Chapter 157 – How did the Five Elements Sect lose last time?

Returning from Tang Yunsheng to the Seek Tao Sect, the eldest sister disciple remained silent all the way, probably feeling it unnecessary to worry about such matters, leaving it entirely to the Immortal Maiden and Lu Yang to handle.

Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu didn’t ask much either. They believed that with the eldest sister disciple in charge, nothing could go wrong.

Upon returning to the Seek Tao Sect, the Immortal Maiden focused on planning the reception process.

“The sect leader’s speech at the welcome ceremony… so troublesome. Lu Yang, can you write it? If you help me write it, I’ll teach you a celestial technique.” The Immortal Maiden, feeling a headache, sought the help of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang chuckled, “If you teach me the complete culinary arts, then it’s a deal.”

“You cheeky boy, what’s wrong with my cooking skills!”

Lu Yang didn’t say anything, just rolled his eyes to express his attitude.

Left with no choice, the Immortal Maiden had to write it herself. After half a day’s effort, she managed to squeeze out two sentences: “Welcome the Five Elements Sect, everyone is free to move around.”

Lu Yang: “…Fine, I’ll help you write it.”

“Really?” The Immortal Maiden’s eyes lit up when she heard Lu Yang agree to help her. She handed over the speech to Lu Yang and focused on what to serve for the reception meal.

Lu Yang had to help, otherwise, he would be the one to lose face.

“This is the first time I’m hosting a large-scale event, it has to be grand. To show my importance to the event, I’ll personally cook!” The Immortal Maiden was full of fighting spirit, wanting to show the world that her cooking skills were comparable to those of a Crossing Tribulation stage spirit chef!

Lu Yang just hoped she wouldn’t be comparable to a Crossing Tribulation stage poison cultivator.

The Immortal Maiden also devised a plan to deal with the Immortal Sect: “As my believers, if they don’t help me, that’s fine. But if they dare to cause trouble, none of them will escape!”

The two busied themselves for a whole day and finally drafted the event plan, asking the eldest sister disciple to review it.

After reviewing, the eldest sister disciple didn’t offer any suggestions, just said it was okay: “From today on, you are the acting sect leader of the Seek Tao Sect. I have informed the eight elders, and they all said they would cooperate with Lu Yang’s work.”

The elders were unaware of the existence of the Immortal Maiden.

Lu Yang summoned the eight elders to discuss the process of the welcome ceremony.

“Am I the sect leader or is she?” Lu Yang felt he was doing quite a lot of work.

“What are you not satisfied with? Without me, could you have exchanged for a one-day experience voucher as the sect leader of the Seek Tao Sect? This is a chance, no, a celestial chance that I, out of great compassion, have bestowed upon you!” The Immortal Maiden felt that Lu Yang was ungrateful.

“In the ancient times, everyone wanted to be the leader. The Heavenly Immortals each controlled at least tens of thousands of life stars, not to mention mine stars, gravity stars, dead stars, and other stars with other uses! They fought fiercely to occupy more stars, and I mediated several times!”

“So how many life stars do you control?”


“…Why do you control so few?”

“I’m not good at managing people. If it weren’t for the Heavenly Immortals saying that immortals can’t be without territory, saying it’s too embarrassing to go out, and forcibly giving me one, I would have reluctantly accepted one.”

“After giving it to me, I found a cultivator with strong management skills to manage that star. I occasionally go to the mortal world to see how it’s managed.”

“So what have you been doing since you became an immortal?”

“Shopping, visiting, cooking, sleeping.”

“Are you a human or a salted fish spirit?”

The Immortal Maiden was displeased: “Have you ever seen such a beautiful salted fish spirit!”

“Now I have.”

“I also often secretly follow the four of them, observing their movements and activity range.”

Lu Yang thought to himself that this finally sounded like something from the ancient times. Was she planning to ambush them and reduce the number of immortals?

“What are you planning to do?”

“To avoid meeting them. For example, when I attend an auction, someone who doesn’t know better shows off their identity, saying they are the son of a tribal chief, and saying that competing with him is disrespecting the tribe. At this time, I step forward, reveal my immortal identity, and scare him into trembling.”

“Or it could be a conflict between two tribes. I step in to mediate. Both sides don’t know me, point at me and disdainfully say who do you think you are. At this time, I release my immortal aura, and the effect is particularly good. Both sides invite me to their tribe as a guest.”

“Or someone offends me, I slap them away. They find their backer, the backer brings an army to surround me. At this time, their ancestor recognizes my identity, exclaims ‘You, you are the Immortal Maiden’, and falls to the ground, begging for my forgiveness.”

“Based on my experience, the effect is best when only I, an immortal, appear.”

Lu Yang’s eye twitched slightly. The life of an immortal after becoming an immortal was indeed colorful, she couldn’t be considered a salted fish spirit.

While the two were talking, the eight elders walked in one after another. Lu Yang took a special look at the eighth elder, this was his first time meeting the eighth elder.

“We pay our respects to the acting sect leader.” The eight elders bowed.

“Come, come, let me preside over the meeting!” The Immortal Maiden pushed Lu Yang aside and took over the body.

She became the sect leader just to enjoy this moment!

“All my beloved officials, rise.”

Lu Yang covered his face, feeling that he shouldn’t have shouted out the real name of the Immortal Maiden in the first place.

At first, he thought the Immortal Maiden was a golden finger, but now he found that the Immortal Maiden’s role was only to tell ancient dark history and embarrass him.

The eight elders were a bit uncomfortable with Lu Yang’s state, but when they thought that Lu Yang was the disciple of Bu Yu Taoist, everything made sense.

“Acting sect leader, let me pour you some water.” A cold and familiar voice came from behind Lu Yang, scaring the Immortal Maiden into a cold sweat.

The eldest sister disciple was holding a teapot, pouring water for the Immortal Maiden. Her posture was perfect, making people sigh that Yun Zhi was perfect in everything she did.

As Yun Zhi bent over to pour water, she gave the Immortal Maiden a cold look. The Immortal Maiden quickly nodded, indicating that she would definitely behave and not cause any trouble.

The two communicated without even using their divine sense, relying solely on eye contact.The Immortal Fairy became serious, cleared her throat, and said, “You all should know that the Five Elements Sect will be visiting our Seek Tao Sect the day after tomorrow. I have gathered you all here for this matter. What are your thoughts?”

The eldest elder was the most composed, “Those who come mean no good.”

“Why do you say that?”

“The Five Elements Sect has already visited us once. According to tradition, it should be our turn to visit them. The Five Elements Sect is breaking this tradition by coming to us again. There’s only one explanation: they want to redeem their previous humiliation by defeating us on our home ground!”

The Immortal Fairy hadn’t expected this reason, “So, according to the elders’ opinions, what should we do?”

The second elder made a throat-slitting gesture, “Ambush them on the road, give them a good beating with their heads covered, and make them back off! Don’t worry, I have experience. I do things cleanly, without leaving any traces. They won’t be able to trace it back to me.”

The other elders nodded in agreement with the second elder’s suggestion.

“I’ve been displeased with the Five Elements Sect for a long time. After they lost last time, they even said that our Seek Tao Sect is not among the five elements. What kind of talk is that!”

“Let’s teach them a lesson, show them the power of our Seek Tao Sect!”

“Ever since Old Qiu became the sect leader, he’s not the same. I think he’s forgotten what happened when he provoked the nine sons of our Seek Tao Sect in his youth!”

The Immortal Fairy was curious, “How did the Five Elements Sect lose last time?”

The eighth elder said, “Oh, it’s simple. Last time they came, they proposed a competition between disciples, and the elders couldn’t intervene. They asked our best disciple to fight their best disciple.”

“And then?”

“Then, Little Yun made her move.”

The Immortal Fairy turned her head sharply to look at the expressionless eldest sister, almost forgetting that she was also considered a disciple.

The eldest elder sighed, “Perhaps Little Yun is too strong, which made Old Qiu forget that she is not from our generation, but a disciple of Old Nine.”

(End of the chapter)

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