Chapter 176 – Shangguan Yu

"Eh, so this is the high-ranking member of the Immortal Sect you guys captured."


A voice suddenly appeared behind Lu Yang, startling him. He turned his head and saw it was the young girl, Shangguan Yu.


"Why would he abandon his barbecue shop and join the demonic sect?" Shangguan Yu shook her head, reminiscing the taste of the grilled skewers, feeling pity for these people.


"Anyway, you guys from the Seek Tao Sect did a good job. You caught a big fish. It's been many years since you caught such a big figure. I hope you can get some useful information out of him."


Shangguan Yu patted Lu Yang's shoulder with a smile: "I think you were born to be a member of the Seek Tao Sect. Keep up the good work. I have high hopes for you. Maybe you can surpass Bu Yu Taoist in the future!"


Yun Zhi said from the side: "Of course he can surpass Master."


Shangguan Yu scratched her head. What she meant was that Lu Yang's imagination could surpass Bu Yu Taoist. Did Yun Zhi misunderstand something?


Forget it, no need to explain, too troublesome.


Just as Lu Yang was about to say something, Shangguan Yu disappeared out of thin air, using some unknown method.




On the viewing platform, the Grand Elder maintained order: "Everyone, don't panic. It's just a few demonic sect members in the Unity stage using immortal treasures to ambush us. It's not a big deal."


The Grand Elder had an expression of "This is a common occurrence in our Seek Tao Sect", "You Five Elements Sect haven't seen it, have you?" "These people can't make waves here."


Qiu Jinan could swear that this guy was showing off.


If a Unity stage demonic sect member with an immortal treasure launched an ambush in the Five Elements Sect, they would definitely be on high alert. Unlike the Seek Tao Sect, they still had the mood to tease others.


Your hearts are really big.


"From the Immortal Sect?" Qiu Jinan remembered that Yun Zhi knew some secrets about the Immortal Sect and should have some clues.


Unity stage, this is definitely a deputy leader level figure in the Immortal Sect. The Seek Tao Sect has caught a big fish this time.


Qiu Jinan was envious. If they dug deep into this big fish, they could definitely dig out a lot of good things.


Why does the Seek Tao Sect always encounter such good things!


"Indeed." The Grand Elder replied in a literary manner.


Qiu Jinan suppressed the urge to beat up the Grand Elder and negotiated: "The five major immortal sects share a common enemy. If you find out any information, let us know too."


The Grand Elder was nonchalant: "That's easy to say. As long as you admit that your Five Elements Sect is inferior to our Seek Tao Sect and become our little brother, we, as the big brother, will definitely tell you any information we get."


"Qin Jiunian, don't push your luck! Among the nine sons of your Seek Tao Sect, I can only admit defeat to Bu Yu Taoist!"


Qiu Jinan slapped the table, moved his body, and the joints creaked.


The Grand Elder sneered, snapped his fingers, and the second to eighth elders appeared behind him, standing like a peacock spreading its tail.


Qiu Jinan felt a suffocating terror – the Sixth Elder was here.


The Grand Elder showed a smug smile, but before he could say anything, he found that he couldn't say a word.


He helplessly sent a message to the Sixth Elder: "Sixth Junior Sister, when will you be able to control your immortal body?"


The Sixth Elder rolled her eyes: "Be content. Among the historical records, I control the immaculate immortal body the best. The last recorded immaculate immortal body was Chi Qianqian. After she reached the Unity stage, she automatically repelled the surrounding spiritual energy, causing her to give up cultivation."


Obviously, the immortal body has its drawbacks.


After being messed up by the Sixth Elder, the Grand Elder lost the mood to mock Qiu Jinan.


The Sixth Elder tactfully left. The closing ceremony hadn't ended yet. If she stayed here, the Grand Elder and Qiu Jinan wouldn't even be able to recite the closing speech.


In the competition between the Five Elements Sect and the Seek Tao Sect, the Five Elements Sect lost miserably, almost without any victories.


The disciples of the Five Elements Sect were not flowers in a greenhouse. They had done a lot of demon-slaying and devil-eliminating tasks, and had mixed in the market for the sake of completing tasks. Their combat experience and knowledge were very rich.


But they really hadn't seen the Seek Tao Sect's way of fighting. It was too unexpected, and no experience could be used.


The few matches that the Seek Tao Sect lost were due to the intermittent mental illness of the Seek Tao Sect disciples.


For example, in a Golden Elixir stage match, the disciple of the Seek Tao Sect started off very fiercely, completely different from his usual impression. Just when the disciple of the Five Elements Sect was about to be unable to defend, the disciple of the Seek Tao Sect suddenly fell to the ground due to exhaustion.


On his deathbed, he said to the referee: "This is a do-or-die battle… I took a poison pill before the match… It will take effect in five minutes… I will only take the antidote after I get off the stage… If I can't defeat my opponent within five minutes… I will surely die… I… I can't hold on any longer… I really want to win a match…"


Seeing that the person was about to die, the referee, who didn't carry the antidote, quickly took out two poison pills of the same kind to extend his life by ten minutes, found the antidote outside the field, and saved him.


After the two of them recited the closing speech with fake affection, they said goodbye reluctantly. It was clear that the five major immortal sects had deep feelings for each other, and it was not as rumored that the Seek Tao Sect was isolated from the other four major immortal sects.


"Haha, Sect Master Qiu, come to our Seek Tao Sect as a guest more often in the future."


"Definitely, definitely, I will definitely come to the Seek Tao Sect to broaden my horizons when I have the chance."


Both of them thought at the same time: "Finally, I don't have to see this old thing anymore."


The Second Elder's feelings for Shangguan Yu were genuine: "If you are bullied in the Five Elements Sect, come to me. I watched Qiu Jinan grow up. He looks serious, but he's actually very cunning. Don't be fooled by him!"


Shangguan Yu giggled and said that Qiu Jinan wouldn't dare to deceive her.


The Second Elder was heartbroken and said that it was because she was too naive that she was deceived by Qiu Jinan.


Qiu Jinan stood between the two, his face so gloomy that it could drip water: "Old Ba I've told you, stay away from her!"

The Second Elder wore an indifferent expression, "Don't try to scare me. The outside world is buzzing with rumors that Shangguan Yu is your half-sister, sharing the same father. I've done my research, your father only had you as his son, you don't have any sisters."


"We've all grown up together, we know each other well. You don't have a fiancée, Shangguan Yu has no relation to you. What right do you have to stop me?"


Qiu Jin'an exploded in anger, "She is my mother!"


The Second Elder stiffened, "Even if she is your mother… Wait, what did you say?"


The Second Elder instinctively retorted at Qiu Jin'an, but stopped midway as he realized something was off.


How did a discussion about girlfriends lead to a mother?


The Grand Elder and the others quietly retreated a few steps. Perhaps due to being disciplined too often in their youth, they had an instinctive fear and desire to distance themselves from the older generation.


The disciples of the Five Elements Sect had an even stronger reaction. One of the five great mysteries of the Five Elements Sect was finally solved.


"No wonder the cultivation world always says not to judge age by appearance. It's indeed true!"


"I remember someone came to propose marriage, and the Sect Leader kicked him out with a dark face. We thought he was just overprotective of his sister, but the reason lies here."


Qiu Jin'an turned his head towards Shangguan Yu, who was enjoying the show. His voice was filled with desperate helplessness, "Mother, you're also to blame. You can't just hide your identity to appear younger. Do you know how many misunderstandings you've caused?"


Shangguan Yu felt her son was being unfilial, "How am I trying to appear younger? Am I not just eighteen? Besides, what's wrong with me pretending to be your sister? Your father agreed!"


"My father's grave is taller than me! Did he come to you in a dream or something?"


(End of the chapter)


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