Chapter 216 – Li Haoran: Is it still possible to cancel the wedding now?

When Lu Yang learned about Li Haoran’s betrothed, numerous myths and legends inexplicably surfaced in his mind:

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the Three Holy Mothers and Liu Yanchang, the Heavenly Immortal Pair…

History has shown many examples of older men marrying younger women. For mortals to marry fairy maidens is the quickest way to ascend to the heavens, and the success rate is extremely high.

Liu Yanchang was an exception, but that was due to the issue with the Three Holy Mothers’ brother, Yang Jian, or perhaps it was a problem with the heavenly court system. However, Su Yiren didn’t seem to have a brother in the Tribulation Crossing stage, and there were no heavenly laws in the ancient times.

So, the conclusion was clear.

“Junior Brother Li is going to enjoy a life of luxury in the future. He will save so many years of detours, it’s really enviable.” Lu Yang marveled, he and Meng Jingzhou felt that this trip was not in vain.

It was worth it.

“By the way, why did Junior Brother Li call us here in the first place?” Lu Yang had forgotten the original purpose of coming here.

Meng Jingzhou cracked a handful of melon seeds, threw them into his mouth, and savored them. He thought for a moment: “I think he said he was nervous about meeting his fiancée and wanted us to cheer him on.”

“Oh, Junior Brother Li doesn’t seem very nervous, so he probably doesn’t need our help.” Lu Yang looked at Li Haoran’s tearful expression and felt that it had nothing to do with nervousness.

“Do you have any more melon seeds? I’ve finished mine.” Lu Yang’s palm was full of melon seed shells.

Meng Jingzhou pulled out a bag of melon seeds: “I do, but they’re raw.”

“No problem, I have fire. Let me roast them for you. What flavor do you want?”

“A bit salty.”


Lu Yang spat out the Samadhi True Fire, controlled the flame temperature, and roasted the melon seeds.

At this time, Li Haoran still didn’t know that his reliable senior brothers had completely given up on him. He was too busy to care about this.

Li Haoran was listening to how his mother had arranged his marriage.

“That day, your father and I were saved by Yiren. At that time, Yiren noticed that I was pregnant and asked if you could be betrothed to her.”

“At that time, I thought that the girl was quite pretty and her cultivation was high. It would be a great honor to be betrothed to her. If Yiren was willing, we would be happy too.”

“Mom, didn’t you consider the age difference?” Li Haoran was dumbfounded. He had never heard of such a marriage arrangement.

Li’s mother looked at him as if he was ungrateful: “How did I teach you since you were a child? Don’t be constrained by worldly views. For cultivators, is age a problem? Of course not.”

“Look at the spouses of the current Tribulation Crossing stage powerhouses. What does it matter if the age difference is hundreds or thousands of years?”

Li’s mother counted on her fingers for Li Haoran, who was in such a situation, how big the age gap was, and how harmonious the couple’s relationship was.

“And for those in the Tribulation Crossing stage, the age gap is even bigger.”

Li Haoran rubbed his temples in pain. So, this was the reason for all the theories she had told him when he was a child.

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou kept nodding their heads. Li’s mother had a point. In the world of cultivation, as long as there is love, age difference is indeed not a problem.

Moreover, there is no such thing as the younger one hoping for the older one to die so they can inherit the property – it’s uncertain who will live longer.

Lu Yang had heard of a Tribulation Crossing stage elder who wanted to experience a sunset romance. Many women married the elder with impure intentions, but several of the elder’s wives had died of old age, and the elder was still alive and well.

Stepping back, is there really a three-thousand-year age difference between Su Yiren and Li Haoran? Not necessarily. Perhaps Su Yiren has good talent and reached the Tribulation Crossing stage early.

Lu Yang had a ready example here. The Immortal Maiden became an immortal at the age of sixteen. In contrast, Lu Yang was still in the Foundation Establishment stage at sixteen, which was very embarrassing.

It can be seen that as long as one party falsely reports their age, the age gap between the two sexes is not large.

Li’s mother continued: “At that time, we didn’t know how high Yiren’s cultivation was. We thought she was either in the Golden Elixir stage or the Elemental Infant stage. Regardless of her realm, she was definitely above us.”

“Later, when we tested your spiritual root, we found that you have a very rare fire spiritual root. Your future prospects are boundless, definitely above the Elemental Infant stage. If you marry Yiren, she won’t be at a disadvantage.”

Li’s father and mother did not regret the marriage because of Li Haoran’s talent. They had saved their lives and arranged the marriage early. How could they regret it?

“Originally, we wanted to remind you that when your cultivation is high, you can also help Yiren.”

“Just a few days ago, Yiren came with her daughter. We only then realized that she is in the Tribulation Crossing stage, which greatly surprised us. You must hurry up and cultivate, so you don’t fall short of Yiren.”

“Yanyan reacted a bit violently, opposing this marriage. She repeatedly proposed to tear up the marriage contract. You know the rest.”

Li Haoran: “……”

No wonder Qin Yanyan reacted so strongly. After living for more than a decade, suddenly your mother tells you she’s getting married, and you’re going to have a new dad. Who can stand that?

If he put himself in her shoes, Li Haoran guessed that he would react the same way.

Li Haoran seriously said to Qin Yanyan: “I think what you said makes sense. Nowadays, free love is advocated. It’s better to dissolve this marriage that goes against our will.”

Su Yiren silently took out a memory orb. It played Li Haoran’s bold words during his fight with Qin Yanyan.

“I tell you, I will never dissolve this marriage contract in my life!”

“I tell you, I will never dissolve this marriage contract in my life!”

“I tell you, I will never dissolve this marriage contract in my life!”

Su Yiren didn’t say a word, but her action spoke louder than a thousand words.

“Stop, stop, don’t play it anymore.” Li Haoran pleaded, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to hide in.

Why can’t I learn Senior Brother Lu’s earth shrinking technique?

If I had known this, I wouldn’t have come home. Wouldn’t it be better to just cultivate and refine tools in the Seek Tao Sect?

I’m so young and I’m already a kept man. How will my peers see me!

Li Haoran looked at Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou, seeing the two of them cracking melon seeds, with no intention of helping.

Li Haoran silently watched Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou. Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou felt uncomfortable under Li Haoran’s gaze, so they had to step forward to help and uphold justice.”The biggest issue here is with Senior Su. Senior Su, why on earth did you agree to an engagement with Junior Brother Li?”

All eyes in the room were focused on Su Yiren, causing her cheeks to flush with embarrassment. Su Yiren was a very shy person, the more people there were, the less she wanted to speak. However, at this point, she had no choice but to explain. She tried to use as few words as possible to explain the current situation:

“Actually, Li Haoran is the reincarnation of my husband.”

“Yanyan, is Li Haoran really the reincarnation of your father?”

Lu Yang: “……”

Meng Jingzhou: “……”

Oh no, why is this getting more and more complicated? Is it still possible to extricate myself from this situation?

Inside the spiritual space, the Immortal Fairy was invigorated. Following Lu Yang really did lead to a lot of interesting situations.

The boss asked for overtime, the second update might be half an hour late.

(End of this chapter)

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