Chapter 247 – Do you believe me if I say this was an accident?

Under Lu Yang's explanation, everyone finally realized that they had made a huge blunder. The black Golden Elixir they had been studying for half a day was not a Golden Elixir at all.


It was not their fault. The Mountain Pig was full of gall, but the condition of gallstones usually only occurred in creatures at the Golden Elixir stage or above. The Five Heroes of Eagle Mountain had no qualifications to deal with Golden Elixir stage beasts before, so their ignorance was understandable.


The key point was, who would have thought that a Golden Elixir stage creature could get gallstones?


"That's quite normal," the Immortal Maiden said in response to Lu Yang's question. "Ordinary people get ordinary gallstones, so naturally, Golden Elixir stage creatures get Golden Elixir stage gallstones. It makes perfect sense."


"You're just inexperienced. You know about viruses, right? The ones that grow in your body and make you sick. I've seen cases where as a cultivator's cultivation level increases, the viruses also grow stronger. Have you ever seen an Elemental Infant stage get sick?" The Immortal Maiden proudly flaunted her peculiar knowledge.


Lu Yang shook his head. He had never heard of such a thing, let alone seen it.


"In ancient times, viruses would grow in power along with living beings, causing quite a bit of trouble. The Heavenly Immortal set up the tribulation lightning, partly to help high-level cultivators eliminate viruses, killing them during the tribulation." The Immortal Maiden revealed another secret.


"Third Brother, if you can't identify things, don't shout nonsense!" The eagle-nosed leader scolded the third brother, who was in charge of the dissection.


The third brother felt wronged. Everyone had been guessing enthusiastically just now, and none of them had recognized that it was a gallstone. Now they were blaming him?


Being the leader didn't mean he could be unreasonable.


As he thought about this, the third brother casually removed the gallbladder of the Mountain Pig.


One, two, three, four, five… The saying that the Mountain Pig was full of gall was not a metaphor, but a description of the fact.


"The Mountain Pig is indeed very brave. It charges at any beast it sees, even if it encounters the Dragon or Phoenix clans." The Immortal Maiden spoke from experience.


"Won't it provoke public anger?"


"No, everyone avoids it. You see, the main way beasts fight is by biting and clawing. If you defeat the Mountain Pig, you'll be splashed with bitter and astringent bile. Who can stand that?"


"However, based on the characteristics of the Mountain Pig, I created a delicious dish that has been widely praised."


"What did the Immortal create?"


"Bitter gourd stewed in bile. It's good for clearing heat and detoxifying."


Lu Yang shivered involuntarily: "This dish is widely praised? Who was fortunate enough to taste it?"


"The Ninefold Immortal. At that time, he hadn't become an immortal yet. He was severely poisoned and I saved him. Seeing him on the brink of death, I made him a bowl of bitter gourd stewed in bile to clear the heat and detoxify."


"When he slowly woke up, he took a sip and said 'good' before falling unconscious again."


"Perhaps it was because he was poisoned at the time. His body was out of control. When he saw me bringing the food, he was struggling desperately. When he said 'good', his face was twisted. It was pitiful."


"…It is quite pitiful."


"Did the poison get cured?"


"Yes, it did. After he woke up, he vomited for half a day and threw up all the poison."


Lu Yang: "…"


This method of detoxification was not what he had imagined.


"Enough talking, let's go fight." The Immortal Maiden said, and once again kicked Lu Yang out of the spiritual space.




Lu Yang muttered to himself, then suddenly reacted. He opened his divine sense and probed his surroundings.


"No one? No, they're underground!"


Lu Yang looked down and saw the ground sinking. There was a beast underneath.


"Prepare for battle!" Lu Yang loudly warned everyone. The beast underground gave him a feeling of palpitation.




A worm as thick as a water tank drilled out from the mud. The worm had four silver rings, shining under the moonlight. It opened its huge mouth and swallowed the two wild pigs that had just been dissected.


Thanks to Lu Yang's warning, everyone dodged in time. Before the worm appeared, they quickly jumped away and evacuated the area.


"What is this?" Meng Jingzhou was shocked. Could worms be this powerful?


"It's a Silver Ring King Worm!" Lu Yang recognized the beast's origin at a glance.


The pair, oh, now two pairs, of Silver Ring King Worms that Uncle Ba used to till the soil in the medicinal garden were the kings of worms.


The pair of worm couple in the medicinal garden had five silver rings, and the sixth was forming, indicating that they were at the peak of Divine Transformation.


The worm in front of them had four silver rings, which should mean it was at the Elemental Infant stage.


What was more troublesome was that Lu Yang's proud swordsmanship could hardly threaten this worm. It was very likely that if he cut it with a sword, it would split into two worms, which would be even more troublesome.


When the Silver Ring King Worm swallowed the third wild pig that was being roasted on the Samadhi True Fire, it turned its unsatisfied gaze to Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou.


Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou had never faced an Elemental Infant stage opponent before, and the Five Heroes of Eagle Mountain couldn't help in this situation.


"Earth-shaking Six Styles!" Meng Jingzhou took the initiative to attack. He clenched his fists, his veins bulging, creating a grand momentum as if he could shake the heavens and the earth.


Who would have thought that the Silver Ring King Worm had a layer of mucus on its body? Meng Jingzhou's full-strength punch didn't even break the skin, and the force was dissipated.


The Silver Ring King Worm swung its tail and directly swept Meng Jingzhou away, breaking several of his bones.


If he wasn't a body cultivator, this strike could have taken his life.


The gap between the Elemental Infant stage and the Foundation Establishment stage was too large, with a whole Golden Elixir stage in between.




Lu Yang shouted, displaying the Break Sword Technique. The sword light was like a waterfall, breaking the sound barrier, tearing through the darkness, and carrying the moonlight on the sword, like a god-killing sword.


This was the strongest move Lu Yang could perform.


The Green Edge Sword pierced through the mucus of the Silver Ring King Worm and into its body. The Silver Ring King Worm was in pain and wanted to crush this human.


It rolled violently. Every time Lu Yang touched the ground, he would use the Shrinking Earth Technique to avoid being smashed to death.


Lu Yang exerted force on his wrist, trying to flick the sword upward, but the Silver Ring King Worm's body was too strong. Its body was tense, trapping the Green Edge Sword inside.


"Roar, roar…" The Silver Ring King Worm made a low sound, seemingly mocking Lu Yang's futile efforts.


Of course, it could speak, but it disdained to communicate with these weak humans.


It suddenly opened its mouth and bit at Lu Yang. At the critical moment, Lu Yang pulled out the Green Edge Sword and dodged the attack.A sense of dread filled Lu Yang's heart. His full-strength attack, the Breaking Word Technique, could slay a late-stage Golden Elixir beast, or even a half-step Elemental Infant beast. However, this strike did not harm the Silver Ring King Worm at its core, but instead provoked it.


Most importantly, this strike had also drained most of his magical power.


"Damn, this is troublesome."


On the other side, Meng Jingzhou, seeing that Lu Yang was also out of options, remembered something and pulled out five directional teleportation talismans from his bosom.


However, there were seven people at the scene. If he and Lu Yang escaped, the Silver Ring King Worm would certainly not let the Five Heroes of Eagle Mountain go.


"Young heroes, don't worry about us, you guys go!" The leader with the eagle-hooked nose shouted upon seeing the teleportation talismans in Meng Jingzhou's hand.


Those who chose their line of work had long since disregarded life and death.


What to do! What to do!


Meng Jingzhou gritted his teeth. Running away wasn't his style, but if they didn't run, everyone would die here!


In the end, he closed his eyes, pulled out a teleportation talisman, and threw it to Lu Yang: "Lu Yang, catch!"


Lu Yang lunged forward, but who would have thought that the Silver Ring King Worm would block his path with a cold laugh, its massive body standing between him and Meng Jingzhou, and the teleportation talisman was even crushed under it.


"Trying to run?" The Silver Ring King Worm spoke for the first time, laughing coldly and mocking Lu Yang's futile efforts.


"Now's the time!" Lu Yang shouted.


"Do I need you to tell me?" On the other side, Meng Jingzhou's lazy voice rang out, activating the directional teleportation talisman.


This was the moment he had been waiting for.


An invisible cubic light screen enveloped the Silver Ring King Worm. It didn't understand what was happening and struggled fiercely, but the light screen was extremely sturdy and impossible to break.


Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou remembered the introduction given by the guild servant when they first saw the Silver Ring King Worm: "If you encounter a life-and-death crisis in the dense forest, just activate this teleportation talisman, and it will transport you back to the Demon Suppression Pass, including Elemental Infant beasts, none can interrupt the teleportation process!"


Thinking in reverse, if it could safely teleport people back to the Demon Suppression Pass, why couldn't it also teleport the beast back?



The cubic light screen, with the Silver Ring King Worm inside, turned into a streak of light and flew towards the Demon Suppression Pass.


The three big characters "Demon Suppression Pass" at the city gate directly immobilized the Silver Ring King Worm.


The guards, seeing an Elemental Infant beast suddenly appear, were puzzled. They had been on duty for over ten years and had never seen such a brazen beast, not even bothering to disguise itself and directly charging at the Demon Suppression Pass.


"You audacious beast, daring to attack the Demon Suppression Pass under the cover of night!"


A deep voice came from inside the Demon Suppression Pass, belonging to a Divine Transformation cultivator on night duty.


The Silver Ring King Worm watched in despair as a burly man flew out from the city towards it.


"Do you believe me if I say this was an accident?" The Silver Ring King Worm tried to squeeze out a smile.


The burly man sneered, "Guess whether I believe you or not!"


He reached out his giant hand and slapped the Silver Ring King Worm to death with a single palm.


(End of Chapter)

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