Chapter 165 – The Immortal Fairy’s Test

Lin Shaoyou said seriously, "I think the Seek Tao Sect is a good place to go. The brothers and sisters of the Seek Tao Sect get along harmoniously, without any barriers, which I find very appealing. I would like to join the Seek Tao Sect!"


Qiu Jin'an almost choked on his anger at Lin Shaoyou's words. He pointed at Lin Shaoyou, stuttering for a long time before he could utter a word.


"Ungrateful disciple!"


Lin Shaoyou turned to Qiu Jin'an and said, "Master, didn't you just say that cultivators shouldn't care about face?"


"Get back here!" Qiu Jin'an roared in fury.




Lin Shaoyou obediently stood behind Qiu Jin'an. As they passed each other, they exchanged glances.


"Master, did I perform well?"


"You overdid it a bit. You need more practice."


Qiu Jin'an coughed and gradually calmed down, "Since Shaoyou doesn't want to participate in the competition, we as elders can't force him to go, right?"


Lin Shaoyou suggested not to compete with Yun Zhi, so Qiu Jin'an naturally said to continue according to the plan of the Seek Tao Sect.


With a legitimate reason, he wouldn't lose face.


As the eldest disciple, Lin Shaoyou often had the experience of taking the bullet for his master.


This time, Qiu Jin'an planned to challenge the Seek Tao Sect from top to bottom, so he brought along his direct disciples from the Foundation Establishment stage to the Elemental Infant stage. They were all outstanding individuals, confident of being invincible at the same level.


"Old Ba, stay away from her!" Qiu Jin'an noticed the persistent second elder and grabbed Shangguan Yu's hand, pulling her over to protect her.


"Jin'an, Little Ba means no harm to me."


Qiu Jin'an glared, "That's even more problematic!"


Without further ado, Qiu Jin'an pulled Shangguan Yu and led the Five Elements Sect to the martial arts field. After a simple arrangement of the order of appearance, he returned to the stands.


At this time, the disciples of the Seek Tao Sect were gathered around the martial arts field, all with smiles on their faces, here to watch the excitement. Lu Yang didn't expect the Seek Tao Sect to have so many disciples.


The tavern inside the Seek Tao Sect saw a business opportunity and sold viewing seats, or hawked fruits and melons with a large box, claiming to make a fortune every day.


On the stands, the Immortal Maiden and Qiu Jin'an sat side by side, with Yun Zhi, the elder, Shangguan Yu, Lin Shaoyou and others sitting on both sides.


Inside the spiritual space, Lu Yang and the Immortal Maiden were discussing a matter of life and death.


"Maiden, have you ever thought about being killed by the eldest sister and then resurrecting tens of thousands of years later?"


"Eh? Why are you so cruel to me?!" The Immortal Maiden was very surprised, not feeling that she had done anything wrong.


"Wait, you're not angry because I didn't teach you ancient cooking skills, are you? I tell you, this is not to be lightly passed on."


"We are not in a master-disciple relationship, teaching and solving doubts is a very serious matter, it can't be done casually!"


Lu Yang thought to himself, where does the maiden get the face to think her cooking skills are good? Is it because the four ancient immortals weren't poisoned to death by you?


He looked pained, "Maiden, think about it, since you became the acting sect master, how much hatred have you brought me? Even if I were made of iron, I couldn't bear it!"


Lu Yang was sure that those Golden Elixir, Elemental Infant, and Elemental Infant stage brothers and sisters who were challenged by the Immortal Maiden would come to educate him with weapons after today.


The Immortal Maiden finally realized how much trouble she had caused Lu Yang by playing around, but she didn't want to admit her mistake, "How can it be called pulling hatred? This is the test of the immortals for you. Once you pass my test, you can get my inheritance."


If it was the inheritance of the Heavenly Immortal, Lu Yang would be tempted, but he doubted whether learning the Immortal Maiden's inheritance would lower his intelligence.


"This is the inheritance of the immortals, you don't know how many people want to get it."


"What's in your inheritance?" Lu Yang looked at the Immortal Maiden suspiciously.


"There's a lot, like the space spells of Shrinking Ground into Inch and Within Reach, which you've already learned."


"Besides, I can also teach spells related to time!"


Lu Yang's heart moved. Time-related spells were the most precious spells. There were not many in the Seek Tao Sect's scripture library. The Immortal Maiden really had something.


"This spell is called Playing Dead. When you cast this spell, you can make yourself look like a dead person from the inside out. You can also adjust the time at will, control the degree of decay of the corpse, and ensure that no one can see through it!"


"What to do if you can't beat the enemy? Just play dead!" The Immortal Maiden seemed very experienced, not knowing how many times she had played dead.


Lu Yang suspected that he was being assimilated by the Immortal Maiden, and actually thought she was reliable.


"There's also the Water Avoidance Spell, which allows you to freely enter and exit lakes and oceans!"


Lu Yang's interest was piqued again. Many powerful beings fell in battles and their bodies and relics fell into lakes and oceans. It can be said that lakes and oceans are natural treasures. If he could go down, he might reap a lot.


"But remember to use the Water Avoidance Spell quickly, there's a time limit."


"What time limit?""My Water Repelling Art is very comprehensive. Not only can it repel the water around you, but it can also repel the water within your body. If you use this art for too long, you might die of dehydration."


Lu Yang: "…You can keep your legacy to gather dust."


"Eh, why are you like this?!" The Immortal Maiden stomped her foot in frustration.


Outside, Qiu Jin'an turned his head, interrupting their conversation. He asked the Immortal Maiden, "It seems that Sect Master Lu knows a lot about the ancient times. I have some questions, may I ask for his guidance?"


Qiu Jin'an did not look down on Lu Yang because of his young age. Since the other party was the acting sect master, he should treat Lu Yang with the same respect as his peers.


The Immortal Maiden thought Qiu Jin'an's attitude was good: "Sure, but after I answer your questions, you have to tell me where you got the book of Heavenly Immortal Ying."


Lu Yang understood the Immortal Maiden's meaning. Having the book of Heavenly Immortal Ying meant that there was an ancient relic somewhere. She wanted to find clues about her and the ancient times there.


"Agreed." Qiu Jin'an consented.


"I heard that in ancient times, there was a divine being who could survive even after beheading himself, using his own breasts as eyes and navel as a mouth."


"There was indeed such a person."


"I want to know, did he wear clothes?" Qiu Jin'an was very interested in these ancient legends.


The Immortal Maiden thought for a moment and said, "He usually didn't wear clothes, going around bare-chested, but this also brought him some troubles."


"For example, some large tribes were very particular. Those who were not properly dressed could not enter. He, being bare-chested like a savage, could not enter. But if he put on clothes, he would be seen as a masked robber, and still not allowed in, thus he was caught in a dilemma."


"Later, he got smarter and put a fake head on himself. When he put on clothes, others couldn't recognize him. However, one day he put his head on backwards, scaring the people around him. They thought someone had twisted his neck and turned him into a zombie, wandering the streets."


(End of Chapter)

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