to the ship.

Even when they encountered a storm, the crew members were busy fighting against the waves, but Du Ge would not participate. In his words, he was the captain, and it was enough for him to be responsible for command and management. Why would he be the captain if he had to do all the work?

Through Barry’s observation, he concluded that their captain Paul, after his resurrection, had indeed lost his memory. He had forgotten many past events, including sailing, and he couldn’t even understand the nautical chart.

When the wind direction changed, he didn’t even know how to adjust the mast. His performance was like a fool.

This was good news for them because their betrayal would never be discovered.

But it was also bad news. They were a group of pirates, but they had a captain who couldn’t sail. If word got out, they would probably be laughed at by all their peers.

Moreover, as William said, Paul lost not only his memory but also seemed to have suffered some damage to his intelligence…

“Barry, losing memory is too scary.” Standing on the deck, watching Paul dive into the sea again, Wayne sighed, “If I lost my sailing skills, I wouldn’t be able to survive. This fool Paul, why would he trade his memory with the sea monster…”

“Not just memory, probably also sad emotions, or even sleep.” Barry said, “Selma is fair, there is only one-to-one exchange with her.

Paul did exchange his memory for his immortal body, but have you noticed that these days, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, his speed is getting faster and faster, and he even starts to stay awake all night, just holding a fish and laughing stupidly.

He told me yesterday that he wanted to change our pirate flag to pink, put a flower wreath on the skull’s head, and make the skull smile. I can’t imagine what other pirates would think of us if we flew such a flag. Even the King of the South Sea, Safran’s Conch, wouldn’t fly a pink flag…”

“You didn’t agree with him, did you?” Wayne seemed to think of the image of a pink smiling skull flag on a pirate ship, and the corner of his eye twitched involuntarily, asking.

“Of course not.” Barry said, “I wouldn’t do such a stupid thing.”

“Right.” Wayne smiled and shook his head, “Paul is too greedy. He has lost too much and is no longer a complete person. Barry, should we consider William’s suggestion and leave him to go it alone? I suspect that if we continue, he will one day become a mindless, powerful monster, and eventually drag us all into the abyss.”

“No, even if we want to leave him, it’s not now, but after we grow stronger.” Barry shrugged, “Now, all of us together can’t beat him. To hire a fighter with such high combat power, we would have to pay at least a hundred gold coins, but Paul doesn’t need a penny, just let him play in the sea. After Paul lost his memory, there were more smiles on the ship. In the boring sailing life, having one more clown on the ship is a good thing for everyone, isn’t it?”

He paused, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, “And, don’t you think this ship is already ours?”

(End of Chapter)

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