Chapter 117 – Du Ge’s fate

“Gao Ming, Yin Erchuan, Zhu Shijie, Wen Fei, Wang Feng, Yu Xia. I am Du Ge. I have found a method to rapidly enhance mental power. Everyone, gather around me. Everyone, listen to the broadcast and gather around me immediately. I repeat, Gao Ming, Yin Erchuan…”

After verifying it on Bao Benwei, Du Ge directly changed the content of the broadcast, even revealing his own identity.

Shi Canzhan, who was rushing from Xilin City to Yong’an, heard the news on the armored vehicle and couldn’t help but frown. “It’s him again? What is he doing? It’s only been three days, and he’s already initiating a direct battle? What keywords did he randomly obtain to attract hundreds of people? Is he crazy?”

Indeed, if it was just Qi Feihu, the possibility of examinees going to Yong’an City was very low.

A seemingly false mainline, obviously a trap, was not worth the risk for them. It was better to focus on their own development.

You see.

Several strongholds have been continuously broadcasting “Tianwang Gaidihu”!

But it was different when Du Ge revealed his identity, especially when he mentioned five or six names, which significantly increased the authenticity.

After all.

Unless they were absolutely certain, no one dared to do such a thing in the simulation field.

Even if they had agreed on a secret code outside the simulation field, they wouldn’t dare to do it because it would make them a living target.

People who arrived at the destination randomly might not necessarily be friends, but enemies.

Moreover, those who rushed over might be ambushed or intercepted along the way…

Anything could happen, and the risks were too great!

But when they thought that Du Ge was the one doing this, everyone felt it was only natural. In the previous simulation field, he was the first one to cause a commotion and make himself a target, and he succeeded.

In the new simulation field, it was normal to replicate his previous success.


It was also foolish.

It had only been two days in the simulation field, and he already thought of himself as a peerless genius?

“So it’s you?” In the driver’s seat of a truck, a blood-soaked young man listened to the broadcast on the car radio and leisurely blew a smoke ring, sneering disdainfully. “You can’t deceive people with the mainline, so you changed to revealing your identity? Fine, I wasn’t interested in you to begin with. This time, I must meet you. I want to see what keywords you randomly obtained to be so arrogant.”

After saying that.

He turned the steering wheel, ran over the corpse of a rat that had been burned by fire, and headed straight for Yong’an City.

“My brother, you’re too impatient! Why did you reveal your real name?”

In a stronghold in a city a thousand miles away, a middle-aged man in his thirties listened to the content of the broadcast with a bitter face. “It’s only been three days. Can’t you let us develop a bit? My keyword is caution, and there are mutated beasts all the way. How can I possibly make it through?”

“It’s him again. This time, he directly revealed his identity and caused a commotion! Second brother, let’s go and harvest him!”

“Alright.” A voice hidden in the shadows responded in a muffled tone. “Du Ge has a strong appeal. He can probably attract a lot of people. We can harvest more people. This is our opportunity…”

“Maybe the keywords he randomly obtained are not good, and he wants to use this method to gather the team and take advantage of others. But no matter what, directly exposing his identity is indeed stupid.”

Outside the simulation field.

Wen Fei stared in disbelief at the screen where Du Ge changed the broadcast content. His face was even more unsightly than if he had died. He stomped his feet and pounded his chest. “Damn it, damn it, how did I end up dying? Only 30 mental power! It’s like picking up trash! How did I end up dying?”

“Wen Fei, is that guy really Du Ge?” Beside him, a young man bumped into Wen Fei’s shoulder and asked.

“Get lost, I don’t want to talk right now.” Wen Fei said irritably.

“He’s so arrogant. He even found the loophole in the simulation field.” The young man smirked. “After he exits, introduce me to your group. I also want to join your little team. I can see that this guy really cares about his brothers!”

Upon hearing this, Wen Fei became even more depressed.

No. 42 Middle School.

Principal’s office.


The tea that the principal had just drunk sprayed out of his mouth. He looked at Du Ge on the screen and exclaimed, “What is this kid doing?”

Du Ge, who became the first in the simulation field, had all the attention of the principal. During the second round of the simulation field, the principal’s focus was on the assessment of the first-year students.

Until the assessment was over, the simulation field would only broadcast the content of the top ten to the outside world.

Even the principal didn’t know who the people in the simulation field were specifically, and he didn’t have the authority to view the playback during the examination process.

So when Du Ge became the first.

When the camera focused on him, the principal didn’t recognize him as Du Ge, but when he started buying and selling rankings and actually succeeded, the principal immediately confirmed his identity.

Then, he remained in a state of shock.

It was only after Du Ge changed the broadcast content and revealed his identity that the principal finally recovered.

“Maybe he wants to build his own core team!” Teacher Hu said. “He discovered the loophole in the simulation field and took this opportunity to enhance everyone’s mental power. In the next simulation field, they can unite and secure a spot in the top ten!””Stop defending him, he just wants to sell the first place.” The principal slapped the table, saying, “Is the first place too hot to handle? Old Hu, have you heard what they said? Du Ge can clearly trade mental power, and the other party has already agreed.

Du Ge could totally buy the mental power he earned and become the true number one in mental power. What nonsense is he talking about? The victory on the Alien Star Battlefield can’t depend on one person. Does he know that if he piles up his mental power, he could possibly become the second Hua Gu Yun…”

Teacher Hu was silent for a moment, then said, “Maybe it really is too hot to handle! Principal, among the students who were in the same period as Hua Gu Yun, only Hua Gu Yun survived four rounds on the Alien Star Battlefield. And when Hua Gu Yun went to the battlefield, he was already 20 years old, a third-year student.

In the subsequent Rotational Examination System, no one could survive four rounds on the Alien Star Battlefield, only twenty-five people survived three rounds.

Among those who entered the Alien Star Battlefield in the second round and survived three rounds, only seven people survived. Principal, when do you think Du Ge, who has always advanced as the first place, will be sent to the battlefield?”

The principal suddenly fell silent.

“Does Du Ge not know what everyone else knows?” Teacher Hu sighed, “In the Rotational Examination System, most people are just betting on going up as substitutes in the third or fourth round. That way, they can have at least one more, or two more chances to hone their mental power in the Simulation Field, and the chances of surviving on the Alien Star Battlefield are higher.

If he were a student of the Elite Academy, his current behavior would indeed be unacceptable. After all, they have enjoyed eighteen wonderful years of life, maybe even have children. Even if they die, their families will inherit their glory and enjoy the benefits brought by their death.

But Du Ge is a disciple of the Civilian Academy. At eighteen, he hasn’t enjoyed anything yet. If he dies, he will have nothing, and no one will even remember his name…”

“There always has to be someone who sacrifices for the planet.” The principal said quietly, “And he can’t avoid it, no student has ever been able to increase their mental power so much in the first round of the Simulation Field. I have already reported him as a seed player, and he is being closely watched. Moreover, he just got the first place, and the Simulation Field directly rewarded him with 30 mental power, and it’s not even three days yet. The previous first place didn’t get as much reward as him.”

He pointed his finger at the armored car’s Chief Shi, “The previous first place was him, and his performance was already quite remarkable to be rewarded with 5 mental power by the Simulation Field.”

Teacher Hu gave a bitter smile, “Du Ge’s two first places were accompanied by earth-shattering events that could shake the entire Simulation Field. It would be strange if his rewards weren’t high.”

The principal shook his head, “So, he’s too outstanding, he can’t avoid it.”

“Principal, why didn’t you tell him directly before entering the Simulation Field?” Teacher Hu asked, “That way, he could concentrate all his energy on growing himself and preparing for the Alien Star Battlefield.”

“The Rotational Examination System. What do you want me to say?” The principal glared at him, “Tell him, work hard, get another first place, and you can go directly to the Alien Star Battlefield to fight for all mankind? If I say that, believe it or not, he would dare to lie down directly inside. When the investigation comes down from above, I’ll be the first one to be removed. Do you think the examiners are just eating for nothing?

In the end, the reserve soldiers who don’t have to go to the battlefield and can enjoy the benefits of soldiers are just a bait tempting everyone to keep running forward. Old Hu, the people above have thought much further than you.”

“…” Teacher Hu was silent for a moment, then changed the subject, “Principal, there is obviously a bug in the Simulation Field program, how do you think the people from Pan Universe Entertainment will handle this incident? Will they deprive them of their mental power rewards?”

“The people from Pan Universe won’t care about a small Simulation Field exam, adding a few strong beasts to the Alien Star Battlefield will only stimulate their interest more. The people above will definitely suppress this matter, and keep it hidden as long as possible.” Principal Hu said, “Moreover, they will carefully study Du Ge’s derivative skills, try to stimulate the bug, and cultivate more high mental power talents…”

(End of this chapter)

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