Chapter 202 – Join the religion for two months, the immortal religion is destroyed

When the Sect Leader saw Yun Zhi emerging from within Lu Yang, his heart sank.

He had initially thought that the Immortal might have successfully possessed Lu Yang, and that his previous actions were all an act. But now, it seemed that the Immortal was probably done for.

“So, you, Meng Jingzhou, and Man Gu are all from the Seek Tao Sect!” The Sect Leader was a smart man, and he quickly understood the situation.

It wasn’t that he had sent Lu Yang and the others to infiltrate the Seek Tao Sect, but rather, the Seek Tao Sect had sent them to infiltrate the Immortal Sect! The despicable Seek Tao Sect!

He glared at Lu Yang, who was a righteous cultivator but had disguised himself as a demon cultivator, and his words and actions didn’t reveal any flaws. Such a deep schemer!

Ming Ge waved his hand, signaling for someone to take the Sect Leader away.

“Thanks to the information provided by Daoist Yun Zhi, we were able to capture the Immortal Sect. When I return, I will request the Emperor to reward Daoist Yun Zhi.”

“It was nothing, the hardest part was done by you all, I didn’t contribute much. Please, no need for any rewards.” Yun Zhi said lightly.

She then added, “You don’t need to report to Emperor Xia, I will go see him later.”

Seeing Yun Zhi’s firm attitude, Ming Ge didn’t insist. He bid farewell to everyone, “Now, we need to capture the entire headquarters. We need to quickly locate the branches in various places and strive to capture the entire Immortal Sect. Time is precious, if the people in the branches react, it will be bad. I must leave now!”

After hurriedly saying these words, Ming Ge left to continue dealing with the Immortal Sect. Yun Zhi didn’t say much. She took out the Immortal, which made him quite nervous, thinking that Yun Zhi was going to go back on her word.

“You are an important witness, come with me to see Emperor Xia and the other four Sect Leaders.” To explain the situation of the Immortal Sect, the easiest way was to bring the Immortal with her. The Immortal breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn’t about refining him.

He had heard from Lu Yang in the spiritual space that the Seek Tao Sect had a tradition of refining powerful souls into magical tools. This didn’t sound like the righteous path at all.

The Immortal doubted the memories of his followers. Wasn’t it said that the five major sects worked together to defend the righteous path?

“You, Meng Jingzhou, and Man Gu should go back first. Dai Bufan is waiting for you outside.” Yun Zhi left these words and took the Immortal away like a little chick.

Lu Yang, Meng Jingzhou, and Man Gu met up. Meng Jingzhou said with a grin, “Finally, we’ve dealt with the Immortal Sect. Another great achievement!”

Man Gu hesitated and said, “Did we move too fast? We just joined the Immortal Sect less than two months ago, and now it’s gone.”

The Immortal Sect had existed for fourteen thousand years and was a big disaster. How come as soon as Brother Lu and Brother Meng joined, the Immortal Sect was wiped out?

Even if it was to defend the righteous path, wasn’t this efficiency too high?

Lu Yang said seriously, “Man Gu, you need to understand one thing. Did we destroy the Immortal Sect? No, of course not!”

“Everything that happened today is the retribution for the Immortal Sect’s evil deeds. We just made a negligible contribution.” Meng Jingzhou nodded vigorously. The Immortal Sect was blind to invite them in, what did it have to do with them? Man Gu suddenly realized, “I see.”

The three of them left the headquarters laughing and joking. As expected, Dai Bufan was waiting for them.

“You’re out? You three did a good job!” Dai Bufan said with a smile, patting each of them on the shoulder. He was clearly very pleased.

With one less demonic sect, it was equivalent to one less major internal threat, and he could relax a lot.

Dai Bufan casually plucked a leaf from a tree, and somehow made it as big as a small boat. “Get on.”

Using the green leaf as a flying boat, Dai Bufan took the three of them back to the Seek Tao Sect.

Lu Yang was shivering as he looked down, feeling like he could fall at any moment. Seeing this, Dai Bufan laughed, “Lu Yang, so you’re afraid of heights. How are you going to be a sword cultivator in the future?”

Back in the main hall, Dai Bufan and the three of them calculated the rewards for this mission.

“The eldest sister told me before she left that although the maximum contribution points for the Foundation Establishment mission is one thousand, this time you three made a great contribution in destroying the Immortal Sect, and each of you will be rewarded exceptionally.”

“Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu, you each get two thousand contribution points.”

“Lu Yang, you contributed the most in the competition within the Immortal Sect, so you get two thousand five hundred contribution points.”

With the remaining contribution points from last time and the new ones they just received, the three of them were very pleased. Among the Foundation Establishment cultivators, they had the most contribution points!

“Brother Dai, can this knife be exchanged for contribution points?” Lu Yang took out the demonic knife and asked Dai Bufan to appraise it.

Dai Bufan examined the demonic knife, lightly flicked it, and listened to its resonance, “It’s indeed a rare good knife, aren’t you going to keep it for yourself?”

“Oh right, you have the Green Edge Sword given by the eldest sister, you don’t need this demonic knife.”

“The material of this knife is good, but the refining method is too poor. Moreover, it has killed too much, and the karma and dirty blood have destroyed the original characteristics of the material. I’ll give you one thousand seven hundred contribution points for it.”

After calculating their respective contribution points, the matter was finally settled. The three of them were yawning continuously. This operation was time-consuming and exhausting, both physically and mentally.

“Let’s go back and sleep, we can talk about exchanging rewards tomorrow.” Meng Jingzhou yawned, his eyes barely open.

Man Gu was even about to fall to the ground and sleep there.

Lu Yang wasn’t much better. The battle this time took place in the spiritual space, which consumed him the most. But his lack of concentration now had another reason.

“Why don’t I have any contribution points! It must be that little girl Yun Zhi who’s afraid of me becoming the Sect Leader again!” The Immortal was making a fuss in the spiritual space.

“Immortal, can you be quiet for a while, I need to sleep.” Back in his cave, Lu Yang said sleepily. The Immortal responded with an “oh”, and stayed quietly in the spiritual space, no longer making noise or talking.

After the three of them left, Dai Bufan examined the demonic knife, unsure of how to deal with it. “Forget it, I’ll put it in the warehouse for now, and ask the Fifth Elder about it later.” Dai Bufan casually held the demonic knife and put it in the corner of the warehouse.The warehouse was pitch black, with only the faint outlines of various magical treasures visible. The demonic sword, radiating an ominous aura, was particularly conspicuous.

No matter where it was, the demonic sword was always domineering. It shimmered with a dark red glow, declaring itself the boss of this warehouse. Any who did not submit would be cut down!

A treasure lamp floated in the air, emitting the aura of a high-level magical treasure, enveloping the demonic sword. A jade Ruyi lit up with a green light, also enveloping the demonic sword.

A paper fan snapped open with a swish, gently fanning the air.

Sickles, brushes, gourds, chessboards… all sorts of magical treasures seemed to come to life, surrounding the demonic sword.

The demonic sword trembled, voluntarily retracting its ominous aura, appearing harmless to both humans and animals. What kind of place was this? It was terrifying.

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