Chapter 136 – Can’t pass the level?

The owner of the medicine shop continued slowly, “This place was arranged by several combined-stage cultivators, and the rules were established. There are living gates and dead gates in the formation, and there is a glimmer of hope left by the heavens. Therefore, the rules set here must have a way out.”

“But the combined-stage cultivators don’t really want people to leave, so they set up such a seemingly false rule.”

“It benefits them and also follows the principle of leaving a glimmer of hope by the heavens.”

Lu Yang resisted the urge to curse and continued writing, “So how do we kill the mayor?”

The owner of the medicine shop said, “You can’t kill him. The mayor is immortal. How do you plan to kill him?”

Meng Jingzhou clenched his fists, cursing the combined-stage cultivators who set up the rules in his heart.

It would be better not to set up the twenty-first rule. What’s the difference between setting it up and not setting it up?!

Lu Yang’s expression was not good, but he remained calm. He knew that swearing wouldn’t solve the problem, so he continued writing, “Where is the mayor?”

The owner of the medicine shop chuckled, “Do you really want to kill the mayor? Unfortunately, I don’t know where the mayor is. But you can go and ask the officials. After all, they are the closest to the mayor. As for whether they will tell you or not, I don’t care.”

Before leaving, the owner of the medicine shop shouted again, “If you really want to leave here, let me remind you that the mayor can know everything that happens in the town. Be careful.”

Meng Jingzhou was about to politely say thank you, but then remembered that he couldn’t speak to the owner of the medicine shop, so he could only nod to indicate that he understood.

Lu Yang remained indifferent throughout.

“Do you think the owner of the medicine shop is telling the truth?” Meng Jingzhou asked quietly.

Lu Yang didn’t answer. There was some distance between them and the medicine shop, and then he sneered, “Limited by the rules, what he said is naturally true, but it doesn’t mean he’s on our side.”

“Do you know the biggest difference between him and the innkeeper?”


“The owner of the medicine shop is trying to make us speak.”

Meng Jingzhou was startled and understood. When communicating with the innkeeper, both sides used written words, but when communicating with the owner of the medicine shop, it was always their side writing while the owner of the medicine shop spoke.

When one side spoke, the other side would unconsciously answer with their voice.

“Crafty bastard,” Meng Jingzhou muttered under his breath, then felt that something was off. “Since he wants to harm us, why did he remind us that the mayor can know everything that happens in the town?”

Lu Yang didn’t hesitate and said directly, “He sees that we are trying to find a way to leave here and can’t be stopped, so he gives us another important piece of information, letting us know that the mayor is unbeatable.”

“This could lead to two results: either give up on leaving or become disorganized and self-destruct.”

Meng Jingzhou clicked his tongue, feeling the situation was tricky. “The most troublesome thing now is that the mayor can know what happens to us. Even if we come up with a way to leave, the mayor can still stop us!”

How can we secretly escape under the mayor’s watchful eyes?

Lu Yang pondered for a moment, and suddenly a bright idea flashed in his mind. He thought of a solution.

He took out pen and paper and wrote, “If we communicate using written words, it might reduce the mayor’s attention towards us.”

Meng Jingzhou nodded.

Lu Yang continued writing, “Do you still remember the jade pendants given to us by the sect? Each jade pendant is a symbol of identity. Once the jade pendant is broken, the sect will send someone to investigate. The jade pendant is too hard for us to crush, but we can throw it at the exit. The gust of wind at the exit will shatter the jade pendant.”

Meng Jingzhou’s eyes lit up. After calculating in his mind, he realized that this was indeed a good idea.

Meng Jingzhou also wrote, “So how do we deal with the mayor?”

Lu Yang wrote, “We need to figure out the mayor’s actions, starting from the yamen.”

The two of them wrote and drew on the paper, devising a detailed plan. Then they burned the paper with their writings, pretending that nothing had happened.

As Lu Yang walked, he arrived near the private school. The sound of reading, as always, could be heard. However, according to the Immortal Fairy, it was actually the sound of dogs barking, but under the influence of the rules, it became the sound of reading.

If someone couldn’t resist their curiosity and wanted to enter the private school, the sound of reading would turn into the sound of dogs barking, and something bad would happen.

The private school teacher came to Lu Yang and continued to persuade him to enter the private school. Lu Yang lowered his head and ignored him.

The private school teacher spoke eloquently, “My friend, we meet again. You came alone this time, which means you have fallen out with your companion. This shows that you still believe in what I said in your heart. Don’t believe the words above the rules. Nine of the rules are true, but one is false, and you can’t tell which one it is…”

Just as the private school teacher was about to attack Lu Yang, Lu Yang suddenly blacked out and didn’t know what happened.

The private school teacher focused all his attention on Lu Yang. Meng Jingzhou quietly went around to the back and covered him with a sack.

The two of them clenched their fists, not afraid of the private school teacher’s gaze this time. They had to seek revenge!

The demonic sect was full of vengeful people. This could be seen in Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou.


They punched and kicked mercilessly, showing no mercy to the private school teacher.

The private school teacher had never encountered such a situation before and wailed, “Stop, stop!”

[Rule 9: The one wearing a gray robe is the private school teacher. If you encounter the private school teacher, no matter what he says, pretend you haven’t heard it.]

Both of them were softhearted people. If the other side begged for mercy, they would stop. Unfortunately, limited by the rules, they had to pretend they hadn’t heard anything the private school teacher said.With no other choice, they had to keep fighting.

Finally, both of them heaved a sigh of relief, feeling satisfied after the fight. Before leaving, Meng Jingzhou spat out, “Pah, you scum, don’t let me bump into you again.”

The two of them, arm in arm, returned to the inn. The private tutor managed to free himself from the sack, watching their retreating figures with a fierce gaze.

“Don’t let me bump into you guys again!”

On the fourth day, at the hour of Si, the two of them went to the restaurant downstairs, the only place in the whole town that served meat buns.

【Rule No.11: All food within the town is provided for free, you can take it yourself, but you cannot eat meat buns】

Considering that the meat buns were free, even if they couldn’t eat them, they decided to take them all. They packed all the meat buns using the sack they had used to trap the private tutor the day before.

When the bailiffs dressed in black, as usual, came to the restaurant, they found not a single meat bun left.

“Who did this!” The bailiffs were furious.

According to the 【Commoner Town Bailiff Rules】, they could only eat meat buns every day. Now that there were no meat buns, what were they supposed to eat?!

“Boss, look at those two, aren’t they carrying our meat buns?” One of the bailiffs, with a keen sense of smell, caught the scent.

Seeing the bailiffs looking at them, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou knew they had been exposed and hurriedly ran away.

What was initially a suspicion now became a certainty: “It’s definitely them, chase!”

The townsfolk of Commoner Town noticed that their usually quiet town was particularly noisy today.

“You two bastards, stop right there!”

While running, Lu Yang responded, “I can’t do that, Rule No.12 says 【If you encounter officials, run away immediately】, I’m just following the rules, don’t make things difficult for us.”

The head bailiff was furious, “The damn rules didn’t say you could take away the meat buns!”

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou ran so fast that the bailiffs couldn’t catch up with them at all.

(End of Chapter)

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