Chapter 152 – Tree Planting Technique

“This is a ancient book that Senior Sister asked me to give you,” Lu Yang no longer mentioned the matter of his master and took out the cultivation experience of the Pure Immortal Body.

The six elders looked surprised as they looked at the ancient book. “Xiao Yun is thoughtful. She actually found such a good thing.”

There aren’t many cultivation experiences for the Immortal Body, and even fewer that are similar to his own.

The six elders laughed happily, as if they had found a book that they liked, and went home to read it.

“Chen Qianqian’s Cultivation Diary”

“First year of cultivation: Master told me that I am the one in a thousand with the Pure Immortal Body. My cultivation speed far surpasses my peers. It’s really good news. I must work hard in my cultivation…”

“Second year of cultivation: My cultivation speed is really fast. While others are still at the Qi Refining Ninth Layer, I have already reached Foundation Establishment. The characteristics of the Pure Immortal Body are gradually showing. I cannot disappoint Master’s expectations. I must work hard in my cultivation…”

“Third year of cultivation: Advancing in realms is faster than drinking water. I have reached the Golden Elixir stage, and it is a Pure Golden Elixir among the first-grade Golden Elixirs. Master said that cultivation has no limits and we must not slack off. I must work hard in my cultivation…”

“Seventh year of cultivation: Elemental Infant stage…”

The six elders continued to flip through the book. It recorded the life experiences of the senior cultivator Chi Qianqian from the Dayu Sect, and it could be described as magnificent. The six elders immersed themselves in it, and finally, she turned to the last page and her heart trembled.

The previous page only reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, so the next page should be about the Unity stage. Why is there only one page for the Unity stage? Could it be that something unexpected happened to her?

The six elders suppressed their uneasiness and turned to the last page.

“Six hundredth year of cultivation: Finally reached the Unity stage. Well, I won’t be able to reach the Tribulation Crossing stage anyway, so let’s get started!”

The diary ended.

The six elders: “…”

She rubbed her temples and tried to figure out what she had just read.

It wasn’t completely useless. The cultivation process from Foundation Establishment to Nascent Soul was recorded in detail, which could be of some reference to her.

“Thank Xiao Yun for her kindness. Xiao Yun is in charge of the Seek Tao Sect, and even if I want to thank her, there is nothing here that is worth her attention. I have heard Xiao Yun say that your spell talent is unique and has the potential to establish a sect. How about this, I will give you a spell book?” The six elders smiled gently and transmitted their voice to Lu Yang using their divine sense.

A vacuum domain formed around the six elders, and they could only communicate using their divine sense.

Lu Yang agreed.

“But my attack methods rely on the power of the Immortal Body, and there are no spells suitable for you.” The six elders pondered. What kind of spell book should they give to Lu Yang?

“Right, I’ll give you the ‘Tree Planting Technique’.”

“‘Tree Planting Technique’?” Lu Yang looked strange. The name sounded ordinary. After learning it, would he plant trees all over the barren mountains to promote the development of a green and sustainable cultivation world?

Or is it that by planting many trees, Senior Sister would give him a gold star and award him the title of “Environmental Guardian”?

The six elders understood what Lu Yang was thinking. “Don’t think that the name of this spell is ordinary. Countless plant cultivators desire this spell. If you succeed in cultivation, it can promote the growth of plants. The major sects will all pay tribute to you.”

“Look at Second Senior Brother. Why can he guard the medicinal garden? It’s because he is the best cultivator of the ‘Tree Planting Technique’ in our sect.”

Lu Yang thought about it and felt that it made sense. If he mastered this spell, he would never have to worry about food and drink for his whole life. The major sects would all have their own plantations and would fight to have him.

The six elders continued, “In your spare time, you can also cultivate this spell. It can calm your mind and cultivate your character.”

“Tao Yaoye has learned the ‘Tree Planting Technique’ quite well. If you have any questions, you can ask her.”

Lu Yang accepted the cultivation technique, thanked the six elders, and left the elder’s cave with Tao Yaoye.

After leaving, the two of them resumed their breathing.

“It’s still early. Learn it from me here. I can also teach you,” Tao Yaoye suggested.

Lu Yang thought it was a good idea.

The ‘Tree Planting Technique’ is a high-level wood-element spell that uses one’s own spiritual power to promote the growth of plants. It is difficult to learn, even more difficult to master, and even more difficult to excel in.

To learn the ‘Tree Planting Technique’, one must first have a calm mind and enter a state similar to the unity of heaven and man, to comprehend, understand, and follow the laws of plant growth, allowing them to grow naturally and rapidly.

“For the first cultivation, it is best to use ordinary seeds. Our spiritual power can easily make the seeds grow into trees. It is said that immortal cultivation geniuses can even plant trees and make them bloom and bear fruit in their first cultivation, completing the whole process in one go.”

“The willow tree is most in tune with human nature and is the most suitable for practicing the ‘Tree Planting Technique’. This is a willow seed. Take it, Lu Senior Brother, close your eyes and see if you can resonate with the willow seed.” Tao Yaoye handed Lu Yang a willow catkin.

Lu Yang followed the methods recorded in the ‘Tree Planting Technique’ and combined it with Tao Yaoye’s cultivation experience, trying to comprehend it with all his heart.

A gentle breeze brushed his face, blowing over the lawn. The sunlight was not too strong, giving a very comfortable feeling.

Lu Yang gradually emptied his mind and felt as if he was floating between heaven and earth. Vaguely, he grasped the life patterns of the willow catkin.

Tao Yaoye felt something different from Lu Yang and looked surprised. It took her three days to reach this step, and her master praised her for having such perceptive abilities that could be ranked in history.

But Lu Senior Brother achieved it in just half an hour!

“I have heard that Lu Senior Brother’s talent in Daoism is unparalleled, even surpassing his swordsmanship.”

But Tao Yaoye didn’t expect Lu Yang’s talent in Daoism to be so high.

“No wonder Senior Sister personally taught him. With this kind of talent, it would be impossible for anyone else to teach him.”

The Immortal Fairy heard Tao Yaoye’s self-talk and agreed. Of course, she couldn’t teach him.

At this moment, Lu Yang had a new understanding of the ‘Tree Planting Technique’. He placed the willow catkin on the ground and pointed at it, using his spiritual power as the driving force for its growth.

“Grow!” Lu Yang shouted.

After a while, nothing happened.

Tao Yaoye weakly reminded him from the side, “Um, Lu Senior Brother, when planting trees, it’s usually better to bury the seeds in the soil.”

“That makes sense.”

Lu Yang picked up the willow seed, activated the spell “Earth Shrinkage,” and instantly shrank into the ground.

Tao Yaoye widened her beautiful eyes. She didn’t expect Lu Senior Brother to also know the Earth Shrinkage technique in the Five Elements Escape technique?

The Earth Shrinkage technique is the most convenient in the Five Elements Escape technique, whether it’s for attacking, escaping, or hiding.

Tao Yaoye wanted to learn the Earth Escape Technique, but the difficulty of learning was too great. She could never master it, so she gave up.

“But why does it feel like the Earth Escape Technique Brother Lu uses is different from the one I learned?”

As Tao Yaoye was muttering to herself, she saw a willow tree suddenly sprout from the ground.

“It succeeded in one go?!” Tao Yaoye exclaimed in surprise. When she practiced, it took her four failed attempts with willow tree seeds to succeed.

“Huh?” Tao Yaoye rubbed her eyes, thinking she must have seen wrong.

The willow tree sprouted from the ground, and hanging from both ends of the tree were two Brother Lu.

Lu Yang, with a heart as grey as death, was hanging on the willow tree, swaying back and forth.

Where did I go wrong this time? Why did I plant a willow tree seed and two of me grew on the tree?

(End of Chapter)

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