Chapter 154 – Soybean Shopping

When Lu Yang arrived at the mission hall, it was already late at night, and the vast hall was only occupied by a few people.

According to Lu Yang’s understanding, his senior brothers and sisters had a regular routine. They worked hard during the day to complete tasks, slay demons, and defend the righteous path. At night, they either enjoyed themselves or meditated and rested.

Of course, the enjoyment mentioned here was not the worldly understanding of eating, drinking, and having fun, but rather a combination of drinking and merriment, dueling, and resting without neglecting cultivation.

Hence, there were not many people in the mission hall at this time.

Lu Yang scrolled through the exchange column, choosing those spirit tree seeds that were of good quality and reasonably priced.

“Camphor tree, pomegranate tree, apple tree…”

Lu Yang scanned the seeds, none of which satisfied him. The quality and price were acceptable, but they lacked character.

“Do you still need to look at the price? You can spend my contribution points as you wish!” The Immortal Maiden was as generous as ever. She had just checked her contribution points and compared them with the price list, feeling confident and thinking that the Seek Tao Sect was nothing special.

Lu Yang didn’t have the habit of freeloading, and he also felt guilty about taking advantage of a fool.

The Immortal Maiden puffed her cheeks and stared at Lu Yang. Being in the spiritual space, she could vaguely sense some of his thoughts.

For a moment, Lu Yang disrespected the immortal!

Lu Yang continued to select seeds: “Coconut tree, durian tree… Bodhi tree, the seeds of the Bodhi tree are good!”

The Bodhi tree has a special meaning in Buddhism, and many legends involve the Bodhi tree. Lu Yang felt that the Bodhi tree was very suitable for his genius status.

“You’re the one, Bodhi tree seed.”

Lu Yang bought ten Bodhi tree seeds.

When it was the Immortal Maiden’s turn, she saw a dazzling array of exchange items, her eyes lit up, and she didn’t know what to buy.

“Should I buy some heavenly treasures that can restore my power?”

If the Immortal Maiden could return to her ancient state, Lu Yang would have a big backer. With the support of his senior sister and the Immortal Maiden, wouldn’t the cultivation world be under his control?

The Immortal Maiden disdainfully said, “What are you talking about? I am an immortal, do you understand? The pinnacle of cultivators. How many heavenly treasures in the world are worthy of my use?”

The implication was that there was nothing on the exchange list that could restore her power.

“How about buying a couple of Youth Preserving Pills?”

“Let alone that I, the immortal, have an everlasting appearance, without flaws and impurities, and will not age, I am only sixteen years old, why do I need to preserve my youth?”

Lu Yang thought to himself, Immortal Maiden, you’re talking too much. If you say you’re six years old and your body develops faster, I would believe it.

Lu Yang stopped giving suggestions to the Immortal Maiden: “You pick whatever you want.”

“This blind box is not bad, it’s only two hundred contribution points each, and there’s a chance to get rare cultivation methods, spells, ten-thousand-year-old heavenly treasures, and a series of precious items!”

Lu Yang’s eye twitched, who came up with this thing?

He wanted to dissuade her, but seeing the excited look on the Immortal Maiden’s face, he knew he probably couldn’t.

“Lu Yang, let me use your body for a moment, I want to buy fifty blind boxes!”

The Immortal Maiden only had a soul and couldn’t directly make a purchase, so she needed to temporarily possess Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sighed and let the Immortal Maiden use his body.

Ten thousand contribution points were spent without even blinking an eye. The contribution points that Lu Yang and the others had earned from infiltrating the Demon Sect only added up to eight thousand five hundred.

The Immortal Maiden, holding fifty blind boxes, swayed to a corner of the hall, sat down, and slowly opened the boxes.

In fact, she could know everything with a sweep of her divine consciousness, but the Immortal Maiden felt that this would lose the novelty, so she preferred to open them one by one.

“Teddy bear, puppy doll, lollipop, big iron pot… What are these things? Where are the promised precious items?”

The Immortal Maiden felt like she had been tricked.

Lu Yang thought to himself, I knew this would be the outcome.

Whether it was the Immortal Maiden’s good luck or the person who made the blind boxes had a conscience, she actually got something good.

“Soul Returning Pill, when the soul leaves the body at the brink of death, taking this pill can call back the soul and save a life.”

It was a life-saving pill, but it was of little use to both Lu Yang and the Immortal Maiden.

Even if Lu Yang was on the verge of death and his soul wanted to leave his body, the Immortal Maiden could grab his ankle and pull him back.

As for the Immortal Maiden, there was no possibility of being on the verge of death.

“It’s a gain, after all. Let’s keep it.”

The Immortal Maiden instinctively wanted to put it into Lu Yang’s identity jade pendant, but the jade pendant could recognize souls, and the Immortal Maiden couldn’t use it.

Of course, the Immortal Maiden could forcibly open it, but there was no need. When she returned the body to Lu Yang, she could let Lu Yang keep it himself.

“Corpse Destroying Powder, sprinkle the powder on the corpse, and the corpse will turn into a thick liquid. Rinse it with water, and this person will no longer exist in the world.”

“Note: It can only destroy the bodies of those at the Golden Elixir stage and below.”Lu Yang’s eyes twitched slightly, repeatedly reminding himself that the Seek Tao Sect was a reputable sect. The act of destroying bodies was only used to defeat enemies and eliminate hidden dangers, only to be used in dire situations.

“The Landscape Contemplation Map, contemplating this map can expand the spiritual space and enhance spiritual power.”

“Author, Ji Hongwen.”

Ji Hongwen was a disciple of the fourth elder, a scholar who excelled in the art of painting, and was in the same generation as the senior sister and Dai Bufan.

Lu Yang’s eyes lit up, this was a good thing. His current spiritual power had already reached the limit of the Foundation Establishment stage. Any further enhancement would damage his spiritual space. Once he reached the late Foundation Establishment stage, he could further enhance his spiritual power.

The Immortal Fairy pouted, using Lu Yang’s body to thump her chest: “Why bother contemplating this thing? It’s inefficient and not easy to use. When you reach the late Foundation Establishment stage, just contemplate me. I am a genuine fairy image, the effect is definitely better than this unknown contemplation map!”

“The Silent Pill, after taking this pill, even under severe torture, without using the beauty trick, you will absolutely not confess!”

“Automatic Writing Array, if you are punished by your elders to copy scriptures and techniques, using this array can mimic handwriting and help you with the punishment!”

Lu Yang sighed: “It seems that the senior brothers and sisters invented this array to save trouble.”

“No!” The Immortal Fairy noticed something strange, “This automatic writing array has a backdoor, once used, it will be discovered by the elders!”

Lu Yang: “……”

Good grief, could it be that this thing was invented by the elders of the Seek Tao Sect to fish here?

He knew it, these elders seemed out of tune on normal days, but when they started to scheme, each one was more cunning than the other!

The blind box was finally opened. Overall, the ten thousand contribution points were a bit of a loss. However, the Immortal Fairy didn’t care, she really liked the teddy bear and puppy toys at the beginning and was thinking of simulating them in the spiritual space later.

In the spiritual space, the Immortal Fairy could simulate anything.

“What interesting things should I buy…” The Immortal Fairy was extravagant with her contribution points, intending to spend them all at once.

“You, I’ll take three!” The Immortal Fairy made a decision, choosing these three exchange coupons, which would just about spend all her contribution points.

Lu Yang had a bad feeling. What kind of exchange coupon was so expensive? He carefully looked at the three exchange coupons, which read:

One-day experience tour with the Sect Master of the Seek Tao Sect.

(End of the chapter)

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