Chapter 166 – Commentary

“Is it true that the Heavenly Immortal was born in response to the heavens, hence the name?”

The Immortal Maiden waved her hand dismissively, “Nah, that’s all nonsense. The Heavenly Immortal was born in a lowly tribe. In ancient times, one’s origin was highly valued. Even when the Heavenly Immortal showed his talents at a young age, there were whispers behind his back, saying his background and destiny were not enough, that he was just a flash in the pan, destined to fall.”

“He gave himself the title of being born in response to the heavens, which sounds quite plausible.”

“When the Kylin Immortal heard him claiming to be Heavenly, he was not happy. The Kylin is the darling of heaven and earth, also considered a son of heaven, which conflicted with the Heavenly Immortal.”

“They even fought over this. The Kylin Immortal accused the Heavenly Immortal of being born by cesarean section, with a difficult birth process, implying that the heavens didn’t want him to be born.”

“The Heavenly Immortal retorted that the Kylin Immortal was a creature raised but not educated by a mother. In a sense, the Heavenly Immortal was telling the truth.”

Lu Yang looked puzzled. Immortals were supposed to be lofty figures, so why did they sound like street thugs when you talked about them?

“In the end, they fought to a draw. I stepped in to mediate, saying there’s no need to fight during the holidays, and invited them to have a meal at my place. They stopped fighting as soon as they heard this.”

“They became friends through fighting. After the fight, they thought, since we were born of the same mother, why not become sworn brothers.”

Qiu Jin’an automatically ignored the part where the Immortal Maiden was boasting about herself, thinking it was nonsense, and asked, “So they became sworn brothers?”

“No, they started fighting again over who should be the elder brother.”

Qiu Jin’an: “……”

He had heard long ago that in ancient times, the Heavenly Immortal and the Kylin Immortal were at odds, often fighting fiercely. The reasons for their fights were varied, but the mainstream view was that there were disputes over the Great Dao and the Immortal Dao between the two immortals, originating from theories that were elusive but indeed affected everything, and the contradictions were irreconcilable.

Ancient books also recorded that the two fought in the universe, unreservedly, erasing a certain area, where stars and spiritual energy disappeared.

So they fought over such trivial matters?

Why doesn’t it match my imagination of the grandeur of ancient times?

On the stage, the two sect masters were discussing ancient knowledge. On the martial arts square, the disciples of the two sides began their competition.


The first to take the stage was Meng Jingzhou from the Seek Tao Sect, and Du Xueyi from the Five Elements Sect.

Du Xueyi was no ordinary competitor. According to insiders from the Five Elements Sect, Du Xueyi possessed a golden spiritual root. His body had been tempered and polished to be as strong as steel. He had also learned the Thunder Fist technique, his iron fists were indestructible, swift as the wind, and poured down like rain.

Meng Jingzhou was even more extraordinary. According to Lu Yang, who wished to remain anonymous, Meng Jingzhou possessed the rare single dog spiritual root, which only appeared once every hundred years. He frequented brothels without being tainted, showing his strong will despite his physical weakness, which was admirable.

Interestingly, Meng Jingzhou was also a physical cultivator, and he was a disciple of the famous physical cultivation expert, the Third Elder. We wonder what kind of exciting performance these two strong men will bring us today. Let’s wait and see.

The two competitors were already standing on the competition stage, staring at each other. One had a proud look in his eyes, the other a lewd look. Du Xueyi seemed a bit uncomfortable with Meng Jingzhou’s lewd gaze and was at a disadvantage.

In their first confrontation, Meng Jingzhou gained a slight advantage with his shameless momentum!

The competition was about to begin, and Meng Jingzhou walked towards the referee. What was he going to do?

He took out a top-grade spirit stone. He was actually bribing the referee in public!

The referee rejected Meng Jingzhou’s bribe and gave him a yellow card warning!

Meng Jingzhou seemed to misunderstand the referee’s actions, thinking that the referee wanted to exchange the yellow card for his spirit stone.

The referee took action! The referee took action against Meng Jingzhou!

The referee seemed to realize that he shouldn’t have attacked a competitor, so he gave himself a red card and sent himself off.

This competition was truly unpredictable. The competition hadn’t even started yet, and a referee had already been replaced!

Meng Jingzhou was not discouraged by his failure. He persevered and chose to bribe Du Xueyi.

Du Xueyi seemed to have never seen such a spectacle before and was at a loss. Fortunately, the gaze of Sect Master Qiu Jin’an sobered him up, and he decisively rejected Meng Jingzhou’s unreasonable demand.

The new referee seemed to be experienced and gave Meng Jingzhou another yellow card warning.

Finally, Meng Jingzhou started the competition in earnest.

As soon as the competition started, Du Xueyi launched a series of attacks. His fists rained down like thunder, forcing Meng Jingzhou to retreat and cover his head.

Meng Jingzhou, you deserve it… Sorry, the commentator got a bit personal. Please forgive us.

Although Meng Jingzhou seemed to be at a disadvantage, he didn’t seem to have suffered much damage. On the contrary, Du Xueyi was panting after his Thunder Fist technique.

Meng Jingzhou seized the opportunity when Du Xueyi was catching his breath and launched a fierce counterattack, using the Third Elder’s famous technique – the Six Styles of Shaking Heaven, taking the initiative!

Du Xueyi seemed unprepared for Meng Jingzhou’s fierce counterattack, was caught off guard, lost the initiative, and could only defend passively!

Meng Jingzhou attacked like a tiger descending a mountain, roaring through the forest, his fists and palms were fierce, powerful, and extremely strong, causing Du Xueyi to splatter blood!

Du Xueyi, despite being injured, took a heavy punch from Meng Jingzhou, took the opportunity to retreat, and recovered his state.Meng Jingzhou relentlessly pursued his opponent, launching a fierce attack on Du Xueyi. It seemed that Du Xueyi had gradually adapted to Meng Jingzhou’s fighting style, their fists and feet colliding with a piercing sound!

Both sides were fiercely engaged, locked in a stalemate, neither able to gain the upper hand.

Meng Jingzhou was the first to break the deadlock. He took half a step forward and collided his head with Du Xueyi’s!

An unexpected move. Could it be that Meng Jingzhou had practiced the Iron Head technique… Wait, it seemed that wasn’t the case!

The thing that collided with Du Xueyi’s head wasn’t Meng Jingzhou’s head, but his hair!

As a body cultivator, Meng Jingzhou had trained his hair to be as hard as his body! And hair doesn’t feel pain!

Brilliant strategy! It was simply astonishing!

Du Xueyi was dazed by the headbutt, clutching his head and retreating continuously, which was exactly what Meng Jingzhou wanted!

Seizing the opportunity, Meng Jingzhou grabbed Du Xueyi’s clothes and threw him out!

Meng Jingzhou was declared the winner!

The Immortal Fairy announced through the amplification array, “I declare, in the first round of the Foundation Establishment group, Meng Jingzhou is the winner.”

Then, the Immortal Fairy asked Lu Yang in the spiritual space:

“What were you babbling about just now? What were you saying?”

The traffic was heavy on the way home, so I started writing late. The second update will be delayed by half an hour to an hour.

(End of the chapter)

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