Chapter 148 – Sanli Zhenren’s relic cave

"What relic cave?" Meng Jingzhou didn't pay attention when he was being tortured.


Lu Yang explained, "The person we tortured is called Sanli Zhenren. He left behind a relic cave with a 【rule】 that only Foundation Establishment stage and below can enter, and it contains his lifelong treasures."


"The lifelong treasures of someone in the Unity stage?" Meng Jingzhou gasped in shock. Lu Yang didn't have a concept of it, but he knew how amazing the wealth of someone in the Unity stage was. Just by looking at the elders in his family, he knew that it was wealth that could never be spent in a lifetime. He had always been envious of it.


If he could obtain it, or even get a small portion of it, that would be a fortune.


Even a behemoth like the Seek Tao Sect couldn't ignore the wealth of someone in the Unity stage!


"And it can only be entered by those in the Foundation Establishment stage. Hehe, isn't this giving us two a chance?" Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou chuckled. This kind of restricted realm that limits cultivation levels is most suitable for them to display their abilities.


Senior Sister brought them here, surely considering their talents and wanting them to enter the relic cave.


The auspicious clouds flew at an extremely fast speed. People on the ground looked up and in the blink of an eye, a cloud passed by, so fast that it seemed like an illusion.


Before long, the three of them arrived at the location mentioned by Sanli Zhenren.


The division of regions in the Great Yu era was different from now. According to current terms, Sanli Zhenren's relic cave was beneath the sixteenth tree from the top on the peak of Dalang Mountain in Huayun County in the eastern part of Jizhou.


Yun Zhi touched the tree trunk and felt spatial fluctuations, confirming that there was indeed a relic cave here.


The location of the relic cave was hidden and difficult to explore. Even someone as strong as Yun Zhi needed to be in close proximity to know if there was a relic cave.


Sanli Zhenren's relic cave had not been discovered by anyone.


Yun Zhi lightly tapped the back of the tree trunk with her index and middle fingers, accompanied by a distortion, a pitch-black cave entrance appeared in front of the three of them.


The cave entrance looked like a black vortex, constantly rotating, with runes flashing inside the space, indicating that it had been imposed with 【rules】 by someone. It was a main relic cave and couldn't be easily entered.


And the rule for entering this relic cave was that only those in the Foundation Establishment stage below the age of twenty could enter.


Just as Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou thought that Senior Sister was going to let them enter, they saw Senior Sister grabbing the edge of the black vortex with both hands and forcefully tearing open a huge opening. At this moment, all the rules disintegrated, unable to restrict Senior Sister.


Lu Yang: "…"


Meng Jingzhou: "…"


According to reason, this should be their moment to shine, why is it different from what they imagined?


Are they a bit redundant here? Then why did Senior Sister bring them here?


Lu Yang asked the question, and Yun Zhi tilted her head and thought, "Didn't you two come up directly when leaving the Prison Peak? I didn't call you, did I?"


Alright, they really are redundant.


Inside the spiritual space, the Immortal Fairy laughed heartily.


The three of them entered the relic cave and looked around. It was an open grassland, where elephants leisurely ate leaves, lions chased antelopes, biting off their necks in one gulp. On the other side of the grassland was a lush rainforest, where one could vaguely see gigantic creatures moving through it.


Lu Yang clearly felt that his cultivation was suppressed. At this moment, he could only display the strength of the late Qi Refining stage.


At this time, clouds formed into conspicuous characters and appeared in front of the three of them.


【This place is dangerous, leave quickly】


【This place is dangerous, leave quickly】


【This place is dangerous, leave quickly】


【If you insist on entering, please remember the rules of Sanli Cave, it can save your life】


【Rule 1: Everyone's cultivation will be suppressed to the ninth level of the Qi Refining stage】


【Rule 2: Unable to contact the outside world】


【Rule 3: Sanli Cave only has grasslands, there is no rainforest. If you see a rainforest, please do not enter】


【Rule 4: Lions are kind-hearted. If a lion chases you, please do not run away. It just wants to play with you】


【Rule 5: Antelopes are a kind of bipedal demonic beast with coiled horns on their heads. It is normal for antelopes to laugh, please do not be afraid】


【Rule 6: There are no elephants on the grassland. If you encounter an elephant, please seek refuge with a lion. The lion will protect you】


【Rule 7: If you accidentally enter the rainforest, please remain calm. Maintaining composure is a necessary condition for survival in the rainforest】


【Rule 8: The orangutans in the rainforest are humans in disguise, so it is normal for them to speak. However, orangutans will not actively approach you】


【Rule 9: The water in the rainforest cannot be drunk】


【Rule 10: If you encounter Foundation Establishment stage demonic beasts, please imitate the call of an orangutan. Foundation Establishment stage demonic beasts will leave on their own】


【Rule 11: All the above rules are true】


Then Lu Yang saw someone writing several lines of words with blood on the ground. The blood characters were messy, as if they were hastily left behind.


【Escape quickly, it's dangerous here!】


【Something abnormal has happened here!】


【Attention! What I wrote are the real rules of Sanli Cave!】


【Sanli Cave has both grasslands and rainforests, the rainforest is safer than the grassland!】


【The lions have Golden Elixir stage cultivation and will eat anyone they see!】


【Antelopes do not walk upright. If you hear antelope laughter, leave immediately!】


【Elephants will protect you!】


【Stay calm in the rainforest!】


【Do not actively speak to orangutans, otherwise, you will turn into an orangutan!】


【If you feel something strange with your body, quickly drink the water from the rainforest, it can save your life!】


【Do not imitate the call of an orangutan, it will attract Golden Elixir stage demonic beasts!】


【The rules of Sanli Cave are all fake…】


Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou saw the bloodstains and shivered.


Before the blood characters were finished, the last character was drawn with a long bloodstain, as if someone desperately crawled out of the relic cave but was bitten by some unknown terrifying existence, forcibly dragged back, leaving behind a conspicuous bloodstain.


Both of them felt their scalp tingling. What was inside this relic cave?"There are major issues with these rules, they are full of contradictions. Which one is correct, the previous rule or the next one?"


"Based on our experience in the Town of Commoners, is the first rule, being more formal, the correct one?"


"Not necessarily. It's not stated that the more formal rule is the correct one. The latter one seems to be written in a hurry, but who's to say it's not a form of rule?"


The two were at a loss. They were only at the ninth level of Qi Refining, surrounded by beasts at the Foundation Establishment and Golden Elixir stages. They couldn't fight them off with brute force, they had to outsmart them. But now, with two sets of rules and no way to discern the true from the false, a wrong choice would mean certain death, beyond redemption!


"Don't panic, there must be a solution. One rule says that lions are kind, another says they eat people. One says elephants kill, another says they can protect us. We can lure the lion and the elephant together, see who can protect us. That way, we can determine which rule is the real one…"


"Is it possible that both rules are half true and half false, designed to trap us?"


"This is a bit tricky."


Just as the two were racking their brains, trying to figure out a way to survive, Yun Zhi raised her arm, revealing her fair wrist, and gently struck out with her palm.


This was clearly not a strike from a Qi Refining stage practitioner. The palm wind contained terrifying power, howling and rampaging, scaring the lions, antelopes, elephants, and gorillas into fleeing.


Whether they were man-eating or man-protecting, they had no difference in the face of this palm strike. Their only option was to flee.


This palm strike pierced through the prairie and the rainforest, forming a straight path to the endpoint.


How could the rules here possibly restrict Yun Zhi?


【Breaking the mold】【Light comedy】【Alternative Cultivation】【Eat, drink, and be merry】


"Fairy, do you know that cultivation requires a balance between work and rest? Overdoing it will only backfire."


"So that's why you've been staring at me?"


Liu Qing traveled to a world of cultivation, where he could earn rewards just by enjoying life. From then on, the world gained one more "person who understands cultivation the best".


(End of Chapter)


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