Chapter 230 – The legend of rebirth through fire

If the Phoenix Blood Stone was a fake, it wouldn’t be a big deal, after all, the crime scene was right here, and the stone was genuinely soaked in phoenix blood.

If this matter was exposed, it wouldn’t cause any trouble. The only downside would be the loss of face for the Phoenix Clan, damaging the world’s impression of their pride.

Everyone present had some understanding of the customs of the Seek Tao Sect. Although their customs were not upright, they were not big-mouthed, they wouldn’t go around blabbering about everything they knew.

Therefore, the truth about the Phoenix Blood Stone would only circulate within the Seek Tao Sect.

Everyone’s gaze once again focused on Jiang Shan, who didn’t resist the Seek Tao Sect becoming the informed party.

“Everyone knows the reputation of the Seek Tao Sect, they are demon slayers, righteous, and keep their promises. I believe you all won’t spread this matter.”

After all, it wasn’t the first time the Phoenix Clan had lost face in the Seek Tao Sect. Compared to that time, selling blood wasn’t really a shameful thing.

Lu Yang and the others nodded, this matter was not a big deal.

Li Haoran was curious, pointing to the officials not far away who were making the Phoenix Blood Stone, “How does the county lord ensure that they won’t leak the secret? By paying them more?”

There were quite a few officials working here, over a dozen. If one of them leaked the secret, the matter of the Phoenix Blood Stone couldn’t be kept.

Who knows who might accidentally blurt it out.

The county lord shook his head, “They definitely won’t leak the secret.”


“You should know, wearing the Phoenix Blood Stone for a long time can enhance one’s vitality, in the end, it’s all thanks to the phoenix blood.”

“If wearing the Phoenix Blood Stone can enhance vitality, then guess what, working in an environment filled with blood mist, what would the effect be?”

“If anyone leaks the secret, next time, none of them will be allowed to work here.”


“By the way, I heard that phoenixes can be reborn from the fire, is that true?” Lu Yang recalled the old phoenix he saw not long ago, bathing in the true fire, as if it was about to resurrect, and couldn’t help but think of this ancient legend.

Jiang Shan nodded heavily, his expression filled with solemnity and reverence, “Yes, but this matter is almost a legend in our Phoenix Clan.”

“It is said that in ancient times, our Phoenix Clan had an ancestor who was one step away from achieving the Dao of immortality. Every move she made was filled with supreme majesty, she could change the day and night with a single thought. Throughout the history of the Phoenix Clan, she was the strongest, and there were few opponents in the records of the demon clan who could match her.”

“This ancestor had a earth-shattering battle with the ancestor of the Dragon Clan. That battle turned the stars into dust and extinguished the sun, leaving the universe in silence.”

“No one knows the outcome of that battle. We had a powerful cultivator in the Crossing Tribulation stage in our clan who was able to glimpse a fragment of the battle from a distance.”

“He saw our ancestor lying quietly in the universe, devoid of life, her soul silent, completely dead.”

“Her body was like a small boat, bobbing with the waves. The ancestor of the Dragon Clan didn’t think the battle was over, on the contrary, she was on guard.”

“Suddenly, immortal fire rose from our ancestor’s body. She bathed in the fire, spread her wings, and let out a long howl to the sky. The fire was brilliant, brighter than the sun. She let out bursts of phoenix cries that echoed throughout the universe.”

“Not only our Phoenix Clan, many cultivators in the Crossing Tribulation stage were watching this epic battle from a distance. If you have the chance to go through the records of other demon clans, you can find related records.”

“Since then, the saying of the phoenix being reborn from the fire has been around. However, this is something that only our ancestor could do. Some people in the clan speculate that perhaps only by cultivating to the level of our ancestor can one ignore life and death, die and be reborn. Therefore, for us ordinary phoenixes, the phoenix being reborn from the fire is no different from a legend.”

Jiang Shan spoke modestly. He was a pure-blooded phoenix, a rare existence in the Phoenix Clan. His bloodline was noble, his status prominent. If not for this status, how could he receive the sweet guidance of the third senior sister, and how could he come to supervise the making of the Phoenix Blood Stone in Luo Feng County.

“So the rebirth from fire is true, I thought it was a baseless legend.” Su Yiren expressed her enlightenment. She rarely interacted with others, let alone talked with people from the Phoenix Clan.

The others also nodded, expressing that they had learned something new, “Presumably, that ancestor of the Phoenix Clan had reached the realm of participating in the creation, which is not comparable to ordinary Crossing Tribulation stage cultivators.”

“May I ask where this ancestor of the Phoenix Clan is now?” Lu Yang was more concerned about this issue, perhaps he could find out the whereabouts of the Kylin Immortal through this ancestor of the Phoenix Clan.

Jiang Shan shook his head, “Our ancestor has been missing for a long time, even the oldest elders in the clan don’t know her whereabouts.”

“Immortal, do you know about the phoenix being reborn from the fire?” Lu Yang suddenly remembered that he had the Immortal in his spiritual space.

The Immortal was sleeping and was woken up by Lu Yang.

The Immortal rubbed her eyes, yawned continuously, her eyes couldn’t open, she was drowsy, “What did you just ask?”

“Do you know about the phoenix being reborn from the fire?” Lu Yang asked again.

The Immortal had just woken up, her memory was a bit confused. She tilted her head, thought for a long time, and then said, “There is such a thing.”

As expected of the leader of the Five Immortals of the ancient times, she had seen a lot.

The saying goes, ‘A family with an elder is like a treasure’, and this is exactly what it means.The Immortal Fairy yawned again before saying, “I remember when the Dragon Clan’s pride and the Phoenix Clan’s pride fought over a man. I was watching from the side, tsk tsk tsk, they were both so ruthless. They used all sorts of tricks like burning paper, pulling hair, drawing circles for curses, and so on.”

“Hold on, what do you mean by burning paper, pulling hair, and drawing circles for curses?” Lu Yang thought this didn’t sound like a fight between two powerful beings in the Tribulation Crossing stage.

“Oh, they were attacking each other with their racial true flames, burning half-immortal talismans, using the other’s hair as a medium, and setting up formations to curse each other,” the Immortal Fairy casually explained.

“…Please continue.”

“Anyway, they were both very powerful. As the fight escalated, their moves became more and more fierce. I thought the Dragon Clan’s pride had the upper hand.”

“They’ve fought before, and the Dragon Clan’s pride has a win rate of about 60%. It’s normal for her to win this time.”

“Just when I thought the outcome was about to be decided, the Phoenix Clan’s pride used a secret technique she learned from me—playing dead. She lay on the ground, lifeless, and no one could tell she was still alive.”

“The Dragon Clan’s pride was caught off guard. She didn’t feel accomplished if she claimed victory, but it would be nonsense if she admitted defeat. However, she couldn’t attack a ‘dead’ person, as it would look bad.”

“Then she had a bright idea—to burn the Phoenix Clan’s pride.”

“The Phoenix Clan’s pride was in so much pain from the burning that she screamed and jumped up. Her scream was so loud that the entire universe could hear it.”

“Somehow, the story got twisted into the Phoenix being reborn from the ashes. I don’t know who spread that rumor, but they really have no morals.”

The Immortal Fairy shook her head, somewhat dissatisfied with the Phoenix Clan’s pride, “She hasn’t mastered the art of playing dead. If it were me, I could have continued to play dead.”

“Thankfully, no one knows that I taught her how to play dead. She’s so bad at it that I’m embarrassed to admit I taught her. It’s so humiliating.”

Lu Yang: “…”

Isn’t the one who should be embarrassed you, Fairy?

(End of Chapter)

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