Chapter 105 – Unlucky Immortal Fairy

“Is your name really Huang Doudou?” Lu Yang asked incredulously.

The Immortal Fairy’s face turned stern. “Youngster, how can a mortal call me by my immortal name? You should address me as the Immortal Fairy!”

“So, Immortal Fairy, is your name really Huang Doudou?”

The Immortal Fairy’s face fell. “My parents gave me that name, I can’t just change it.”

Yun Zhi interrupted their pointless conversation. “So, what have you been up to? You were only gone for two months and already got tangled up with a fairy.”

The Immortal Fairy corrected Yun Zhi’s wording. “Watch your language, I didn’t get tangled up with him. You make it sound like I’m a love-struck girl!”

Yun Zhi responded with a cold look, causing the Immortal Fairy to reconsider. She had just been resurrected and her soul was weak, so it was best not to make enemies unnecessarily.

But as an immortal who once dominated the world, she still needed to maintain her dignity. She decided to take a firm stance and warn them not to underestimate her.

“Suit yourself.”

Lu Yang glanced at the honest Immortal Fairy and the indifferent Yun Zhi, and then proceeded to tell them about his gains over the past month.

“It’s nothing much. Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu found me and told me there was a tiger demon in the mountains of Yanjiang County that was causing trouble. We could earn contribution points by killing it, so the three of us went to take care of it.”

“We killed the tiger demon easily and found out that it was connected to the demonic cult. We followed the trail and tried to kill some of their members to help the people.”

“Later, we heard that the cult was recruiting people, so we decided to check it out. To our surprise, we were all accepted and became stewards.”

“Although we were in the demonic cult, our hearts were still in the righteous path. During our time there, we discovered that the local leader had secretly set up a reverse life-element formation to break through the Golden Core stage. We fought bravely and used some tricks to successfully kill him.”

“Coincidentally, the cult was being inspected by their superiors, who were impressed with our skills and promoted us to become helmsmen. They also sent us to infiltrate the Seek Tao Sect.”

The Immortal Fairy chuckled. “What a foolish cult! If I ever encounter them, I’ll definitely mock them. What’s the name of the cult?”

“The Immortal Cult, which worships you,” Lu Yang replied.

The Immortal Fairy’s smile froze on her face.

Lu Yang continued, “The Immortal Cult members told us that when the nameless ancient sage refined the stars into the continent, the Immortal Fairy saved the human race. By chanting the Immortal Fairy’s name, along with her immortal name, she can be resurrected to save the human race again.”

“We were bored on the way back and started guessing the Immortal Fairy’s real name. We were worried that if we really resurrected her, it wouldn’t end well, so we changed her name to Immortal Fairy. Unfortunately, you saw it and I accidentally called you to life.”Yun Zhi nodded, “Your experiences are quite rich. Successfully entering the Immortal Sect and becoming a leader is a great achievement. The selection process of the Demon Sect has many advantages, and it can distinguish between right and wrong. It is not easy for you to enter the Immortal Sect.”

“I have heard about the Immortal Sect’s attempt to revive the Immortal. I just don’t know the specific method. I didn’t expect you to accidentally succeed.”

Yun Zhi looked at the Immortal Fairy who was frowning and thinking, “What about you? Do you have anything to say?”

The Immortal Fairy shook her head, “I have never heard of the Immortal Sect, nor do I know anything about an ancient anonymous person refining stars, nor do I remember saving the human race.”

“The era I lived in was called the Prosperous Era of Destiny, which meant that the heavens favored me and my true destiny. I was born in the human race and achieved the path of immortality in the Prosperous Era, becoming an immortal. Because of the special ability of the path of immortality, I was called the Immortal Fairy.”

Yun Zhi explained lightly, “The Prosperous Era of Destiny is what we commonly call the ancient times.”

The Immortal Fairy continued, “Besides me, there were four others who became immortals at that time. Later, I don’t know who attacked me from behind and killed me. I died completely.”

“Just like what the Immortal Sect said, as long as someone calls out our titles and immortal names, I can be resurrected. I just don’t know why I was mistakenly called the Immortal Fairy and only resurrected now. I don’t even know how long I’ve been dead.”

The Immortal Fairy was also very aggrieved. She had just been resurrected and wanted to show off in front of the younger generation, scare them a little, and make them obedient. But the other party directly called her senior sister over, and this senior sister was simply too strong and directly suppressed her.

Who could she reason with?

Why did she meet such a strong person right after being resurrected?

After hearing this, Yun Zhi analyzed, “It may not be a mistake, but someone intentionally wanted to resurrect you but did not want to have any karma with you. So they used the Immortal Sect to call out your title and immortal name, and intentionally called you the ‘Immortal Fairy.’ When the Immortal Sect tried all the names, they felt that it was still not right and guessed that the title was remembered incorrectly. This way, the Immortal Sect would resurrect you, and you would have karma with them, but it would have nothing to do with the person behind the scenes.”

The higher the cultivation level, the more important karma is. They believe that karma controls everything in the world.

At this point, Yun Zhi frowned slightly. Now, the Immortal Sect and the Immortal Fairy had karma, and Lu Yang accidentally took on this huge karma.

“As for how long you have been dead.” Yun Zhi paused and asked, “Do you know who refined the stars?”

The tone was still light, but Lu Yang heard a hint of seriousness. This meant that senior sister attached great importance to this issue.

The Immortal Fairy shook her head, looking confused. “I don’t know. When I was alive, we all lived on the stars. Did someone refine the stars into a continent before the Great Xia Dynasty?”

Yun Zhi nodded, “Before the Great Xia Dynasty, there was the Great Yu Dynasty, and before that was the Great Qian Dynasty. The Prosperous Era of Destiny you mentioned was what we call the ancient times.””Da Qian and Da Yu both existed for a hundred thousand years, and then they were replaced. Da Xia also existed for a hundred thousand years. Some people say that this is a curse from the ancient times, that every dynasty can only exist for a hundred thousand years. After a hundred thousand years, the dynasty will inevitably collapse, and new talents will rise and build a new dynasty on the ruins.”

“At the end of the ancient times, there was an immortal who refined the stars into a continent, changing the entire world and forming the current Central Continent.”

“In other words, you have been dead for at least three hundred thousand years.”

The immortal maiden was surprised: “Such a long time? If I had known earlier, I would have deposited my spirit stones in the bank, and I could have earned so much interest!”

Lu Yang: “…”

Immortal maiden, are you focusing on the wrong thing?

(End of Chapter)

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