Chapter 123 – Grave owner

Seeing that the screen was about to display “Life Imprisonment”, Lu Yang closed the Tomb Raiding Experience with a snap, and the screen displaying the sentence disappeared.

This time, Lu Yang couldn’t use the excuse of “this is a characteristic of the times” to explain anymore. The function of this book was really outrageous, and it had a hint of reasonableness, making it even more outrageous.

Fortunately, the Immortal Fairy’s interest came and went quickly. She was quickly attracted by the burial objects. The specifications and styles of the burial objects had changed since ancient times.

For example, in ancient times, people believed that after death, they would go to the Nine Hells. In order to maintain the same prestige as in their lifetime, they needed to use humans as burial objects. When later generations opened the tombs of ancient powerhouses, they often saw countless human skeletons as burial objects. Now people have become civilized and have replaced humans with terracotta warriors.

This reminded the Immortal Fairy of something: “I remember that Ying Tianxian was originally the burial object of an old man. Fortunately, Ying Tianxian had good luck and managed to deceive others with the art of feigning death. He was brought into the tomb alive.”

“After entering the tomb, he released the art of feigning death and freely harvested a large number of herbs and treasures in the tomb. The old man believed that he would be reincarnated, so he stored various heavenly treasures and earthly treasures that could improve his physique in the tomb, all of which were sold cheaply to Ying Tianxian.”

“Taking advantage of the opportunity to refine essence and marrow, transform his body, and improve his physique, he escaped from the tomb and then had continuous adventures, increasing his strength and gaining fame. He stood out among the younger generation and became one of the main characters in the world. He barely qualified to be my opponent.”

Originally, Lu Yang thought that Ying Tianxian was probably a very powerful existence. But when he heard that he could barely be considered a rival to the Immortal Fairy, he decisively lowered his evaluation of him to the same level as the Immortal Fairy.

“Do immortals also have levels? Immortals, Heavenly Immortals, and so on,” Lu Yang asked.

The Immortal Fairy knew that Lu Yang had misunderstood and explained, “Ying Tianxian’s title is Ying Tian, and his identity is an immortal, so he is called Ying Tianxian.”

“Ying Tianxian believes that he was born to conform to the will of heaven and is the protagonist of the world. The overall situation is in his hands, so he calls himself Ying Tian.”

“There are no levels among immortals. Everyone’s Dao fruit is different, making it difficult to distinguish high and low. How can levels be divided?”

The Immortal Fairy’s words made Lu Yang understand one thing – the Immortal Fairy was actually somewhat useful.

Unfortunately, there was no history exam in the Central Continent, otherwise Lu Yang could have scored full marks.

Or maybe Lu Yang’s grades were not ideal, and the test setters said that all of Lu Yang’s answers were wrong. After hundreds of years of research, he should know how things were in ancient times. The people around him mocked Lu Yang’s ignorance and dared to question the answers of the test setters. They really didn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth.

At this time, Lu Yang revealed the identity of the Immortal Fairy’s host, publicly refuting her. The whole scene fell silent, and no one dared to question Lu Yang’s view of ancient times.

It felt pretty cool.

Lu Yang even imagined scenes of showing off, but there was no place to show off.

The Immortal Fairy didn’t talk about ancient matters anymore and observed various burial objects with interest.

Lu Yang didn’t let his guard down and continued to study tomb raiding knowledge: “As a tomb raider, one must always be vigilant. Even if you find the main chamber and the burial objects in the main chamber, you must not let your guard down. Some tomb owners strongly dislike being disturbed and may set up deadly traps in the main chamber. Be careful…”

“Kid, go forward and take a look. Is this something from your era? It looks interesting,” the Immortal Fairy urged Lu Yang, not knowing what she had seen.

Lu Yang took a step forward and felt like he stepped on something, as if it was a sinking brick.

Lu Yang’s forehead instantly broke out in cold sweat, realizing that he had stepped on a trap. What could it be? Poison needles emerging from the ground or arrows shooting out from the walls?

There was no time for Lu Yang to think too much. He instinctively leaped backward, trying to dodge the hidden mechanism.

The mechanism was triggered, and the night pearl on the ceiling suddenly burst into a brightness like a small sun, illuminating the entire main chamber, completely dispelling the previous eerie and terrifying atmosphere.

Lu Yang waited for a long time but there were no further changes. His eyes twitched, “So, it was just turning on the lights?”

“What does turning on the lights mean?” The Immortal Fairy had never heard of this term.

“It’s nothing.”

Lu Yang increasingly felt that this tomb emitted an outrageous aura. It made sense for it to be built on a cliff to prevent tomb raiding, but to have “main chamber” written at the entrance and to be able to turn on the lights in the main chamber was going too far, right?

Was this a normal tomb setting?

At least it wasn’t mentioned in the Tomb Raiding Experience.

But the Tomb Raiding Experience did have a warning: the more it violated common sense, the more dangerous it was.

“Don’t worry, with me here, nothing unexpected will happen!” After turning on the lights, the Immortal Fairy’s courage visibly increased, and she spoke with confidence.

The night pearl illuminated the tomb just like during the day. Even if ghosts appeared, the Immortal Fairy dared to go over and give them a big slap, letting them know who the real ghost was!

As an immortal, how could I be afraid of ghosts?

“There’s something interesting on the book on your left. Take a look,” the Immortal Fairy said.

Lu Yang picked up the book on his left and softly read the title, “Tomb Raiding Notes?”

“Move your thumb, there’s another word on it,” the Immortal Fairy said.

Lu Yang moved his thumb, revealing the full name of the book: “Anti-Tomb Raiding Notes.”

Lu Yang: “…”

He carefully put away the Tomb Raiding Experience, afraid that something strange would happen when the two books were together.

Lu Yang flipped through the book. As the literal title suggested, it described how to reasonably arrange a tomb that would not be raided by tomb raiders and provided countermeasures against common tomb raiding methods. It was quite professional.

As the saying goes, the devil is one foot tall while the Dao is ten feet tall. It was the natural order.

If Lu Yang learned the Tomb Raiding Experience and the Anti-Tomb Raiding Notes, there would be no tomb in the world that he couldn’t raid.

He shifted his gaze away from the book and became interested in the tombstone on his right, which should indicate the identity of the tomb owner.

He took a closer look to see who had built such a bizarre tomb.

Lu Yang turned his head and saw the content on the stone tablet, feeling horrified and his hair standing on end. He took a big step back in fright.

The stone tablet read: “Qin Jiunian rests here.”

“Qin Jiunian, why are you reacting so strongly?” the Immortal Fairy didn’t understand.

Lu Yang’s voice trembled, “Qin Jiunian… he is the current Grand Elder of the Seek Tao Sect!”

What’s going on? Is it a coincidence that they have the same name and surname, or did the Grand Elder pass away? If the Grand Elder passed away, then who is currently active in the Seek Tao Sect? An imposter? What is their purpose?

“The Grand Elder often appears and disappears mysteriously, letting Senior Brother Dai Bufan sit in the Mission Hall on his behalf. Could it be that he is worried about his identity being exposed and deliberately reducing his interactions with others?”

A series of questions surged in his mind, and the answers were temporarily unknown.

Just then, the coffin shook, as if something was breaking free from its restraints and coming out of the coffin!

(End of this chapter)

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