Chapter 210 – The strongest Golden Elixir

Lu Yang, following the guidance of his senior sister, earnestly arrived at the Scripture Repository.

At the entrance of the Scripture Repository, he ran into Sister Zhou Lulu, whom he hadn’t seen since she took him to the cafeteria to buy weapons.

“Sister Zhou Lulu, long time no see.”

Sister Zhou Lulu, engrossed in the world of books, looked up at the sound of Lu Yang’s voice and smiled, “Ah, it’s Junior Brother Lu. It’s you who haven’t seen me for a long time. When you were the sect leader a few days ago, who hadn’t seen you?”

Lu Yang laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

He couldn’t exactly say that it wasn’t him who wanted to be the sect leader, but the sixteen-year-old immortal in his body.

“You haven’t been to the Scripture Repository for two or three months. Are you looking for a particular book?”

“I want to find a book about how to form a Golden Elixir.”

Zhou Lulu suddenly realized, “Oh right, you are in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, it’s time to consider how to form a Golden Elixir.”

“How did Sister Zhou form her Golden Elixir?”

Sister Zhou recalled her experience, “It was a rainy day, I was reading under the eaves, and suddenly, the words in the book started to jump around, imprinting themselves in my mind. The words traveled from my mind, through my organs, to my Dantian. My spiritual power transformed from mist to liquid, forming a babbling stream, which then merged with the words to form a Golden Elixir.”

“Sister Zhou, you are so talented!” Lu Yang exclaimed. He had heard that for those with extraordinary talents, forming a Golden Elixir was a matter of course, not requiring much mental effort. Some prodigies even succeeded after a good night’s sleep.

For example, the ancient prodigy Huang Doudou formed his Golden Elixir in his sleep.

Zhou Lulu waved her hands, a little embarrassed, “Junior Brother Lu, you can’t say that about me. There are many senior brothers and sisters in the sect who are more talented than me. They went through a lot of trouble when forming their Golden Elixirs. You can’t judge talent by how easy it is to form a Golden Elixir.”

“I heard that Senior Brother Dai Bufan and Senior Brother Ji Hongwen made a lot of preparations and received help from the sect to successfully form their Golden Elixirs.”

“The book you need is on the easternmost bookshelf on the first floor of the Scripture Repository.”

Lu Yang thanked Sister Zhou and entered the Scripture Repository. However, he was a little puzzled. The Scripture Repository was huge, with countless bookshelves against the walls. Whenever he needed a book in the past, Sister Zhou Lulu would tell him which row and column it was in. Why was she so vague today?

Soon, Lu Yang found the answer.

The entire eastern wall of the Scripture Repository was filled with books about forming Golden Elixirs. A small portion of them were from outside, but the majority were the accumulated wisdom of the Seek Tao Sect over 120,000 years.

The books from 120,000 years ago were not here; only copies were on display.

“Do you have any suggestions for forming a Golden Elixir, Immortal?” Lu Yang decided to ask the self-proclaimed leader of the Five Immortals of the Ancient Times, the Immortal of Eternity.

“In ancient times, I saw a type of Golden Elixir that could be considered the strongest. Even the Golden Elixir I formed was inferior to it.”

“There’s such a Golden Elixir?” Lu Yang was surprised. The Immortal of Eternity was always stubborn and never admitted that she was the most embarrassing one among the Five Immortals of the Ancient Times. He didn’t expect her to admit her inferiority this time.

And Golden Elixirs had different focuses, so how could one be ranked first?

“Before anyone became an immortal in ancient times, all the prodigies were competing, comparing methods, backgrounds, talents… I was the best in the world at that time. Ying Tianxian and Jiuchongxian were not as good as me, and I beat them until they were running away in disgrace.”

“At that time, there was a prodigy whose peach blossom luck was extremely strong. When he formed his Golden Elixir, he had seven beloved women, who were famous talents, witches, and saintesses at the time. That prodigy and his seven beloved women all formed top-grade Golden Elixirs. The prodigy’s Golden Elixir was the main one, and the seven beloved women’s Golden Elixirs were auxiliary, forming a Big Dipper formation. During battles, that prodigy could use the Golden Elixirs of his beloved women, increasing his combat power by at least seven times.”

“This is the strongest Golden Elixir I know of.”

“Thank you, that’s not helpful at all.” Lu Yang rolled his eyes. He treated it as a story told by the Immortal of Eternity. Where was he supposed to find seven beloved women?

Did she think he was looking for the Calabash Brothers?

“I also know of a Golden Elixir that is very powerful, but I only heard about it, so I’m not sure how much of it is true. This happened before my time.”

“In ancient times, there was a couple of cultivators. At first, when the wife formed her Golden Elixir, there was nothing unusual, it was a normal top-grade Golden Elixir. But as the days went by, the Golden Elixir became bigger and bigger, and the wife looked as if she was pregnant.”

“The wife was pregnant for three years, and the Golden Elixir left her body on its own, breaking into an infant, becoming the wife’s external Elemental Infant.”

“What happened next?”

“Later, the wife found out that it wasn’t an Elemental Infant, it was her son.”

“… Immortal, you should go back to sleep if you have nothing to do.”

“These are ancient secrets, I don’t tell them to just anyone!” The Immortal of Eternity was very dissatisfied with Lu Yang’s indifferent attitude.

She, the leader of the ancient immortals and the controller of the fruit of eternity, was sharing information that was worth a thousand gold per word, he should appreciate it!

The Immortal of Eternity’s story was in line with Lu Yang’s consistent impression of her—unreliable.

Knowing that the Immortal was unreliable, he no longer sought shortcuts and began to earnestly read the experiences of his senior brothers, uncles, and ancestors in forming Golden Elixirs.

According to the guidance of the Immortal of Eternity, it was debatable whether he was taking a shortcut or a detour.

“Single Dog Golden Elixir, top-grade Golden Elixir, the Golden Elixir is like a great sun, upright and unyielding, sitting in the center of the Dantian, dominating all directions. Evil creatures such as demons and ghosts cannot approach, but if one gets close to a woman, the Golden Elixir will be destroyed and the person will die.”

Lu Yang was quite lucky. He randomly picked a book and flipped through a few pages, and found a Golden Elixir related to Meng Jingzhou.

Lu Yang closed the book and saw the cover read “Experiences in Forming a Golden Elixir—Written by Taoist Shendu”.

Taoist Shendu was the old predecessor in the cultivation world who named the Single Dog Spiritual Root. This old predecessor was a cultivator from the early days of the Dayu Dynasty. It was unknown whether he had fallen due to the end of his lifespan, or had buried himself to awaken when the great era arrived.

Lu Yang continued to read and found that this book, although it claimed to be about experiences in forming a Golden Elixir, was more like Taoist Shendu’s complaints.

“Damn your grandfather’s Single Dog Spiritual Root, why do I have such an unprecedented spiritual root?”

“Did I do something bad in my previous life and am now receiving retribution, or did I have too many wives in my previous life and am now balancing it out in this life?””Isn’t cultivating immortality all about having a harem, surrounded by wives and concubines? Why am I the only one who’s different! What’s the point of cultivating immortality then!”

Lu Yang quietly closed the book, put it back in its place as if nothing had happened, and continued to the next book.

“Huh, is this the Senior Sister’s Golden Core insights?” Lu Yang seemed to have discovered a treasure. This was a thick book, recording the methods and insights of the Golden Core stage from his senior brothers and sisters.

Ranked first, naturally, was the Senior Sister.

Suppressing his excitement, he continued reading, only to see the Senior Sister wrote:

“My Golden Core formation has no reference value, please do not imitate. Those who learn from me will die, those who resemble me will die. To prevent future generations from imitating my Golden Core formation, I will not disclose my method.”

(End of Chapter)

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