Chapter 046 – Get on the bus first, buy the ticket later

Bullying the Weak with Strength?

What do you think you’re doing right now?

Where is your dignity?

Are you still righteous?

The entire martial world is not as dirty as you!

From beginning to end, you only protect your own interests!

Gao Yong and the others were silently mocking in their hearts. Their expressions were like flies stuck in their throats, feeling uncomfortable and disgusted.

At this moment, they only agreed with Feng Qi on one thing, that the Heavenly Demon was a disaster and must be eliminated as soon as possible, including Feng Qi…

These Heavenly Demons are all madmen, none of them have a normal mindset.

We need to find a way to expose Feng Qi’s true face. Otherwise, if he goes out and harms others with a benevolent face, the martial world will be ruined.


They have to stay alive. They can’t just die here without any explanation. Everyone present found the same reason for their cowardice.

“Congratulations to all of you for joining the Peacekeeping Alliance.” Du Ge ignored the ugly expressions on everyone’s faces as if they were eating shit. He threw the blood-stained clothes in his hand on the ground and respectfully clasped his fists towards everyone. “From today onwards, let us work together to maintain the stability and peace of Luyang City.”

“Good.” The situation is stronger than the individual. Gao Yong forced a smile on his face and responded to Du Ge with clasped fists.

“Very good.” Ding Wanjie of the Beggar’s Sect said, “Upholding justice is our responsibility as martial artists. In the future, if Gang Leader Feng gives the order, the Beggar’s Sect in Luyang City will definitely comply.”

“What Gang Leader Feng said is true.” Ding Yang of the Emei Sect said, “Although I am a woman, I will also contribute to the people of Luyang City.”

The people from the Tianshan and Huashan Sects also praised Feng Qi’s proposal, as if they hadn’t looked down on the Peacekeeping Alliance just now. The conference hall regained its harmony, except for He Yuan’an lying dead in a pool of blood, accusing the injustice of the world.

“Since that’s the case, I have a few contracts to join the Peacekeeping Alliance here. I trouble the Principal Officials to sign and seal them!” Du Ge glanced at them and magically took out a stack of white papers from his pocket, smiling. “Since yesterday, our Peacekeeping Alliance has officially been established. Later, we will attack the Heavenly Demon’s base in Luyang City and eliminate the evildoers who attacked the people and framed the Peacekeeping Gang, including He Yuan’an…”

The smiles on Gao Yong and the others’ faces froze.

The alliance was just established yesterday, and He Yuan’an was killed by them…

Taking advantage of the time difference, they patched up all the loopholes. As long as the people of Luyang City witnessed the blood-stained clothes of the Peacekeeping Gang and He Yuan’an’s body being brought out from their base, they would no longer be members of the Peacekeeping Alliance.

This guy is so cunning, not giving them any way out!

In the future, when this matter reaches the Divine Fist Sect, how could Tong Hong’an possibly believe their explanation? By then, he would come after them, and even the sect might not be able to protect them…

Why is this guy’s heart so dirty?

The Vice Principal of the Divine Fist Sect sneered repeatedly. It serves you right, you bunch of double-dealers. You should die together with Feng Qi.

“Do any of you still have concerns?” Du Ge frowned and looked at everyone. “Are there any accomplices of He Yuan’an among you?”


The expressions of Gao Yong and the others changed immediately.

In this situation, whether they were accomplices or not, it was up to Feng Qi to decide. If they didn’t sign, their bodies would end up just like He Yuan’an’s, being found and beaten to death by the Peacekeeping Alliance in their base.

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Du Ge decided to break through one by one. He looked at Ding Wanjie of the Beggar’s Sect. “Elder Ding, I feel a strong connection with you. Why don’t you set an example?”

Damn it!

Who wants to have a strong connection with you?

The color drained from Ding Wanjie’s face.

Wang San stepped forward at the right moment, and Du Ge’s blood-stained dagger faintly aimed at him.

“Alright, I’ll sign.” Ding Wanjie cursed Feng Qi in his heart as he took a contract from him. Just as he was about to sign it, he suddenly froze. “Gang Leader Feng, did you make a mistake? There’s no writing on this!”

“We’re in a hurry, I haven’t had time to write it yet. Elder Ding, rest assured, sign first, and I will complete the terms later.” Du Ge said as a matter of course.


Ding Wanjie’s heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had the urge to draw his sword and fight Du Ge to the death. How could there be such shameless person in the world?

But when he thought that Feng Qi had easily framed He Yuan’an as the murderer without any evidence, he could only sigh helplessly. He wrote his name on the blank paper, pressed his handprint, and was about to step back.

“Don’t rush, all seven need to sign.” Du Ge stopped him with a smile. “Be prepared for anything. If these agreements are damaged, some things will be difficult to explain. Sign a few more for insurance. Later, these agreements will be posted in public in Luyang City.”

Ding Wanjie’s expression changed again. He glanced at Du Ge and silently signed his name on all the blank papers. Whether it was one copy or seven copies, it didn’t matter to him anymore. After the incident, he would find a way to kill Feng Qi. Black and white would be determined by them.

With Ding Wanjie as the breakthrough, Gao Yong and the others also gave up resistance and signed their names on the agreements.

Du Ge carefully checked the agreements, looked at the signatures of the people, and put all seven agreements into his pocket. He nodded in satisfaction. “Since you entered the conference hall, Feng Qi knew that all of you are righteous people. With the participation of the Principal Officials, we have taken another step towards upholding justice in the world. It’s a cause for celebration.”

Saying that, he sat back in the main seat. “There’s no time to waste. Let’s set off immediately to Luyang City and eliminate the evildoers of the Divine Fist Sect. Every time I think about the money that the people have been robbed of by these thieves and how they are still at large, I can’t sleep or sit still!”

Gao Yong and the others remained silent.”Liu Cheng, take Officer He with you, and go together to suppress the bandits. Cover your faces, don’t let others see.” Du Ge looked at Liu Cheng and ordered.

With every move he made, Feng Qi managed to tie the major forces within Luyang City to the Peacekeeping Gang’s warship. Liu Cheng admired Feng Qi’s ruthless and cunning tactics, feeling invigorated, he responded loudly, “Yes, Gang Leader.”

Du Ge turned his gaze back to Gao Yong and the others, saying, “Rest assured, after we eliminate the Divine Fist Sect, the money we obtain will be used to compensate the people. The rest, I will personally send to each of your households…”

Gao Yong and the others changed their expressions again, waving their hands repeatedly, “No need, no need, Gang Leader Feng, you’re too kind. Upholding justice is our duty. If we take the money, it would change the nature of our actions.”

Are they joking?

How could they explain their actions if they were both killing people and dividing money?

“Daoist Priest Gao, you are mistaken.” Du Ge smiled at them and said, “Upholding justice is not wrong, but it cannot be sustained by righteousness alone. After all, everyone needs to eat. Working for free in the long run is not sustainable. Over time, our Peacekeeping Alliance will disband.

Therefore, we should take what we should. Only in this way, our Peacekeeping Alliance will grow. Just like me, if I hadn’t inherited the Iron Palm Gang from Gang Leader Qiu, how could I have come this far with just passion?”

“Gang Leader Feng, the Beggar’s Sect has always lived by begging, money is nothing to us. Ding is willing to dedicate selflessly for justice, without any complaints.” Ding Wanjie pondered for a moment, learning Feng Qi’s way of speaking.

He couldn’t let himself get tied tighter and tighter on Feng Qi’s sinking ship, otherwise, he would never have a chance to escape.

“I understand Elder Ding’s concerns, afraid of being criticized by the world for taking the money, afraid of being accused of profiteering in the name of justice.” Du Ge looked at Ding Wanjie, then at Gao Yong and the others, and smiled, “You don’t need to worry about this. The money we get from fighting against the evil forces will be used to maintain the operation of the Peacekeeping Gang. Every penny will be made public, so that everyone can see where we are spending the money. I believe the public will understand us.”

Damn it!

They even want to make it public.

Gao Yong and the others felt despair. They didn’t even have time to hide, let alone make it public. They would have no way out then. Damn this Feng Qi!

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