Chapter 97 – Fool

Stepping out, we found ourselves in front of an arcade.

We picked a spot where no one was around and sat down.

Li Dabiao handed me a CHUNGHWA cigarette.

He then pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket.

Peeling off a hundred, he handed it to me, saying:

“Did you lose all your money and can’t afford a meal? Here, this hundred is from your cousin!”

I took the hundred and said thanks.

After a moment’s thought, he flicked out another five hundred.

With a look of deep concern, he handed it over, saying:

“Hey, what can I say, you’re my brother. This five hundred is a loan from me, just pay me back when you get your salary…”

I took it from him.

I knew this bastard definitely had no good intentions.

I didn’t ask, just waited for him to speak.

Sure enough, after a few words, he changed the subject and said:

“Chu Liu, can you still get Old Hei to come out?”

I pretended to be dumb.

Looking up at him, I asked:

“What do you want him for?”

“Play cards, of course. Last time I didn’t bring enough money. This time I’ll prepare more, and we’ll have a big game…”

What a fool!

He still didn’t know that last time, it was me who cheated.

I was dying to agree right away.

But I still shook my head.

“He can’t play with you anymore…”

Li Dabiao was surprised and immediately asked:


“He said you were cheating!”

I said deliberately.

“Bullshit, don’t listen to that card room owner’s nonsense. I just accidentally nicked the edge of the cards. They insisted I was cheating. If I was cheating, would I have lost that much? Right?”

I put on a thoughtful expression.

After thinking for a moment, I nodded and said.

“Seems right!”

Hearing me say this, Li Dabiao immediately patted my shoulder.

“Chu Liu, we’re family, would your cousin lie to you? If you can get Old Hei to come out, you can keep that five hundred, and I’ll give you another thousand. How about that?”


I looked up at him, my face full of surprise.

“Of course, it’s true!”

“But doesn’t your girlfriend’s dad forbid you from gambling?”

I asked again.

This was actually a test.

Yesterday, when playing Three card poker with Tong Qiang.

He seemed to suspect that I was The Swindler.

If he had warned Li Dabiao.

Then Li Dabiao asking me to set up Old Hei.

It could very well be a trap, not just a simple gambling game.

“Don’t mention it. Since that card room incident, I haven’t seen that old bastard. The 500,000 he paid for me, he’s been hounding me for it every day. The game I’m setting up with friends is to make some extra money. To pay him back quickly. So he doesn’t hound me like a ghost…”

With that said.

I was somewhat relieved.

At least for now, Li Dabiao didn’t suspect I was The Swindler.

After leaving the arcade.

Old Wu also came out.

As soon as he saw me, he immediately asked:

“You little rascal, whispering with that kid, are you planning some mischief, scamming people’s money?”


“If you really are going, take me with you!”

I was speechless.

I definitely couldn’t bring Old Wu.

With his mouth, who knows what he might say.

“By the way, was there cheating in that game?”

I shook my head.

Now was not the time to tell Old Wu.

Lest he slip up while playing.

Then Li Dabiao would definitely suspect me.

“Then I’m going back in…”

Saying that, Old Wu went back inside.

Watching Old Wu’s retreating figure, I hadn’t even left yet.

The young man with the gold-rimmed glasses came out of the arcade.

He waved at me and said:

“Kid, wait for me…”

Saying that, he sauntered over.

Once he reached my side, he tilted his head and asked me with a disdainful tone:

“Kid, how much did you lose?”

“A thousand!”

“Want to win it back?”


I didn’t understand what he meant.

But I still played dumb.

“Just listen to me, and I can help you win money!”

I found it somewhat amusing inside.

It seems, my previous thoughts were correct.

This kid must be a small-time swindler.

“How to win?”

“That’s for me to know, you don’t need to worry about it!”

“Why would you help me?”

“Because you’re a fool! Think about it, which gambler would pay attention to a fool…”

I cursed inside.

You’re the fool.

But I understood.

This kid wanted to use me as a cover to cheat.

He wanted to use me as a tool, but I could also use him as a tool.

Mutual exploitation.

It’s just a matter of who’s more cunning.

“What’s your name?”

“Dao Shi’er…”

I deliberately split my name and gave a fake one.

“What the hell kind of name is that, Dao Shi’er? I might as well be called Gun Cannon Bomb…”

“And you?”

I asked.

“Chen Yonghong, revered by the world, call me Master Hong!”

People of the world?

Master Hong?

I wanted to laugh inside.

Those who call him Master Hong are probably from some village-level underworld.

As he spoke, he pulled out a pack of Yuxi cigarettes.

He slapped the bottom of the pack, and a cigarette popped out.

He caught it with his mouth.

The move was somewhat suave.

After lighting it, he said:

“Shi’er, leave me your phone number. I’ll look for you in the next few days. I’ll take you to win big money!”

I acted like a simpleton.

Nodding and thanking him repeatedly.

After exchanging numbers, I left.

I was already looking for a game.

With him helping me find one, I couldn’t ask for more.

In the afternoon.

Su Mei called me.

Telling me to be at Lu Xiang Lou by six.

She said that originally, she wasn’t planning to celebrate her birthday.

But Zou Xiaoxian disagreed and specifically booked the best Shandong cuisine restaurant in Harbin North.

Lu Xiang Lou had a big reputation in Harbin North.

Decorated in an antique style.

Each floor had its own bookcase.

Filled with books about the teachings of Confucius and Mencius.

Their Shandong cuisine was also famous far and wide.

Especially their sweet and sour Yellow River carp and braised large intestines, which were exceptional.

Zou Xiaoxian had booked the largest VIP room on the second floor.

By the time I arrived, they were all there.

Besides Zou Xiaoxian and Su Mei, there were a few managers from Sky Like, and Tao Hua was also present.

Seeing me enter.

Tao Hua immediately came up to me, took my arm, and said cheerfully:

“Little Chu Liu, Sister Hua has been waiting for you. If you hadn’t come, Sister Hua’s meal would have been tasteless…”

Tao Hua was a smooth operator.

Her flattery towards me was solely because of the money we made together using my swindling techniques.

Today’s Su Mei was clearly dressed up.

A light yellow dress, light purple crystal high heels.

Every detail exuded an elegant charm.

Around her fair neck, she wore a heart-shaped pendant.

The dress had a “heart” shaped neckline.

The glimpse of spring at her chest was subtle, half-hidden.

The pendant hung between her breasts.

With every step she took, the pendant swayed left and right.

It was quite charming to watch.

I wasn’t used to such occasions.

After greeting the people I knew, I sat alone on the sofa, silently smoking.

Seeing everyone had arrived.

Zou Xiaoxian stood by the table and addressed everyone:

“Everyone, you’ve been working hard lately. I’ll keep it short. As you all know, a new place called Qi Xiang Lou has opened nearby, which might affect us. But it’s okay, competition leads to progress. It just means we might be busier. Today, let’s use Su Mei’s birthday feast to relax properly! Today, we won’t talk about work, only pleasure!”

With that.

Zou Xiaoxian called out towards the door:

“Waiter, serve the dishes!”

There was no response from the direction of the door.

Zou Xiaoxian called out again:

“Waiter, serve the dishes!”

As soon as her words fell.

Suddenly, there was a “snap”.

The entire room plunged into darkness.

The power had gone out.

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