Chapter 218 – The way bears bitter secrets

Lu Yang was taken aback. When he experienced the “Rules of the Commoner Town”, he had heard the Bu Yu Taoist talk about the “Rules”.

In the early stages of the Union phase, one begins to control the rules, and in the Tribulation phase, one masters a broader range of rules. Immortals, with the power of their Dao fruits, control the rules of the entire world.

But he really hadn’t expected that Dao fruits could even create the “Reincarnation” rule.

If there really was an immortal who created the rule of reincarnation, would that immortal create other rules?

How many of the things that now seem ordinary were not present in ancient times and were later created?

Why did the ancient nameless one refine the stars into continents? What was the purpose? Was it also a manifestation of some rule, or was it to create some rule?

Lu Yang looked up at the bright sun in the sky. The sun was the moon, which was impossible in his previous life.

The sun, which people regard as the source of life and power, might also be a manifestation of some rule.

Lu Yang threw all his questions at the Immortal Maiden. The Immortal Maiden obviously couldn’t handle such complex questions and was left dazed.

“Anyway, from what I’ve seen and heard since I was resurrected, there’s not much difference between now and ancient times. At most, the stars being refined into continents and the sun are two examples.”

“You just happened to ask about Dao fruits, so let me tell you about them.”

“But the Dao fruits of immortals are too far away for you. Knowing too much now will be detrimental to your future cultivation. I can only tell you a little bit. If it were Yun Zhi, that little girl, I could tell her a lot about Dao fruits… Oh, she doesn’t seem to need me to tell her about this.”

The Immortal Maiden stretched out two fingers and explained the knowledge of Dao fruits to Lu Yang: “Dao fruits can be divided into two types based on the rules they control.”

“The first is the Time Dao fruit of the Time Immortal, which controls the rule of time. The rule of time is objectively existent and originally present. The function of the Time Dao fruit is to master the existing rules and change them according to one’s own will. As for how much they can be changed, only the Time Immortal knows.”

“The second is my Immortal Dao fruit, which controls the rule of immortality. The rule of immortality is a rule I created. It has never existed before. The rule of immortality only applies to me… oh no… Bu Yu Taoist also counts as one, so the rule of immortality applies to both me and Bu Yu Taoist, but its effect on him is far less than on me.”

“Bu Yu Taoist’s Immortal Dao fruit in its embryonic form can only allow him to appear on any statue, which is the most superficial rule of immortality, used for escaping. If he dies, he cannot be resurrected.”

“I’m different.” The Immortal Maiden grinned confidently when she spoke of herself.

“As long as my name is spoken, regardless of time, place, or language form, I can be resurrected! The Heavenly Immortals are very envious of this ability of mine!”

“Unfortunately, they are not capable enough to form the Immortal Dao fruit.” The Immortal Maiden was quite pleased with herself. As the self-proclaimed leader of the Five Ancient Immortals, she naturally had her reasons.

Lu Yang suspected that the Immortal Maiden had eaten the food he cooked, had a great epiphany at the brink of death, comprehended the true meaning of immortality, and formed the Immortal Dao fruit. However, after forming the Dao fruit, she automatically deleted the unpleasant memories.

“There’s also the Heavenly Immortal, whose Dao fruit also created a rule out of thin air, the ‘Tribulation’ rule.”

“The Tribulation rule?”

“The most common manifestation is crossing the Thunder Tribulation. You see, from Elemental Infant to God Transformation, from God Transformation to Void Refinement, all require crossing the Thunder Tribulation. This is a situation that you only have now. In ancient times, cultivators did not need to cross the Thunder Tribulation.”

“The Heavenly Immortal believed that people in the world were cultivating, blindly pursuing power and speed of cultivation, neglecting their state of mind, and losing the original meaning of cultivation. So he formed the ‘Tribulation’ Dao fruit, adding a test for those who cultivate.”

“Experience has proven that the Heavenly Immortal’s decision was correct. With the appearance of the Thunder Tribulation, cultivators began to pay attention to their state of mind, strive to deal with the Thunder Tribulation, and no longer casually fall into demonic cultivation.”

“The Tribulation Dao fruit is a typical example of pushing a rule to the whole world, adding a rule for everyone.”

“So do you understand? If after my death someone becomes an immortal and forms a ‘Reincarnation’ Dao fruit, it would be the same situation as me and the Heavenly Immortal, creating a rule out of thin air.”

“It’s just not known whether this ‘Reincarnation Rule’ applies to specific people or everyone.”

The Immortal Maiden further explained: “If it applies to specific people, generally speaking, the holder of the embryonic form of the Reincarnation Dao fruit can continuously reincarnate, thereby achieving a different kind of immortality.”

“If it applies to everyone, it means that everyone has their own past life. You, Meng Jingzhou, Man Gu, Tao Yaoye, and so on are no exceptions. But I think this possibility is not great.”

“Why?” Lu Yang asked.

“Think about it, if everyone is reincarnating, doesn’t it mean that the total number of souls in the world is fixed?”

Lu Yang nodded.

“Then have you ever thought about how souls appeared in ancient times, that is, when there was no rule of reincarnation?”

Lu Yang was startled, he really hadn’t thought about this question.

The Immortal Maiden continued: “In ancient times, when a fetus was gestating in the womb, it would automatically absorb the essence of heaven and earth. The essence of heaven and earth would gather and form a soul. The essence of heaven and earth is formless, substanceless, senseless, and undetectable.”

“The birth of the soul has always been a mystery. After we five became immortals, we joined forces to deduce that there is a substance in the world that had never been discovered before, called essence. Essence is the source of the soul.”

“The birth of the soul can be regarded as a rule, let’s just call it the Soul Rule.”

“If the Reincarnation Rule applies to everyone, it will inevitably conflict with the Soul Rule. The created rule and the original rule will inevitably conflict, which is a big taboo in forming Dao fruits.”

“The immortal who controls the Reincarnation Dao fruit would not let this happen unless he is a fool.”

Hearing the Immortal Maiden’s explanation, Lu Yang thought of a question: “Maiden, can your Immortal Rule cover everyone?”

If the Immortal Rule could cover everyone, it would mean that everyone would be immortal.

This is a huge temptation that people cannot resist.The Immortal Fairy denied Lu Yang’s idea: “When I first condensed the Immortal Dao Fruit, I had this thought. At that time, everyone was fighting desperately to improve their realm and snatch resources, wasn’t it all for the sake of becoming an immortal, for the sake of eternal life?”

“If I were to grant everyone eternal life, wouldn’t the world be at peace?”

“When I shared this idea with Heavenly Immortal Ying and the others, they reacted strongly, jointly stopping my idea, saying that I shouldn’t have such thoughts.”

(End of Chapter)

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