Chapter 124 – Grand Elder

Lu Yang was shocked, his heart pounding. The main coffin in the main room was a stone coffin with complex and ancient patterns of the sun, moon, and stars engraved on it. It was cast in an unknown era and was definitely burying a great figure!


And the Grand Elder of the Seek Tao Sect definitely met the standards of a "great figure".


"Could it be that the Grand Elder of the Seek Tao Sect is really buried inside?" Lu Yang felt like he was facing a great enemy. Did he trigger some mechanism that allowed the other party to come back to life, or did the Immortal Fairy's Dao fruit revive the corpse, or was there some other unknown reason?


The lid of the coffin slowly floated up, and an old man with a long beard sat up from the coffin. Lu Yang saw him and his pupils contracted. The person in the coffin was indeed the Grand Elder of the Seek Tao Sect!


The Grand Elder had gone to the Tianmen Peak to ask Senior Sister about something. Lu Yang had seen the appearance of the Grand Elder before.


Lu Yang was considering whether to use a set of Senior Sister's mimetic boxing, summon Senior Sister, or use the "Zhi Chi Tian Ya" technique to teleport himself back to the cliff.


The voice of the Grand Elder was filled with vicissitudes, and his eyes were full of confusion as he looked at Lu Yang. "Lu Yang? What are you doing here?"


Lu Yang was surprised. According to his guess, there was a fake Grand Elder in the Seek Tao Sect, and the real Grand Elder was in the coffin. He had only seen the fake Grand Elder, so how could the other party recognize him?


"Grand Elder, do you know me?" Lu Yang asked cautiously.


In the spiritual space, the Immortal Fairy pouted. Lu Yang had never shown such respect to her before.


He was an immortal, and this kid Lu Yang didn't have any awe for him!


Lu Yang's question made the Grand Elder even more puzzled. "Of course I know you. Aren't you the disciple of Old Nine, Lu Yang with the sword spiritual root? I saw you through the water mirror when you participated in the entrance test of the Seek Tao Sect."


"I want to ask you, why did you come here to disturb my sleep?"


"Sleep… sleep?" Lu Yang's brain couldn't keep up. Who would sleep in a coffin for no reason?


The Grand Elder yawned and even had tears in the corners of his eyes. It seemed that he had just woken up. "I was too tired from building the tomb just now, so I took a short nap. I'm getting old. I never felt so tired in the past. People can't refuse to grow old. By the way, I'm already three thousand years old."


"Building a tomb?" Lu Yang widened his eyes. He had heard that cultivators could sense their approaching death, so they would make a will and arrange their affairs, including building a tomb.


Thinking of the Grand Elder's contribution to the Seek Tao Sect, Lu Yang felt uncomfortable. "Are you about to… about to…"


Lu Yang couldn't say the rest of his words no matter what.


The Grand Elder nodded. "Yes, I should think about what to do after retirement. Dai Bufan said that I can live for another five thousand years after retirement, so I should find some hobbies for myself. I thought building a tomb is not a bad choice. I can use it sooner or later anyway."


Lu Yang: "…"


He was moved by the atmosphere just now, but now he realized that the Harmonization stage could live for at least eight thousand years. Someone with such advanced cultivation like the Grand Elder would definitely live even longer.


Give me back the emotions I just had!


"You built a tomb so early?" Lu Yang thought that this hobby of his was quite unique.


"Why not? I heard that some mortals in certain places borrow a large sum of money from the bank to buy a house and spend their whole lives working to repay the debt."


"If mortals can work hard for a house, then it's not a problem for me to work hard for a tomb in the second half of my life."


Lu Yang was speechless by the Grand Elder's theory.


"I didn't just build this tomb. I have already built others in other places. This one is just a prototype. I haven't even prepared the zombies yet. I just threw in some white-haired zombies temporarily to set the atmosphere."


"By the way, I deliberately chose to build the tomb on a cliff of our Seek Tao Sect. How did you find your way here?"


Lu Yang fell silent. He didn't want to recall the process.


So this is still the Seek Tao Sect. It seems that the distance he teleported was not very far.


The Immortal Fairy lazily said, "You definitely didn't teleport far. The teleportation distance is closely related to one's cultivation level. You're only at the Foundation Establishment stage. Do you really think you can reach the sky?"


The Grand Elder had no way of knowing about the existence of the Immortal Fairy.


"So, you're often not in the mission hall because…"


"I leave things to Xiao Dai and enjoy my retirement life in advance."


That makes sense.


Seeing that Lu Yang didn't want to talk about the process of finding the tomb, the Grand Elder asked, "Do you need me to send you back?"


Lu Yang nodded eagerly. This was what he wanted.


The Grand Elder came out of the coffin and tapped Lu Yang. Lu Yang was enveloped in a huge bubble, and the Grand Elder flew out of the tomb with his hands behind his back. Lu Yang followed behind in the bubble.


The Grand Elder was as fast as a thunderbolt. In the blink of an eye, they had left the cliff. Only now did Lu Yang realize why he was wrapped in a bubble. His body couldn't withstand the Grand Elder's speed.


Leaving the cliff, Lu Yang saw an endless grassland. The green grass was like a carpet, and there were sheep and various wild beasts grazing on the grassland. The terrifying aura emitted by the wild beasts made Lu Yang's heart tremble.


It seemed that this was the dangerous place that Senior Sister mentioned, where insufficient cultivation would lead to death.


With his cultivation level, it was impossible for him to safely fall off the cliff… Why did that sentence sound so awkward?


The Grand Elder flew with Lu Yang, and due to the fast speed, they couldn't see the scene below, so there was no fear of heights.


During the flight, Lu Yang felt a bit nervous. With the Grand Elder's speed, they had been flying for so long and still hadn't reached the Tianmen Peak. How far had he been teleported?


Just as Lu Yang was lost in thought, the Grand Elder stopped, and Lu Yang realized that they had already arrived at the Tianmen Peak.


The Grand Elder put down Lu Yang and then left.


The Grand Elder had encountered a difficulty in his cultivation while sleeping in the coffin and wanted to ask his junior brothers for their opinions.


He went to the medicine garden, but the Second Elder was not there. He went to the Body Refining Peak, but the Third Elder was not there. He went to the Gentleman Peak, but the Fourth Elder was also not there.


"Where are they?" The Grand Elder was puzzled. He didn't remember the Second, Third, and Fourth Elders being the type to wander around. They were usually easy to find. Why couldn't he find any of them today?


Ji Hongwen, the eldest disciple of the Fourth Elder, saw the Grand Elder looking for the Master and said, "It seems that Master has found the whereabouts of the Sect Master and went to the Tianmen Peak with the Second Elder."


"The whereabouts of Old Nine? Tianmen Peak?" The Grand Elder didn't expect to return to the Tianmen Peak again.


He went to the Tianmen Peak and asked Lu Yang if he knew the whereabouts of Bu Yu Taoist. Lu Yang pointed in a direction, and he successfully arrived at the Pine Forest and found the six junior brothers and one junior sister who were eating hot pot, as well as Bu Yu Taoist.


When Bu Yu Taoist saw the Grand Elder standing outside the cave, he waved enthusiastically. "It's been a long time since we gathered together, and here you are, just in time for the hot pot, Senior Brother."


"Senior Brother, come in quickly. We're only missing you."


The Grand Elder looked at the enthusiastic Bu Yu Taoist with suspicion.


(End of this chapter)

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