Chapter 197 – Honesty and leniency

“No, I mean my name is Bu Yao Lian, ‘Bu’ as in fabric, ‘Yao Lian’ as in shameless.” The Immortal had been beaten into submission and was now answering every question with a good attitude.

The Immortal frowned, “Why such a strange name?” Lu Yang thought to himself, what right do you have to call someone else’s name strange?

The Immortal sighed, “I didn’t want this name either. To explain this, it’s a long story.”

“Take your time.” The Immortal conjured a small stool, sat on it, propped her head on her hand, and prepared to listen to the Immortal’s story.

Yun Zhi and Lu Yang also quietly listened from the side.

The Immortal truthfully said, “I don’t know where my consciousness came from, nor how I was born. A long time ago, I had my first consciousness. It was very faint, barely able to perceive my own situation, like looking at flowers in the fog, not very clear.”

“I felt an unknown power constantly converging on me, making me stronger bit by bit, but my consciousness was still hazy and vague, unable to discern the outside world.”

“I could also feel many memories filling my consciousness, but at that time I had no ability to think, I just blindly accepted the memories, unable to sort and process these vast memories.”

“My consciousness gradually became stronger, and faint voices began to echo around it, calling ‘Immortal’. The word ‘Immortal’ was in my memory, but I still couldn’t process the memory and didn’t know what an Immortal was.”

“I don’t know how long it took, maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years, but suddenly my consciousness became clear, like a drowning person being pulled out of the water, regaining perception of the outside world.”

“And the first sentence I heard after my consciousness became clear was—Great Immortal Bu Yao Lian, please save your devout followers, save this world.”

“‘Bu Yao Lian’ became my name. I originally had no name, but when the leader called me ‘Bu Yao Lian’, I got a name.”

“As I got a name, I was finally able to process the vast memories from before, understanding the meanings they represented.”

“In the memories, I saw someone accidentally discovering a secret realm, stumbling into it, learning that there was an Immortal who protected the human race in ancient times, called the Immortal, who had the Immortal Dao Fruit, could die and be reborn. After that person left the secret realm, he created the Immortal Sect, trying to resurrect the Immortal.”

“The Immortal Sect became powerful, and more and more followers joined the Immortal Sect, pleasing the Immortal with killing, calling the Immortal’s true name, resurrecting the Immortal.”

“At that time, I understood that I was the Immortal resurrected by the Immortal Sect. As long as someone truly believed in me, prayed to me, worshipped me, I would receive their memories.”

“The leader prayed to me, and I appeared in the world through the statue, responding to the leader’s expectations.”

“I have the leader’s memories. What the leader knows, I know. I saw that he was seriously injured and needed a hundred years of rest. Considering that he was my most devout and powerful follower, I healed him.”

“As I got a name, I could feel that I was holding a golden light. Combining the memories, I guessed that this was the Immortal Dao Fruit.”

“I used part of the power of the Immortal Dao Fruit to heal the leader.”

“But I don’t know if I am really the Immortal. My earliest memory comes from the first believer, which is a memory from more than ten thousand years ago. I have no memory of the ancient times.”

“For example, when the leader asked me who refined the stars in the sky, I couldn’t answer this question, but I couldn’t say I didn’t know, so I told him that this matter was of a high level and not something he could know.”

“I’m not sure how the followers would react if they knew my state, so I can only pretend to have awakened from the long ancient times.”

“And I have always been in a soul state, which is definitely not sustainable in the long run, so I told the leader that I needed to possess a body, to return to my peak, to save the world.”

“The leader believed my words, summoned all the Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment disciples, held a competition, and I selected a suitable body to possess from them.”

“And then you chose me?” Lu Yang asked.

The Immortal nodded helplessly. Indeed, who else did I choose? I chose you, who has poor eyesight, and got beaten up.

If it were anyone else, I would have succeeded in possessing them.

The things the Immortal explained answered some questions, such as why he didn’t know the ancient techniques, why he needed to possess a body, and why his name was Bu Yao Lian.

But there were some questions that even he couldn’t explain.

For example, who is he? Where did he come from? How did the Immortal Dao Fruit appear?

Lu Yang looked at his senior sister and the Immortal with hopeful eyes. This was the time for the knowledgeable elders to step in.

The Immortal frowned slightly, seemingly pondering something, and didn’t seem very reliable.

The senior sister had been quietly listening to the Immortal’s experiences from beginning to end, discerning whether these experiences were true or made up.

The senior sister believed that the general experiences should be true.

She noticed Lu Yang’s gaze, knowing that this junior brother still had many questions and hoped to get answers from her. She said, “The Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Strategy Sect, Dao Yan, proposed a hypothesis that there was originally no Immortal, no Immortal Dao Fruit, and the Immortal Sect was creating an Immortal.”

Lu Yang secretly nodded, the elder was indeed reliable.Upon hearing Yun Zhi’s words, the Immortal raised his head abruptly, “Where did this Dao Yan come from, daring to question the existence of my Dao fruit?

Do you know how much effort I put into cultivating this Dao fruit? Even the Heavenly Immortals are envious of me!”

Lu Yang suggested that the Immortal should listen to the senior sister first, and then settle accounts with Dao Yan later.

Yun Zhi continued, “Where does the soul come from and where does it go? This is a question that the cultivation world has been unable to answer so far. Dao Yan believes that human thoughts are a form of power. As long as there are enough and strong enough thoughts, it is possible for a soul to appear.”

“Of course, this is just a hypothesis and it cannot explain how the first soul was born. But your situation fits this hypothesis.”

“From the establishment of the Immortal Church to the present, it has been 14,000 years. During these 14,000 years, at least millions of believers have prayed to the non-existent Immortal. Over such a long period of time, with a vast amount of thoughts, it is entirely possible to create a soul, which is you, the Immortal.”

“But your appearance may require an additional condition – killing.”

“Have you ever thought about where the resentful demonic energy that you just used came from?”

“Humans are the superior beings, the favored children of heaven and earth. They are born with ‘spirituality’. The practice of demonic cultivators is to strip away this ‘spirituality’ through killing, transforming it into their own power.”

“The believers killed to please you, causing boundless karma of killing. The power gained from killing became your power, the power of the Tribulation Crossing stage.”

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