Chapter 146 – Pure Heart

Since then, Xia Di knew that he had offended the Seek Tao Sect and fell under the “Curse of Ten Thousand Years”.

Those people in the dark only thought that Yun Zhi had high talent and was very strong, but they had no clear concept of Yun Zhi’s “strength”.

If they knew how strong Yun Zhi was, they would know how foolish this scheme of separation was.

“Senior Sister, where are we going?” Lu Yang asked as he saw Senior Sister flying to the Seek Tao Sect and not stopping at Tianmen Peak, continuing to fly forward.

Lu Yang had never set foot here before. Below them were mountains and lakes, a thousand miles of red land, and a vast desert.

“Prison Peak.”

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou had never heard of this place.

Senior Sister flew through these areas and landed on a gloomy mountain peak. The mountain peak was wrapped in huge chains, with the other end of the chains wrapped around four mountains in different directions. Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou felt a chill and felt that this was not a good place.

Lu Yang had studied a bit of Feng Shui formations. Feng Shui emphasizes “smoothness”, where at least one direction in the east, south, west, and north is connected to the outside world, which represents vitality. However, Prison Peak was surrounded by mountains on all sides, blocking all vitality, and the clouds next to Prison Peak seemed like a lid, tightly covering this area.

Prison Peak was a place for imprisoning and interrogating prisoners.

The three of them landed, and Yun Zhi opened the entrance to the formation, carrying two souls in the combined stage, and entered from the foot of the mountain, descending about five kilometers before stopping.

The prisoners were all locked beneath Prison Peak.

When they arrived at Prison Peak, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou felt like they had returned to Buyi Town. They couldn’t mobilize any spiritual energy, not because of a forbidden formation, but because of a certain “rule”.

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou discovered that there were nearly a hundred prison cells here, and most of them were empty, with only a dozen or so people locked inside.

To be precise, it wasn’t people who were locked up, but soul bodies. Under the suppression of the “rule”, these soul bodies were listless and dispirited.

Some of the soul bodies saw Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou, two little guys, and drooled, wanting to pounce on them and eat them. But after seeing Senior Sister, they all behaved.

Lu Yang felt that there were too few people locked up here. The dungeons in Yanjiang County held more people than here.

“These are all ancient combined stage cultivators. Be careful,” Yun Zhi reminded.

The two of them shivered and didn’t think that there were so few people locked up.

“Senior Sister, aren’t you afraid they will escape?” Lu Yang asked quietly.

“Escape? You underestimate me, young man,” a childish voice came. Lu Yang turned his head and saw a white-haired child. The child was not tall and had to stand on tiptoe to reach his waist.


Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou were surprised. The white-haired child turned out to be Bu Yu Taoist’s master.

“Master.” Both of them called out.

“Hehe, do you think I’m too young?” the white-haired child said with an old and imposing manner. “You are still too young and lack experience. You don’t understand my state. This is a way of cultivation.”

Lu Yang quickly thought of a legend: “Ancient people said, ‘Changde does not leave, returns to infancy’, ‘The crowd is bustling, like enjoying a grand feast, like ascending a spring stage, I alone remain unspoiled, like an unborn child.’”

“Many great cultivators spend their entire lives pursuing the heart of a child, but they can never reach this realm. Deliberately pursuing is no longer the thought of a child. How can one truly achieve the heart of a child?”

“Are you saying that you have ‘returned to infancy’ and reached a state of returning to simplicity and unity between heaven and man, with the heart of a child?” Meng Jingzhou was also surprised. The heart of a child has always been a legend, and none of the elders in the Meng family have been able to reach this state. Unexpectedly, the Seek Tao Sect has one?

The white-haired child smiled and remained silent, nodding lightly, with the expression of a child who could be taught.

Yun Zhi was a little puzzled. “Why did I hear a different story?”

“Master said that when you were young, you were indulgent and spent a lot of time in brothels, delaying your cultivation. Later, you were stimulated by something and woke up, determined to cultivate diligently. In order to clarify your intentions and prevent leakage of yang energy, you permanently fixed your body at the age of six. This way, you don’t have to worry about leaking yang energy.”

Lu Yang: “…”

Meng Jingzhou: “…”

Strictly speaking, this is indeed a way of cultivation.

The two of them remembered that when cultivators reach a certain realm, they can control their appearance. So why do some cultivators like to maintain the appearance of a child with long hair and an old man in their twilight years? Is it for the same reason as Master?

No, no, don’t think too much about it. The two of them quickly cleared their minds.

“Anyway, with me here, none of the combined stage cultivators locked up here can escape!” the white-haired child forcefully changed the topic. “Yun lass, did you bring back two more people to interrogate?”

“Yes, I want to interrogate them.”

“Why not just soul search them?” the white-haired child suggested.

Yun Zhi shook her head. “Soul searching would destroy their consciousness. The souls of combined stage cultivators are excellent materials for refining treasures. If they lose their consciousness, the effectiveness of the treasures will be greatly reduced.”

The two souls in the combined stage shivered. Wasn’t the Seek Tao Sect supposed to be a righteous sect? This is different from what they imagined!

Yun Zhi looked at the two souls in the combined stage with some confusion. She didn’t understand why they were afraid. “You caused so many people to die in fear. Isn’t it normal for you to receive the same treatment?”

Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. Yun Zhi thought that these two should have understood this principle long ago.

Yun Zhi and the white-haired child each carried a soul in the combined stage and threw them into the cell. Lu Yang followed Yun Zhi, and Meng Jingzhou followed the white-haired child.

Yun Zhi immediately began a set of severe torture, using various instruments of torture specifically designed for soul bodies. The person kept screaming in pain, causing Lu Yang’s eyes to twitch. He didn’t expect Senior Sister to be so ruthless.

Wait a minute, didn’t Senior Sister do the same thing when I first started cultivating?

Immortal Fairy trembled every time she saw Senior Sister use a torture instrument. She felt that joining the Seek Tao Sect was a wise choice.

The Seek Tao Sect shouldn’t be so ruthless to their own people, right?

“It’s strange. Why isn’t he confessing anything?” Yun Zhi wondered. Bu Yu Taoist told her that following this procedure, the prisoner would definitely confess everything.

Lu Yang quietly asked from the side, “Senior Sister, you haven’t asked yet.”

Yun Zhi responded with an “Oh,” picked up the first torture instrument, and prepared to go through the process again. The frightened person quickly said, “No, no, no, I’ll confess, I’ll confess everything.”

“What era are you from?”

“The Great Yu era, forty thousand years ago.”

“Have you ever heard of Immortal Men or Immortal Women?”

“I haven’t heard of them.”

“Hmm? Still lying?”

The man was almost scared to tears by Yun Zhi’s cold expression, “I really haven’t heard of them. In our era, we only heard that there were immortals in the Western Buddha Kingdom, the Southern Demon Realm, and there were suspected immortals in the Eastern Ocean and the Far North. I don’t even know the name of a single immortal.”

“If you are looking for an Immortal, you can go to the Far North. Maybe the Immortal is frozen there, which would also count as immortal.”

The Immortal Woman was so angry that she wanted to roll up her sleeves and hit someone on the spot.

(End of Chapter)

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