Chapter 143 – Lu Yang who is currently in the fantasy stage

Including Wu Yu Taoist, the five of them did not expect Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou to successfully leave the town.


Not to mention that there was a combined stage expert suppressing the formation in Buyi Town, the rules, whether obvious or hidden, were not something ordinary people could understand.


It was already difficult to survive in Buyi Town, let alone leave?


How did these two manage to do it?


Wu Yu Taoist didn't think too much about it. He took advantage of the weakened state and diverted the attention of the four combined stage experts to Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou, then suddenly exerted his power.


A brilliant blue sword energy emanated from him, flowing gracefully like clear water. The sword energy moved agilely like a snake, drawing a beautiful curve in the air, and two heads flew.


The Immortal Fairy sighed, "Your master is indeed capable enough to compete with the top sword cultivators of our era. This sword killed their physical bodies and souls, completely killing the two combined stage experts."


Lu Yang exclaimed in admiration. He fought against four opponents and killed two of them while they were off guard. His master was truly worthy of being his master.


The first appearance of the Immortal Fairy and Wu Yu Taoist was disastrous. One was suppressed, and the other was imprisoned in a cave for ten years. This made Lu Yang subconsciously ignore their identities.


One was an ancient immortal who became an immortal during the chaotic era of ancient times, one of the five most powerful immortals of ancient times.


The other was the sect master of Seek Tao Sect, one of the five major immortal sects in the central continent. Even the current emperor would receive them with the highest etiquette. Among the nine disciples of Seek Tao Sect, he was the youngest and started cultivating the latest, but his combat power was the highest.


Having any connection with these two would guarantee a lifetime of prosperity and worry-free living for ordinary cultivators, but Lu Yang didn't feel that way at all.


"Is it because of Senior Sister?" Lu Yang felt that he had found the root cause.


The first appearance of these two ended in failure, all because of Senior Sister.


Now that Senior Sister was not here, the two finally had a chance to show themselves.


Wu Yu Taoist prepared his sword and gathered his strength, full of spirit, as if he was about to strike again.


The other two saw the situation was not good and didn't care about taking their companion's body with them as they turned and ran.


Wu Yu Taoist didn't chase after them. While he could strike again, those two would be prepared and might be able to defend against it. Once they defended against it, they would counterattack. He wasn't afraid of fighting another battle himself, but Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou couldn't withstand the aftermath of a combined stage battle.


"Are you two alright?" Wu Yu Taoist hurriedly went down to check on them and found that they were unharmed. It seemed that they had been doing well in Buyi Town these past few days.


"We're fine." The two waved their hands and felt the spiritual energy around them. They couldn't help but sigh. It felt great to successfully leave Buyi Town and have control over their spiritual power.


In Buyi Town, they couldn't use spells, which limited their talents.


"It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine." Wu Yu Taoist breathed a sigh of relief. "It's just that those two managed to escape."


"Speaking of which, there is also a combined stage expert in Buyi Town. How did you deal with it?" Wu Yu Taoist looked at Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou with confusion. He thought it might be Xiao Yun who gave Lu Yang a life-saving method, or maybe the Meng family gave Meng Jingzhou a life-saving method.


Lu Yang felt that Wu Yu Taoist was trustworthy, so he explained, "Actually, there is an ancient immortal sealed inside my body. It guides my cultivation on a daily basis and can provide power at critical moments. Even killing a combined stage expert is not a problem."


Wu Yu Taoist looked at Lu Yang with pity in his eyes, touched his head, and thought about his age. He understood.


Yes, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child is in the stage of fantasy.


When he was sixteen, he also fantasized about having an ancient fierce beast sealed inside him. When provoked by others, the seal would loosen, and the beast's energy would leak out, harming the innocent. In serious cases, it could even cause catastrophic destruction, resulting in irreparable losses. So, in order to seal the fierce beast inside him, he had to maintain a cold attitude at all times.


Who hasn't gone through this stage?


What ancient immortal is he talking about? He has lived for two thousand years and has never seen an ancient immortal. This kid Lu Yang is so lucky. Not only did he see an ancient immortal, but the immortal also stayed inside his body?


It should be a life-saving method left by Xiao Yun for Lu Yang.


"Is the ancient immortal you mentioned an old man or a beautiful woman?" Wu Yu Taoist asked.


Lu Yang thought of the Immortal Fairy's appearance. When she was quiet, she was indeed a stunning beauty no less than Senior Sister. He said, "A beautiful woman."


Wu Yu Taoist thought to himself, just as he guessed. At this age, when fantasizing about immortals, it's either an old man or a beautiful woman. It definitely wouldn't be a young man, middle-aged man, or old lady.


He looked at Buyi Town still shrouded in rules, paused for a moment, and said, "Let's go to the nearby government office first and let them handle the follow-up matters."


There were too many people in Buyi Town. Although he had extraordinary cultivation, when it came to matters that couldn't be solved solely by cultivation, it was necessary to hand them over to professionals.


The matter in Buyi Town involved five ancient combined stage experts, surpassing the jurisdiction of the county magistrate. So, Wu Yu Taoist needed to find the governor in charge of this state.


The Great Xia Dynasty divided the central continent into seventeen regions, commonly known as the seventeen states. Below the seventeen states were counties, and below the counties were towns.


Wu Yu Taoist knew that he didn't know the way, so he went to inquire about the situation in the nearby county and found out that they were in Qingzhou, located in the western part of the central continent.


"Wait, why are we in the western part of the continent?" Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou looked at Wu Yu Taoist suspiciously. Didn't they say they were flying south when they left Seek Tao Sect?


Wu Yu Taoist laughed and didn't explain too much. He just asked the two to follow him.


After inquiring and locating along the way, the three of them finally found the governor of Qingzhou.


When the governor of Qingzhou heard that the sect master of Seek Tao Sect was visiting, he immediately postponed all his affairs and personally welcomed Wu Yu Taoist.


As the governor of Qingzhou, he controlled countless resources in the state and was respected and flattered by others. But in terms of status and cultivation, he was far inferior to Wu Yu Taoist.


Wu Yu Taoist didn't exchange many pleasantries. He directly explained the situation in Buyi Town and asked Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou to supplement the specific details.Upon hearing about the incident in Bùyī Town, the governor of Qingzhou was drenched in cold sweat. Five ancient cultivators at the Fusion stage had awakened. Fortunately, the Sect Master of Seek Tao Sect discovered this in time and handled it properly. If these five people were to fully awaken and hide somewhere in the dynasty, they could obliterate several counties at any time, causing countless deaths.


The governor of Qingzhou immediately made a decision, mobilizing local cultivators at the God Transformation and Fusion stages, and wrote letters to the army stationed in Qingzhou and the court, informing them that two ancient cultivators at the Fusion stage had awakened and escaped, urging them to stay vigilant.


As for submitting a report to the court to commend the Seek Tao Sect, he didn't have the time for now. He would deal with the matters of the people in Bùyī Town first.


Lu Yang noticed that the governor of Qingzhou did not mobilize any cultivators at the Void Refining stage.


The Silent Taoist explained, "The Void Refining stage is a very special stage. The strength of cultivators at this stage is very unstable, fluctuating between high and low. At their peak, they can reach the pinnacle of the Fusion stage, but at their lowest, they are only at the Qi Refining stage. Therefore, Void Refining cultivators choose to stay in a stable place and rarely take action."


"And no one would easily provoke a Void Refining cultivator, after all, you never know what stage they will be at the next moment."


(End of Chapter)

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