Chapter 93 – Start over

“I say, Uncle Tong, what are you up to?” Mad Kun, holding up his pants, walked in with the support of a younger sister.

He looked like he had just woken up, his sleepy eyes carrying a chilling glint.

Uncle Tong didn’t bother with Mad Kun but suddenly turned his gaze to me and asked, “Do you know me?”

I was slightly taken aback. Why was he suddenly asking me? I didn’t understand Uncle Tong’s intention, but I knew I had made a slight mistake.

I thought he hadn’t recognized me, but now it seemed he remembered me.

And now, he suddenly asked me. I didn’t understand what he was getting at.

But I still answered truthfully.

“I’ve seen you!”


“At the old street’s chess and card room!”

“What were you doing there that day?”

“Delivering car keys for a friend!”

We went back and forth with questions and answers. Uncle Tong made no comment on my responses.

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the busty woman again.

“Do you know me?”

The busty woman crossed her arms and tilted her head, looking at Uncle Tong with defiance.

“Don’t know you! So what? If you can’t afford to play, then don’t! At your age, do you really need to press hands and heads? Who are you trying to scare?”

Uncle Tong ignored her provocation and said indifferently, “You may not know me, but I know you!”

The busty woman was taken aback.

You could feel her panic. She looked up at Mad Kun, who was frowning and silent. The atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Tao Hua, standing next to me, was clearly scared too.

I didn’t know if today’s events would involve me, but my hand was already on the discard pile. Although my card-throwing skills were far inferior to Old Wu’s and couldn’t deal a fatal blow to the enemy, I could still cause some trouble.

Uncle Tong kept his eyes on the busty woman and said slowly:

“Your name is Huang Run, you have an older sister by one year, named Huang Ze. Your father, Huang Chengshi, was once the driver for the Zou Family’s head butler. Nine years ago, a hitman took a dark bounty to take out Old Master Zou. Your father, Huang Chengshi, died taking a knife for Old Master Zou. Old Master Zou then had you and your sister apprenticed to Six-fingered ghost hand and Nine-fingered heavenly cripple, respectively. And you, you’re the only disciple of Six-fingered ghost hand. You must have just completed your apprenticeship, right?”

Uncle Tong’s words were mixed with underworld slang, implying a hitman took a bounty to target Old Master Zou’s life. This old story filled me with emotion. A father died taking a knife for someone else, and his daughter became a swindler, seemingly not holding a high position in the Zou Family.

Otherwise, why would Mad Kun dare to treat Huang Run as a mistress? I wonder what the father who died taking a knife for someone else would think if he saw this scene?

Huang Run was dumbfounded. Clearly, Uncle Tong was right. She didn’t dare to respond and could only look helplessly at Mad Kun. And I understood why Huang Run was so high-profile; she had the backing of the Zou Family, was unrestrained, and was new to the world, unaware of its darkness and ruthlessness.

“Old Tong, why bring up these old sesame and rotten millet matters?” Mad Kun finally spoke, but his voice clearly lacked confidence.

Uncle Tong turned to look at Mad Kun and said coldly, “Mad Kun, everyone says that although you’re mad, you have good card ethics. But today, you brought a little swindler to the game. What’s this about? Are you taking me, Tong Qiang, too lightly, thinking I’m a fool?”

Mad Kun’s face showed an embarrassed expression, and even the long scar involuntarily twitched.

“I say, Uncle Tong, even if she’s a swindler, you can’t just say she cheated, right? We’re all from the outside world, to accuse someone of cheating, you need evidence, don’t you?” Mad Kun was clearly trying to argue his way out.

“Right, I have no evidence. So, today I bet my hand! Come on, reveal your cards!” Saying this, Uncle Tong flipped his cards open.

2, 6, 7.

A set of scattered cards that couldn’t be smaller.

Actually, Uncle Tong had felt something was off for a while. He probably wanted to catch a cheater, but not knowing the swindler techniques himself, he couldn’t catch the person red-handed. In the end, he had to resort to this method.

In fact, in gambling rounds, some old gamblers who don’t know the swindler techniques also start games.

They might not catch you cheating with evidence, but based on experience and intuition, they can sense that you’ve cheated.

Uncle Tong was such a person. He suddenly asked me earlier, and I guess he must have suspected me too.

“It’s your turn, reveal your cards!” Uncle Tong stared at Huang Run and said sternly.

The busty woman, Huang Run, didn’t move. She was panicking and could only look at Mad Kun again for help.

But Uncle Tong, with a cold face, raised his voice quite a bit.

“I told you to reveal your cards! Did you hear me?” Facing Uncle Tong, Mad Kun was annoyed but had no choice but to nod helplessly.

Only then did Huang Run slowly flip her cards.

Originally, it was a pair of 3s. Now, it was three of a kind, 3s. Even a fool would know, Huang Run had cheated.

“You win!” Uncle Tong snorted coldly, disdainfully.

As soon as he finished speaking.

He quickly pulled a military dagger from his waist.

With a “bang,” the dagger was thrust into the card table.

Staring at Huang Run, he said in a deep voice, “Just say you didn’t cheat, and I, Tong Qiang, will accept the loss. This hand is yours!”

Huang Run’s previous arrogance was gone. She frowned and dared not say a word. Mad Kun also knew that this time, things were troublesome.

Anyone with a bit of sense knew that Huang Run had definitely cheated. It was just that Tong Qiang had no evidence.

And Mad Kun didn’t dare to turn against Tong Qiang. He was already guilty, and Tong Qiang was the trusted driver of the Qi family’s helmsman.

Mad Kun staggered over to Tong Qiang and pulled the military dagger from the table.

“Old Tong, it’s just a game of cards. Is it worth it?” he said, pointing to the pile of money in front of Huang Run.

“You all suspect her of cheating, right? Okay, let’s not talk about whether she cheated or not. Here’s what we’ll do: Huang Run, you return the money you won to everyone. You stop playing, and I’ll play with everyone…” Mad Kun was trying to smooth things over.

It seemed he had no better solution.

Huang Run did as Mad Kun said, returning money to the three people. When it came to the last person, there clearly wasn’t enough money because I had also won.

“I’m short here?” Huang Run looked up at Mad Kun.

“What’s the matter?” Mad Kun asked, puzzled.

Huang Run pointed at me. “He also won money!”

Mad Kun clearly hadn’t expected me to win money.

He then looked at me, with a sneer, and said, “Come on, little mutt. Return the money you won first, then we’ll replay?”

Mad Kun clearly didn’t take me seriously.

While speaking, he still had a tone of insult.

I sneered.

Replay? Still want to replay? Is that possible? What do you take a card game for?

This is real gambling with real money, not a child’s game.

Can you say when you’re dying, “Let me live again,” and then live again? Ridiculous!

Seeing that I didn’t move, Mad Kun immediately urged:

“Didn’t you hear me when I spoke?”

“I heard you!”

I looked up, locking eyes with Mad Kun.

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