Chapter 235 – Master sister’s pill formation method

“Do you really want to know?”

“Really, really.” Lu Yang nodded vigorously, like a chick pecking at grains.

Yun Zhi pondered the pros and cons, thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to tell him, just to satisfy her junior brother’s curiosity.

“Alright, since you want to know, I’ll tell you. But remember, just listen, don’t imitate me.”

“I definitely won’t.” Lu Yang promised.

The Immortal Fairy was also very interested in Yun Zhi’s Golden Elixir, curious about what kind of elixir this junior had concocted. Could it be stronger than her own invincible elixir?

“That was hundreds of years ago…” Yun Zhi fell into a state of reminiscence.

“Hundreds of years ago?!” Lu Yang blurted out, unable to hide his surprise.

Senior Sister was a peerless beauty, appearing to be in her twenties. When she walked down the street with Lu Yang, they looked like siblings. Moreover, Yun Zhi’s attitude towards Lu Yang was not like that of an elder, but more like the concern of a mature peer. This led Lu Yang to always have the illusion that Senior Sister was about the same age as him.

Now that Senior Sister was talking about her Golden Elixir story from hundreds of years ago, Lu Yang finally realized that Senior Sister was the oldest among the disciples, and her real age was much older than he had imagined.

Just how old was Senior Sister? Hundreds of years old? Could she be close to a thousand years old?

Although these thoughts seemed complicated, they all occurred in a flash, as fast as lightning.

As these thoughts flashed through Lu Yang’s mind, he didn’t even have time to think before he blurted out his true thoughts.

As soon as he said it, Lu Yang felt like he was doomed.

Yun Zhi’s gaze slowly fell on Lu Yang’s shoulder. For a moment, Lu Yang felt as if there was a sharp knife across his neck, and he was walking on the edge of death, only a thought away from dying.

Fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly. Senior Sister withdrew her gaze and didn’t dwell on Lu Yang’s excessive curiosity, continuing her story.

“Hundreds of years ago, I had reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment and was preparing to form my Golden Elixir.”

“At that time, Master saw that my talent was rare in the world and that I could shoulder great responsibilities in the future. So he told me some secrets to prepare me for the future. This included the fact that the ancient nameless ones had transformed stars into continents, and most of the stars we see today are illusions, with the actual stars beneath our feet.”

It is generally accepted in the cultivation world that only those who reach the Elemental Infant stage are qualified to know that the stars are false. It’s better not to tell the public and ordinary cultivators, lest they worry about whether the ancient nameless ones will transform the continents back into stars.

“I think I’ve told you before, I grew up in a secret realm and only left to join the Seek Tao Sect later.”

Lu Yang nodded. Senior Sister had indeed mentioned that she had lived in a secret realm since she was a child, surrounded by cultivators. After joining the Seek Tao Sect, it was the same. That’s why she didn’t understand the habits of ordinary people, like not being able to take a hot water bath.

This was the explanation she gave when Lu Yang had taken a hot water bath, his skin red and swollen, and she was applying medicine to him.

“There was no night sky in the secret realm. When I left and came to the outside world, I saw the stars twinkling under the night sky and thought it was incredibly beautiful.”

“In my spare time, I would often lie on the grass and count the stars.”

“When Master told me that there were no stars in the sky anymore, I didn’t show it on the outside, but I was disappointed.”

“The stars I saw every day were just illusions left over from three hundred thousand years ago. Once I realized this, I no longer found the night sky beautiful.”

“When I was contemplating what kind of Golden Elixir to form, I read in ‘The Theory of Golden Elixir’ that ‘Gold represents something hard, eternal, and indestructible; Elixir represents something perfect, pure, and flawless’.”

Lu Yang had a ridiculous thought. Senior Sister, you wouldn’t do something so outrageous, would you…

But Yun Zhi continued, “At that time, I thought, isn’t the star in my mind just like the flawless and indestructible Golden Elixir?”

“Since there are no stars, why not use the Golden Elixir to replace the stars and recreate the splendid night sky of the ancient times?”

Lu Yang thought to himself, so Senior Sister, you really thought that way.

“Among the Golden Elixirs, the first-grade ones are the best. So, I formed my Golden Elixir according to the stars in my mind, creating a new kind of first-grade Golden Elixir, called the Splendid Star Elixir.”

“At the beginning, my elixir-forming technique was a bit rusty, but as I formed more and more elixirs, my speed improved.”

“During the Golden Elixir stage, what I mainly did was to continuously form elixirs, trying to make the number of my Golden Elixirs as many as the stars in the sky.”

Lu Yang gasped. Senior Sister, you really dare to think and do.

“It’s challenging to replace the stars with Golden Elixirs during the Golden Elixir stage. When I broke through to the Elemental Infant stage, I let one of the Golden Elixirs shatter into an infant, while the rest of the Golden Elixirs remained in my body.”

“Later, when my cultivation was successful, I took out all the Golden Elixirs from my body, replacing the illusions with real objects, replacing the stars in the night sky.”

“Unfortunately, there are too many star illusions in the night sky. Even though I tried hard to form elixirs, I couldn’t match the number. The number of my Golden Elixirs was far less than the star illusions.”

“But having some is better than none. Didn’t I work hard to form elixirs in the first place to replace the star illusions with Golden Elixirs?”

“So the stars in the sky now… some of them are your Golden Elixirs?” Lu Yang’s tone was unconsciously cautious. After all, what Senior Sister had done was too outrageous, forcing Lu Yang to show respect.

“Just a small part.”

“…Even a small part is quite a lot.”

Lu Yang didn’t know what to say.The senior sister was worried about Lu Yang and repeatedly warned him, “My method of forming the Golden Elixir is different from ordinary people, don’t think it’s strange and imitate me.”

“I will definitely not imitate.”

If Lu Yang had previously said that he would not imitate just to appease her, his current answer was his true inner thoughts.

If he could imitate this, it would be too outrageous. Just thinking about it, he knew that the process of forming the Golden Elixir was not as simple as the senior sister described.

What does it mean that the more Golden Elixirs you form, the faster the speed? Does this make sense?

No wonder the senior sister wrote in her Golden Elixir experience, “My method of forming the Golden Elixir has no reference value, please do not imitate. Those who learn from me will die, those who resemble me will die.”

Sometimes, Lu Yang felt that the gap between people was even greater than that between humans and dogs.

Everyone is cultivating immortality, why are you so outrageous?

“Fairy, can your invincible elixir compete with the senior sister?” Lu Yang asked secretly.

The Immortal Fairy dismissed it: “It’s just a bunch of Golden Elixirs. No matter how many useless Golden Elixirs there are, they are still garbage. As the second in command of the Immortal lineage, you must remember, our lineage has always valued quality over quantity. This little girl has quantity, my Golden Elixir is of high quality, there is no comparison between the two.”

“Would you dare to say this in front of the senior sister?”

“I wouldn’t.”

She said it confidently.


Lu Yang felt that with the senior sister and the Immortal Fairy as his backing, his cultivation path should be smooth.

Now it seems that neither of these two supports can be relied on.

By the way, how old is the senior sister?

I recommend a book, it’s doing quite well. The protagonist is not human, the author lives in a mental hospital.

(End of the chapter)

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