Chapter 220 – Cloudy and sunny day

As the founders of the “One More Time” barbecue shop, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou naturally had excellent culinary skills.

This was evident back in Yanjiang County, and now that Lu Yang had mastered the Three Flavors True Fire, his abilities had improved even more.

In the Foundation Establishment stage, when it came to barbecue skills, Lu Yang was confident that he had no rivals.

Lu Yang shook the skewers, the cumin and chili powder rolling between the meat. Once it was grilled, the flavor was thoroughly brought out, even Qin Yanyan, who preferred light flavors, couldn’t help but swallow her saliva.

“Come on, it’s ready!”

Lu Yang put two large handfuls of skewers into the grill, making a thud sound that was very satisfying to hear.

Meng Jingzhou was also busy, grilling potato slices, leeks, and tofu, the enticing aroma was no less than Lu Yang’s.

“Delicious!” Li’s parents ate two skewers and expressed their heartfelt admiration. Indeed, a good student, not only was his cultivation high, but his cooking skills were also excellent, Li Haoran couldn’t compare at all.

“I’ll have one too!” Li Haoran had long heard of the legendary skewers of his senior brothers Lu and Meng, but never had the chance to try them.

These were the skewers that once tasted so good that they caused the entire Immortal Sect to collapse.

“Delicious!” Li Haoran’s eyes lit up, this was the best skewer he had ever eaten.

Qin Yanyan and Su Yiren were eating in small bites, but as the atmosphere became lively, they no longer held back.

Everyone ate and drank to their heart’s content, their faces full of satisfaction. Seeing everyone enjoying their meal, the Immortal Maiden was so envious that she almost drooled.

She was in a soul state, without taste, and couldn’t eat.

“Lu Yang, let me use your body, I want to eat a couple too.” The Immortal Maiden negotiated with Lu Yang.

Lu Yang didn’t mind, generously handing over control of his body to the Maiden.

The Immortal Maiden happily took over Lu Yang’s body, eating heartily, quite unreserved.

“Haha, Brother Lu, you’ve let loose!” Li Haoran laughed. Previously, Brother Lu had been rather elegant in his eating, but just now he seemed like a completely different person, eating skewers and drinking bamboo juice in large gulps. The nearby Luofeng County was surrounded by many red bamboo forests, the bamboo juice was clear and sweet, very delicious, many tourists who came here would taste this delicacy.

Lu Yang sighed, she was an Immortal Maiden, couldn’t she be a bit more reserved?

“Ying Tianxian and the others have also advised me, saying that I should speak as little as possible in front of outsiders. They said that they have worked hard to improve the outside world’s impression of immortals, and asked me not to mess it up.”

“But there are no outsiders here.” The Immortal Maiden didn’t consider Lu Yang an outsider.

“But the problem is that you’re using my body!” Lu Yang retorted angrily.

“Oh, what’s yours and mine between us.” The Immortal Maiden was very generous about this, “When I find my inheritance later, I’ll give you half.”

Lu Yang remembered that when he first met the Immortal Maiden, she had said that she had buried a treasure in the North Star, all of which were her cherished treasures.

Based on Lu Yang’s understanding of the Immortal Maiden, there probably wasn’t anything good in there.

“If it really doesn’t work, I’ll teach you a few immortal-level cooking skills.” The Immortal Maiden considered the second master of the Immortal Sect as her own successor.

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and didn’t say anything.

Setting aside this little episode that only the two of them knew about, everyone enjoyed the meal.

Li’s parents arranged rooms for Lu Yang and the other guests.

After washing up, Lu Yang took out a half-person-high pillow from his identity jade card. This was Lu Yang’s hugging pillow, he liked to sleep holding something.

Lu Yang had over a decade of sleeping experience, he could sleep well anywhere and was never picky about the place.

Early the next morning, Lu Yang woke up to find his hugging pillow kicked to his feet, looking somewhat pitiful.

“This little girl named Su Yiren has a heart.” The Immortal Maiden suddenly said.

“What do you mean?”

“While you were sleeping, she set up a formation in the courtyard. It’s useless to you, but for Li Haoran’s parents, it can allow them to unconsciously cultivate, infuse spiritual power, and increase their cultivation. However, this takes a long time, it’s not noticeable now, and Li Haoran’s parents won’t notice it either.”

Lu Yang walked out of the room, stretched lazily, the weather was good, it was a cloudy day, cool.

Compared to sunny days, Lu Yang preferred cloudy days.

He saw Li Haoran practicing boxing and meditating in the courtyard.

“Brother Li is so diligent even when he’s home?” Lu Yang was surprised. He thought he had gotten up early enough, but Li Haoran had gotten up even earlier and was cultivating.

He didn’t remember him being this diligent when he was at the Seek Tao Sect.

Li Haoran looked serious and sent a message to Lu Yang: “Brother Lu, you don’t know. Although my parents were happy and welcomed me home yesterday, based on my experience, after a night’s sleep, when the second day comes and their novelty wears off, they will scold me, saying that I do nothing but eat and sleep at home, living too decadently.”

“Rather than letting them scold me, I might as well take action first and pretend to be very diligent. Anyway, it’s just in the morning, they can’t control me when I go out to play during the day.”

Lu Yang suddenly realized, he didn’t expect there to be such a trick to it.

What Li Haoran didn’t say was that if Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou hadn’t come, his parents could have spoiled him for a couple more days. But once Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou arrived, the time they spoiled him would be greatly reduced!

“Haoran, you’re up so early?” Li’s mother saw Li Haoran cultivating early in the morning, with Lu Yang standing by the side, she was overjoyed.

It must be Lu Yang leading Li Haoran to cultivate together.

Li Haoran: “……”

He really wanted to say, Mom, my ranking as the fifth in the same class of the Seek Tao Sect is really not low.

This was true, with Li Haoran’s talent, whether it was placed in a first-class sect or a super first-class sect, he was definitely the top of his class. Even if he was placed in the previous classes of the Seek Tao Sect, he could rank in the top three.

Unfortunately, there were too many monsters and demons in this class.

At breakfast, Su Yiren just quietly ate and didn’t mention the formation she had set up in the courtyard last night. It seemed that she didn’t want anyone to know about it.

If it weren’t for the Immortal Maiden, Lu Yang wouldn’t have known either.”Let’s go, I’ll take you guys for a stroll around the county!” Li Haoran called out to Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou. After a moment of thought, he also invited Qin Yanyan and Su Yiren.

“I’m inviting you because you’re our guests, don’t overthink it.” Li Haoran said to Su Yiren.

Despite this, Su Yiren still smiled happily.

As the group was getting ready to head out, the originally gloomy weather became even more overcast. The clouds gradually thickened, and the rumble of thunder could faintly be heard.

“It’s going to rain heavily.” Li Haoran looked up at the sky, somewhat regretful. Luofeng County was known for its heavy rainfall, and judging by the gloomy weather, a heavy downpour was inevitable. “It seems we can’t go today.”

Upon hearing this, Su Yiren raised her hand towards the sky. The originally oppressive dark clouds instantly dissipated, replaced by a clear sky.

Su Yiren smiled gently, as if nothing had happened. “It’s sunny now, let’s go out.”

Li Haoran: “……”

The second update might be a bit late.

(End of Chapter)

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