Chapter 88 – Stubborn breed

Looking at Tao Hua, Su Mei cooed with a hint of pleading in her voice, saying in a delicate manner:

“Sister Hua, we’ve been working together for so long. You can’t just say you’re going to dump me and then actually do it…”

Tao Hua sighed.

“Ah, Xiao Mei. It’s not that Sister Hua wants to dump you. The people from Qi Xiang Lou have talked to me, and to be honest, I’m in a difficult position too. How about this, let me go back and think about it. We’ll talk again later, okay?”

Qi Xiang Lou?

I was slightly taken aback upon hearing this.

I immediately understood why Su Mei was so humbly begging Tao Hua.

The only possibility was the matter of clientele.

Clearly, the people from Qi Xiang Lou had also approached Tao Hua.

But these matters had nothing to do with me.

I just listened in passing.

As she walked past me, Tao Hua suddenly said:

“Chu Liu, I’ll give you a call later to discuss something…”

What good could come from her looking for me?

It was nothing more than setting up a game.

But I had no desire to cooperate with her.

The reason was simple: if something went wrong during the game, I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to cover for it.

Once Tao Hua left, Su Mei let out a soft sigh.

I could feel that her mood was somewhat downcast.

Just as she was about to speak kindly to me, the office door suddenly opened.

Turning around, I saw Zou Xiaoxian walking in with a large bouquet of bright red roses, followed by a receptionist carrying a very large gift box.

The gift box was beautifully wrapped.

Just by looking at the packaging, one could tell that the contents were certainly not cheap.

Upon entering, Zou Xiaoxian cheerfully looked at Su Mei and said:

“Our beautiful Su Mei, tell me the truth, do you have a man on the side?”

Su Mei also smiled and playfully glared at Zou Xiaoxian.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Where would I get a man from?”

“Then who sent you such a big bunch of roses and such a large gift box? It even says ‘Happy Early Birthday to Su Mei, my darling,’ how cheesy. Come on, open it up and let me see…”

As she spoke, Zou Xiaoxian turned her head and glanced at me with a hint of surprise, asking:

“Why are you here?”

Her tone was not friendly.

I chose to remain silent instead of responding.

Seeing that I didn’t speak, Zou Xiaoxian seemed somewhat dissatisfied and mockingly asked me:

“Su Mei’s birthday is tomorrow, what gift are you giving her?”

I looked at Su Mei and asked indifferently:

“Sister Mei, what gift would you like?”

Without a second thought, Su Mei immediately shook her head.

“I don’t want anything…”


I nodded.

Our conversation left Zou Xiaoxian dumbfounded.

She looked at me, puzzled, and asked:

“If she doesn’t want it, you really won’t give her anything?”

“Why give something if it’s not wanted?”


Zou Xiaoxian was at a loss for words.

She pointed to her head and asked me:

“Do you have a problem up here?”


I sneered.

I like to be straightforward and dislike beating around the bush.

If you want a gift, just say it.

If I can do it, I definitely will.

If I can’t, I’ll refuse.

Don’t make me guess.

I don’t have the time or the mood for such pointless guessing games.

Some might think I don’t understand women, let alone the ways of the world.

Can’t help it, it’s just the way I am.

I was about to leave when Zou Xiaoxian and Su Mei began to unwrap the gift box.

But my ears twitched involuntarily.

This was a conditioned reflex formed from practicing listening to dice.

Whenever there was a faint sound, my ears would always twitch slightly.

“Wait a minute…”

I suddenly said.

Both of them looked at me strangely, not understanding what I meant.

I pointed to the gift box and added:

“How about I help you open it?”

Zou Xiaoxian snorted coldly.

She stared at me, perplexed and helplessly asked:

“Chu Liu, I really can’t blame you for thinking there’s something wrong with your brain. What do you need to open a gift box for? Get out!”

Zou Xiaoxian was getting angry.

In the meantime, the wrapping of the gift box had been removed.

Inside was an exquisite cardboard box.

Just as I was about to leave, Zou Xiaoxian and Su Mei simultaneously reached out to open the cardboard box.

Then, a piercing scream rang out.

The sound was so shrill and terrifying that it made one’s hair stand on end.

It was the kind of twisted scream that one emits when severely frightened.

Both women retreated in panic, their faces deathly pale.

Especially Zou Xiaoxian, who hugged herself and shivered uncontrollably.

Looking into the cardboard box, I saw several snakes slowly poking their heads out.

Not just women, many men are afraid of snakes.

Like me.

I was somewhat relieved that Zou Xiaoxian had not agreed to let me open the box for her.

Otherwise, I would definitely be the one shivering now.

Actually, when they placed the gift box on the office desk, I had heard something wriggling inside.

I originally thought it might be a pet sent by one of Su Mei’s admirers, which is why I spoke up to remind them not to be startled.

But I never imagined that it would be snakes inside.

“Quick, take it away!”

Zou Xiaoxian screamed at the receptionist beside her.

The receptionist was also scared, but he had no choice.

He had to muster his courage, quickly close the box, and run out with it in his arms.

It took a good while for the two women to recover somewhat.

Su Mei, still pale, asked Zou Xiaoxian:

“Do you know who did this?”

Zou Xiaoxian shook her head.

“I don’t know! It was sent directly to the reception, and I happened to pass by, so I had the receptionist bring it up. If I knew who did it, I definitely wouldn’t let them off!”

A wave of hatred flashed across Zou Xiaoxian’s beautiful face.

It seemed that the young miss of the Zou Family had never suffered such an insult before.

As they were talking, Su Mei’s phone buzzed on the office desk.

She picked it up to hear a few dry chuckles on the other end, and then she angrily said:

“Mad Kun?”

This was the first time I had heard this name.

Upon hearing it, Zou Xiaoxian immediately told Su Mei:

“Put it on speaker!”

Once on speaker, the man called Mad Kun spoke in a hoarse voice:

“My little darling, did you like the birthday gift I sent you?”

Su Mei’s face turned extremely ugly.

Her hand holding the phone trembled uncontrollably with anger, hatred, and helplessness.

The last time she had such an expression was when she was talking to Zou Xiaoxian’s second brother.

That day, she looked just like this.

“Mad Kun, you bastard!”

Su Mei cursed furiously.

Mad Kun laughed loudly, his laugh hoarse and piercing, grating on the ears.

“The angrier you get, my little darling, the more excited I become. Just like that night, after you took the drug, in front of me, how excited you were…”

Su Mei had once told me about it.

Zou Xiaoxian’s second brother, also known as Second Boss Zou Tiancheng, had drugged her.

He and several others had tried to violate her.

Fortunately, Zou Xiaoxian had rescued her.

Now it seemed that this Mad Kun was definitely one of those people.

“Mad Kun!”

Zou Xiaoxian shouted.

“My second brother promised me in front of my father that you guys wouldn’t harass Su Mei. By doing this now, aren’t you afraid of my second brother dealing with you?”

Zou Xiaoxian spoke with venom.

Although her voice was stern, I could hear that she was more helpless than anything else.

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