Chapter 89 – Even and owe nothing more

Mad Kun’s eerie laughter came through again from the other side.

“Miss Zou, are you saying you want to tattle on me to Second Boss?”


“Hahaha, alright then, Second Boss is right beside me. Go ahead and talk to him…”

As he spoke,

A man’s frivolous voice came through the phone.

“Zou Xiaoxian, whatever you want to say, just say it. I’m listening…”

Zou Xiaoxian’s face turned somewhat awkward.

She hesitated for a moment but still said:

“Second Brother, you promised in front of Dad that you wouldn’t bother Su Mei anymore…”

Zou Xiaoxian, who was usually so high and mighty,

Now spoke with a hint of meekness.

Then came Second Boss Zou Tiancheng’s disdainful chuckle from the other side, leisurely saying:

“Is that so? Did I promise? How come I’ve forgotten?”

“Second Brother, you can’t be dishonest…”

“Zou Xiaoxian, are you fucking teaching me how to do things? Let me tell you, stop using the old man to pressure me. In the eyes of me and Big Brother, you, Zou Xiaoxian, are nothing but a cheap woman. Just like your mother, both cheap! Got it? If you know what’s good for you, just find someone to marry and get the hell out of the Zou Family. If you don’t, don’t blame me for slowly making your life a living hell!”

Zou Xiaoxian’s hands were trembling uncontrollably.

It was the shaking of someone who was furious beyond control.

Seeing Zou Xiaoxian like this,

Su Mei immediately hung up the phone.

If the conversation continued, who knew what other outrageous things Zou Tiancheng would say.

The atmosphere in the room was quiet yet filled with awkwardness.

Amidst the awkwardness, there was also a hint of a powder keg ready to explode.

After a while, Zou Xiaoxian finally spoke:

“Su Mei, do you think that Elephant Tower was specifically opened by Zou Tiancheng to target us?”

Su Mei thought for a moment and nodded:

“I’ve had people inquire these past few days, but no one could find out who the real boss behind it is. Now it seems very likely that it’s Second Boss…”

Zou Xiaoxian nodded and then asked:

“How did it go with Tao Hua?”

Su Mei shook her head helplessly.

“Not good! Elephant Tower is offering Tao Hua double the kickback we are. It seems she’s definitely going to cooperate with them. I’ll think of something and talk to her again…”

Zou Xiaoxian fell silent.

And I, after greeting Su Mei, left directly.

Heading downstairs and out the door,

Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name from the direction of the parking lot.

Turning around,

I saw Tao Hua standing beside a car, smiling at me.

“Come here, little Chu Liu, Sister Hua has some good news for you…”

I stood still, not moving.

Tao Hua seemed to realize that I didn’t like her way of calling out to me.

So she sashayed over, hips swaying and heels clicking.

“Little Chu Liu, how can you be so aloof at such a young age…”

Tao Hua’s lips curled into a seductive smile.

It’s not that I was aloof.

I just harbored hatred in my heart and wasn’t good at dealing with the outside world.

“What is it? Just tell me, Sister Hua…”

“It’s the same thing I mentioned before, about us collaborating to make money. There’s a big game tonight, with a lot of money. No swindlers guaranteed at the table. How about we team up for it?”

I didn’t even think before shaking my head.

Seeing my refusal, Tao Hua immediately asked:

“Why? Was the money I gave you last time too little? This time I’ll double it, a commission of a hundred thousand, how about that?”

Sister Hua kept trying to persuade me.

But I still shook my head.

“How about we split it fifty-fifty?”

Sister Hua suggested again.

“No, I’m busy tonight!”

I would, of course, want to go to a game with a lot of money.

But with Tao Hua’s capabilities, she couldn’t handle the aftermath well.

I didn’t want to take that risk.

As soon as I finished speaking,

I was about to leave.

But Tao Hua immediately blocked my way.

She was still not giving up.

Her charming eyes blinked incessantly.

Suddenly, she took out her phone and dialed quickly.

At the same time, she said to me:

“Hmph, if you won’t go, I’ll find a way to make you!”

Once the call connected, Tao Hua put it on speakerphone.

Su Mei’s voice came through immediately.

“Sister Hua…”

“Su Mei, I want Chu Liu to accompany me to a game. Talk to him about it. If he agrees, I’ll consider what you told me today. At least, I won’t send all my clients to Elephant Tower…”

“Didn’t you tell him?”

“I did, but he doesn’t agree!”

Su Mei hesitated for a moment.

But still said:

“Let him take the phone…”

“No need, I’m on speakerphone, just talk, he can hear you…”

Su Mei then immediately said to me:

“Chu Liu, do me a favor. Accompany Sister Hua, will you…”

I took out a cigarette, silently lit it, and took a deep drag.

But I didn’t respond to Su Mei’s words.

Su Mei was asking me to go, entirely for the sake of the casino and Zou Xiaoxian.

She wasn’t considering me at all.

In other words,

In her eyes, perhaps I was just someone who knew a bit of The Swindler techniques.

Someone with some utilitarian value.

I didn’t like this feeling.

Su Mei was smart.

Seeing that I didn’t speak, she understood my stance.

She sighed.

Then Su Mei softly said:

“Chu Liu, I know you have your reasons for refusing Sister Hua. Normally, I shouldn’t force you. But this time, I need your help. Look, you said you owed me a favor, right? Accompany Sister Hua to this game, and consider it repaying that favor, and we’re even. How about that?”

I didn’t hesitate and coldly said one word, “Fine.”

Of all the debts in the world,

The hardest to repay is a favor.

I didn’t want to owe anyone.

Of course, I didn’t want to owe Su Mei either.

To be even and owe nothing more,

That was for the best!

On the way with Tao Hua,

She briefed me on the situation of the game.

She said that those who came to play were all influential figures from Harbin North.

A game could easily see wins and losses of five to six hundred thousand, which was common.

Sometimes, when things got heated, the stakes could reach millions.

Tao Hua normally wouldn’t have the qualifications to join such a game.

But since she usually provided some girls to accompany the players at this game,

And today they were short on people,

They let Tao Hua bring someone to fill in.

Tao Hua thought of me, to make a move at this game.

Listening to Tao Hua’s introduction, I asked:

“Can you actually take the money you win from this game?”

Tao Hua nodded repeatedly.

“Don’t worry, little Chu Liu. There won’t be any swindlers at this game, and no one dares to cheat. Do you know who’s at this game?”

I shook my head.

“Mad Kun, the number one thug under Second Boss of the Zou Family. Despite the many swindlers under Second Boss, Mad Kun has a good reputation for fair play and doesn’t fuss over wins and losses. He doesn’t use The Swindler techniques and hates others who do. With him there, who would dare to cheat?”

Hearing this, I was taken aback.

Mad Kun?

The same lunatic who had sent Su Mei the snake.

He was at this game?

I immediately asked again:

“I see that Second Boss of the Zou Family doesn’t seem to get along with Zou Xiaoxian. Aren’t you afraid of offending him by sending clients to Zou Xiaoxian?”

Tao Hua gave a helpless wry smile.

“Ah, afraid, how could I not be? Sister Hua won’t hide it from you, to be honest. Actually, I not only bring clients to Zou Xiaoxian’s gambling den, but I also bring them to Second Boss’s. I can’t afford to offend any of these big shots. Now with Elephant Tower coming into play, it’s like if I don’t bring them some clients, they’re going to make trouble for me…”

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