Chapter 209 – The three giants of the Seek Tao Sect

The Sect Leader originally thought that they had fallen to such a state, destined to live a muddled life in the Seek Tao Sect without any hope of turning things around. However, he found new hope in Deputy Sect Leader Liu!

It seems that the Seek Tao Sect is not as unified as it appears, with internal strife and power struggles. What are they, the demonic cultivators, best at if not sowing discord?

“Quickly, tell me, how many factions are there within the Seek Tao Sect?” The Sect Leader seemed a bit anxious.

Master Liu set up a barrier and several array formations, effectively preventing their voices from leaking out and being eavesdropped on by others using their divine sense.

Seeing Deputy Sect Leader Liu’s thorough preparations, the Sect Leader felt a bit ashamed. In his haste, he had forgotten to set up measures to prevent their conversation from being overheard.

The five Immortal Elders hesitated, unsure whether they should continue listening. This seemed like a top-secret meeting that people of their level were not qualified to attend.

The Sect Leader beckoned them over. They were the remaining forces of the Immortal Sect and should be qualified to listen in.

Once everyone was seated, Master Liu lowered his voice and said, “As of now, we can contact three factions. These three factions are the three bigwigs of the Seek Tao Sect. All the disciples of the Seek Tao Sect are under the control of these three bigwigs, each of which has several cultivators in the Unity stage, including some powerful figures in the late Unity stage!”

The Sect Leader nodded. It was not surprising that the three major forces of the Seek Tao Sect had powerful figures in the late Unity stage. “Are there any who have reached the Tribulation stage?”

Master Liu shook his head: “Not yet discovered. Those old monsters won’t easily reveal their positions and should not be among the three bigwigs!”

Deputy Sect Leader Jin sighed in relief: “It’s good that there are no Tribulation stage cultivators. With our means, it’s not difficult to maneuver between the three bigwigs. What is the relationship between these three bigwigs? Is there room for us to maneuver?”

Master Liu agreed with Deputy Sect Leader Jin’s thoughts. The threat of the Tribulation stage was too great. In the face of absolute power, any scheme was useless. He continued, “Don’t think that I just grill skewers on the street every day. In fact, I pay attention to the conversations of the Seek Tao Sect disciples. From the complex information, I deduce the relationship between the three bigwigs.”

Master Liu placed three bowls on the table to represent the three bigwigs.

“The three bigwigs are the historic Hundred Fragrance Pavilion, the Stir-fry Union that mainly serves stir-fried dishes, and the Hotpot Alliance that sells various types of hotpot.”

“The Hundred Fragrance Pavilion has been on the commercial street for the longest time. As far as I know, some disciples have been eating at the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion since they joined the sect. Even when they reach the Unity stage, they still like to eat there. The Hundred Fragrance Pavilion not only has excellent taste but also has a nostalgic charm. It is the top of the three bigwigs!”

Master Liu overturned the large bowl to represent the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion.

“The Stir-fry Union is not a single shop, but a force formed by several shops that mainly serve stir-fried dishes. These stir-fried dishes have different flavors and can attract disciples from all over the Seek Tao Sect. Its power ranks second among the three bigwigs!”

Master Liu overturned the medium bowl to represent the Stir-fry Union.

“Then there’s the Hotpot Alliance, the largest hotpot restaurant on the commercial street. Many hotpot restaurants are backed by it. It’s like an invisible black hand, manipulating the rise and fall of the hotpot restaurants on the commercial street and their menus. However, compared to stir-fried dishes, hotpot has fewer varieties, and its business is not as good as the Stir-fry Union. It is the last of the three bigwigs.”

Master Liu overturned the small bowl to represent the Hotpot Alliance.

“The Hundred Fragrance Pavilion serves high-end dishes, some of which are as effective as top-grade medicines, helping people to quickly increase their cultivation. The disciples who can dine there are either rich or noble, so the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion has a superior status and does not bother to compete with the other two bigwigs.”

“In the competition between the Stir-fry Union and the Hotpot Alliance, the Hotpot Alliance is at a disadvantage due to its lack of foundation.”

“Although our barbecue shop has just started, the business is booming. Given time, it will not be inferior to the three bigwigs. It has great potential. I think we can form an alliance with the Hotpot Alliance to fight against the Stir-fry Union!”

Master Gao interjected: “Moreover, from a geographical point of view, the Hotpot Alliance is very close to us, just half a street away. It also complies with the military theory of forming alliances with distant states and attacking those nearby!”

Master Gao, who was well-versed in military strategies, was the think tank of the barbecue shop.

“Above the three bigwigs, there is a transcendent force, which is the cafeteria!”

“Whether in terms of background or customer flow and consumption level, the cafeteria’s status is far above the three bigwigs!”

“The good news is, the disciples of the Seek Tao Sect go to the cafeteria not for food, but for weapons. From a functional positioning point of view, we have no overlap with them, so we don’t need to worry about a collision with the cafeteria in the future.”

After the in-depth analysis by Master Liu and Master Gao, the Sect Leader and Deputy Sect Leader Jin roughly grasped the current situation.

Although the start was difficult, as long as they operated properly, they could potentially become the fourth bigwig!

Then Master Gao looked a bit worried: “Although theoretically, we can form an alliance with the Hotpot Alliance, after all, they are an established bigwig and may not be willing to cooperate with our barbecue shop, which has a shallow foundation.”

Master Gao planned to discuss with the Hotpot Alliance tomorrow, but he was already prepared to be rejected.

Seeing Master Gao’s worry, the Sect Leader showed a faint smile. He took out a piece of paper representing the will of the high-level members of the Seek Tao Sect and placed it in front of everyone.

“Take a look at what this is.”

Master Liu, Master Gao, and the five high-level members of the Immortal Sect saw the words on the paper and their pupils contracted.

One of the high-level members of the Immortal Sect exclaimed: “This, this is actually a permit to operate a breeding farm!”

The Sect Leader’s smile was full of confidence: “Yes, it’s our qualification to form an alliance with the Hotpot Alliance!””Whether it’s a barbecue restaurant or a hot pot restaurant, what’s most needed is fresh ingredients. If we have the chance, we could raise some rare demonic beasts to supply the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion. That way, we can establish a connection with them!”

Everyone gasped in surprise. As expected of the sect leader, he was well-prepared.

“But the surprises don’t stop there.” The sect leader moved aside, inviting the third person in the black robe to reveal his true identity.

The third person in the black robe had been silent from the beginning, just quietly listening to their discussion. Now, he removed his hood, revealing a face that was both kind and weathered.

“Disciples, we meet for the first time. You can call me the Immortal.”

“The Immortal?!” Everyone was genuinely shocked. They hadn’t expected the Immortal to have resurrected!

With the sect leader vouching for him, no one doubted the Immortal’s identity.

More importantly, they could feel an indescribable connection with the Immortal, a connection that couldn’t be faked.

“We pay our respects to the Immortal!” Master Liu and Master Gao were the first to kneel.

“We pay our respects to the Immortal!” The five high-ranking members of the Immortal Sect also knelt and kowtowed.

“Rise.” The Immortal said indifferently, “I have reached an agreement with the Seek Tao Sect. As long as I don’t leave the Seek Tao Sect, I can move freely within it!”

“I’ve thought it over, and I think it’s best to come here.”

“I’ve been listening to you for a while, and I’m somewhat disappointed.” The Immortal’s eyes revealed a look of frustration.

“As cultivators at the Unity stage, do you really want to spend your whole lives running barbecue restaurants and farms in the Seek Tao Sect? Are you content with this?”

“Please enlighten us, Immortal!” The sect leader and others felt ashamed when they thought about how they were once influential figures, and now they were content with the chance to become the fourth major power.

“Is the Seek Tao Sect really your only goal? If you want to start a business, you should open chain stores throughout the Central Continent!”

“If you want to do it, do it big, do it best!”

This is a light-hearted and hilarious novel written by a book friend. Watch how the protagonist, Lin Yu, steps into the world of cultivating immortality and becomes the most unconventional alchemist with his full of tricks. The author’s pace is incredibly fast, accelerating to a hundred kilometers in three and a half seconds, making you laugh non-stop.

(End of the chapter)

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