Chapter 214 – Divorce!

Lu Yang began to ponder whether he should tell his senior sister about the nonsense his master had made up.

If he told his senior sister, his master would undoubtedly be reprimanded. But if he didn’t tell her, she might think that he was colluding with his master.

“On one hand, there’s my master, and on the other, there’s my senior sister. It’s a tough choice.” Lu Yang sighed deeply, feeling like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

He took out a copper coin, deciding to leave the choice to fate.

With a flick of his finger, the copper coin made a crisp sound as it spun rapidly in the air, looking like a sphere. The three of them kept their eyes on the coin, looking up and then down.


It landed on the front side.

“It seems that fate wants my master to be doomed.”

“Brother Lu, try again.” Li Haoran suggested. He had heard Elder Zhou Xin complain about the unreliable Bu Yu Taoist while soaking in the magma.

But no matter what, the sect leader was still the sect leader.

Lu Yang nodded. In fact, he didn’t want to snitch either, so he flicked the coin again.

The coin landed on the back side.

Li Haoran sighed. The sect leader had escaped a disaster.

But then he heard Lu Yang sighing next to him: “It seems that fate wants my master to be doomed.”

“Wait, Brother Lu, how come both the front and back side mean telling the senior sister? What does it take not to tell her?”

“Of course, it’s when the coin stands upright.”

Seeing Li Haoran’s confusion, Meng Jingzhou explained: “Think about it, there are two possibilities when the coin lands, right? It can land flat or stand upright.”


“So Lu Yang has a fifty percent chance of not telling the senior sister. That’s a pretty high chance.”

Lu Yang gave Meng Jingzhou a look of deep agreement.

Li Haoran’s eye twitched: “Brother Lu, if you want our master to die, just say it. Why go through this process?”

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou missed Man Gu. If it had been Man Gu just now, he would have believed them right away.

While they were talking, they arrived at Li Haoran’s old house.

The old horse stopped, and Li Haoran got off first, showing them: “Brothers, this is my home. Although it’s a bit old, it holds my childhood memories. I remember climbing the tree in front of the door when I was a kid.”

“…Brother Li, I think your house is more than ‘a bit old’.”

Li Haoran turned his head and saw his old house being demolished.

“Where’s my house?!”

He had only been away for a little over a year, how could his house be gone?

“Hey, isn’t this the Li family’s boy? I heard you’ve made something of yourself, joined the Seek Tao Sect?” An old man recognized Li Haoran.

“Uncle Zhang, where’s my house?” Li Haoran quickly asked the familiar face.

“Huh? Didn’t your parents tell you? To celebrate you becoming a disciple of the Seek Tao Sect, they sold the old house and moved. They moved to Chunyuan Street.”

“…Are they really celebrating me becoming a disciple of the Seek Tao Sect?” Li Haoran covered his face with one hand, feeling somewhat helpless.

Following Uncle Zhang’s directions, the three of them finally found Li Haoran’s real home.

Before entering the house, Lu Yang quietly asked Meng Jingzhou: “Have you prepared the gifts for Uncle and Auntie?”

“I’ve prepared them long ago. I have a lot of good stuff in my identity jade card. What about you?”

“I went to the mission hall before I came and exchanged some elixirs and heavenly treasures.”

After their exchange, they got off the carriage with ease.

Before Li Haoran could knock on the door, he heard a strange woman’s voice from inside the house.

“I absolutely won’t agree to this marriage!”

“Engaged since childhood? Did you get my consent?”

“Don’t even think about me acknowledging this marriage!”

Then came the voice of Li Haoran’s father: “This marriage was agreed upon…”

Hearing the commotion, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou exchanged glances. Things didn’t seem to be going smoothly.

Li Haoran frowned, pushed open the door, and deliberately said loudly: “Mom, Dad, I’m home!”

As he pushed open the door, a couple stood in the courtyard, looking somewhat at a loss. It seemed that the situation had caught them off guard. They were Li Haoran’s parents.

The one arguing with Li Haoran was a beautiful young girl who looked about the same age as Li Haoran.

Behind the girl stood a beautiful female cultivator who bore some resemblance to the girl. It was unclear whether she was the girl’s sister or mother.

“Haoran is back?” Li Haoran’s parents were overjoyed to see him.

“Mom, Dad, let me introduce you. These are my two senior brothers from the Seek Tao Sect, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou.”

“Hello, Uncle and Auntie.” Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou greeted them with warm smiles, presenting the gifts they had prepared.

“You shouldn’t have brought anything.”

“These are just some things we picked up on the way here, they’re not expensive.”

After some polite refusals, Li Haoran’s parents accepted the gifts.

“So you’re Li Haoran?” The girl frowned at Li Haoran. To be fair, Li Haoran was handsome and looked like a gentleman, but no matter how she looked at him, she found him displeasing.

“And who are you?” Li Haoran didn’t have a good tone towards the girl either.

Afraid that the conflict would escalate, Li Haoran’s parents quickly introduced: “This is Qin Yanyan, and her mother Su Yiren, the high-level cultivator who saved us.”

Inside the spiritual space, the Immortal Fairy exclaimed: “This Su Yiren is something. She’s a cultivator in the Integration stage.”

There were many talented people in the Central Continent, and many Integration stage cultivators that Lu Yang had never heard of.

Not to mention Lu Yang, even Meng Jingzhou, who was born in the Meng family, couldn’t recognize all the Integration stage cultivators.

“Integration stage?” Lu Yang was surprised. Was Brother Li so valuable? An Integration stage cultivator not only saved Li Haoran’s parents but also arranged a marriage.

Lu Yang didn’t see anything particularly noteworthy about Li Haoran, apart from his fire spiritual root.

The Immortal Fairy teased: “You’re also very valuable. Yun Zhi personally arranged a marriage for you and Lanting. If it’s successful, you’ll have a group of Integration stage cultivators backing you.”

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and didn’t pick up the Immortal Fairy’s thread.Qin Yanyan sized up Li Haoran, “I heard you’re from the Seek Tao Sect, and you’re only ranked fifth in your generation. How embarrassing, a grand fire spiritual root can only rank fifth.”

Li Haoran thought about the top four. One had a sword spiritual root and was personally taught by the eldest senior sister, with magical talent on par with her. One was from the largest family, Meng family, with a single dog spiritual root. One had a feathered immortal body, even rarer than a single spiritual root. And one was a descendant of the ancient barbarian tribe, inheriting the tribe’s luck. It didn’t seem too shameful to be ranked fifth.

Man Gu was the last of the ancient barbarians. It was said that the last person of a race would gather all the luck of that race.

Wouldn’t it be strange if he could surpass the top four?

“I advise you, nullify the marriage contract, and we can live in peace. We can meet again in the future without any hard feelings. If you refuse…” At this point, Qin Yanyan revealed a cold smile, the consequences of refusal were self-evident.

“What if I refuse?”

Qin Yanyan continued to smile coldly, not sure how to threaten Li Haoran if he refused.

(End of Chapter)

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