Chapter 87 – Stubborn type

“Her? She’s The Swindler? Brother, have you been walking the Blue Path too deeply? You see everyone as a swindler now?”

Brother Zhu whispered.

His expression told me he didn’t believe it at all.

I glanced at him and said nothing.

People like Brother Zhu…

They’ve been through society, walked the world.

They think they’ve seen it all.

Though not part of the Blue Path, he knew quite a few swindlers.

He judged things based on his own instinctive cognition.

Once it differed from his own, he’d think everything the other person said was wrong.

Such people are stubborn and obstinate.

They won’t believe the knife is made of steel until they’ve been cut a few times.

I couldn’t be bothered to explain.

I just said indifferently:

“I’m going to exchange my chips, do as you please…”

I was definitely not playing anymore.

As for Brother Zhu.

When it rains, it pours; when a woman’s to marry, she’ll marry.

Let him be.

Brother Zhu frowned.

He could tell I was somewhat indifferent and immediately said:

“Alright, let’s not play then, I’ll go exchange too!”

At the chip counter.

There were quite a few people exchanging chips.

We lined up.

I lost four thousand and exchanged back sixteen thousand.

Brother Zhu, with his winnings and his original twenty thousand.

Had a total of sixty-three thousand.

After I finished, he took out his chips, just about to exchange for cash.

But as soon as he took out the chips.

His face suddenly changed.

The chips in his hand were all small blue and grey ones.

Not a single one of a thousand.

All the large chips from before were gone.

“Something’s wrong, my chips…”

Brother Zhu knew this wasn’t the place to talk.

He quickly pulled me aside.

“Fuck, that bitch switched my chips. She exchanged all my large chips! I have to find her…”

Saying this.

Brother Zhu headed towards the restroom at a brisk pace.

I sneered in my heart.

Find her?

Is that possible?

Would she be crazy enough to wait for you in the restroom?

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before.

Brother Zhu came out of the restroom, fuming with rage.

“Fuck, she’s gone. But it’s fine, we’ve been here the whole time. She definitely hasn’t exchanged the chips. I’ll stake out here for the next few days. Just let me catch her. I’ll show her what a top-notch swindler is!”

Brother Zhu was so angry he was itching for revenge.

He kept spouting threats.

I still didn’t say a word.

I just left the casino.

As soon as I went downstairs.

I saw a black Audi A6 parked at the entrance.

The window was down.

In the back seat, sat a woman with a cold smirk on her face.

This woman was the busty lady.

Upon seeing her, Brother Zhu’s anger flared.

Pointing at her, he loudly demanded:

“Where are my chips?”

The woman sneered disdainfully and said:

“Of course, the chips are with me. You’ve been staring at my chest for so long, you should pay a fee, right?”

“You fucking whore…”

Brother Zhu was enraged and charged towards the A6.

The busty lady remained calm.

With a flick of her wrist, she pointed at me and said with a smile:

“And you, little brother, you delayed my fortune. If you hadn’t rushed me, I would have made even more today. Kid, don’t let me see you again, or I’ll castrate you!”

With that.

She flicked a chip at Brother Zhu.

“Here’s your reward, you brain-dead old pervert!”

Brother Zhu didn’t catch it.

The chip that fell to the ground was a light grey one hundred.

This kind of insult was something Brother Zhu couldn’t stand.

He rushed to the side of the Audi.

But just as he got there, the driver floored it, and the car shot away.

I was still a bit puzzled.

At first, I thought this busty lady was a decoy for the casino.

But now it seemed not.

Why would she be so bold?

To cheat so openly in public?

And to keep the stolen goods on her.

You should know, leaving evidence at the casino is a big taboo for swindlers.

But she did it anyway.

And she did it with such impunity.

Brother Zhu was grinding his teeth in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

Because he bought the chips, I lost four thousand. I wanted to give him the money.

But Brother Zhu shook his head repeatedly.

“No, we can’t settle it like this. If I take a share of your winnings and still want money when you lose, what does that make me? By the way, can we do something about this gambling den?”

I shook my head.

“It’s hard to say, this place is a bit strange. Just now at Blackjack, the casino indeed didn’t cheat. But that doesn’t mean there’s no cheating elsewhere. When I have time, I’ll come back to check it out. After a few more visits, once I’m familiar, we’ll decide…”

Brother Zhu nodded slightly.

I could feel his disappointment.

Perhaps in his view.

I was being overly cautious.

But what he didn’t know.

Caution is a must for a swindler.

A gambling den this big, able to operate.

There might be hidden dragons and crouching tigers inside.

Acting rashly is absolutely not okay.

Back at the Bathing place, I had Old Hei bring me the money.

Tomorrow is Su Mei’s birthday.

I couldn’t delay this money any longer, it had to be returned today.

After getting the money, I called Su Mei to ask where she was.

She told me to go directly to her office at the Bathing place.

Carrying the bag, I knocked and entered the office.

As soon as I entered, I saw Su Mei standing in front of the coffee table.

Talking to the woman sitting on the sofa opposite.

The woman opposite had her legs crossed.

She didn’t look too pleased either.

And this woman, I knew her well.

It was Tao Hua, who kept calling me a little virgin.

Judging by their posture.

It seemed their conversation wasn’t going too well.

Seeing me enter, Su Mei asked me expressionlessly:

“Is there something you need?”

I didn’t expect Tao Hua to be in her office, so I said:

“You guys keep talking, I’ll come back to find you later!”

As I was about to leave.

Tao Hua suddenly spoke up:

“Little Chu Liu, good deeds should not be hidden, and those who hide them do no good. What are you two hiding from me, huh…”

Since I helped Tao Hua break even and win money last time.

She stopped calling me a little virgin.

Su Mei also chimed in:

“Go ahead, Sister Hua is not an outsider…”

I had no choice.

So I placed the handbag on the desk.

“This is the money I’m returning to you!”

“I’m not in a hurry…”

Su Mei said.

Upon hearing it was money.

Tao Hua’s eyes lit up, and she immediately asked:

“That’s quite a bagful there…”

Saying so, she opened the bag.

And started counting the bundles one by one.

When she reached twenty.

Su Mei thought that was all.

But Tao Hua kept counting.

“21, 22…”

Hearing it was a total of two hundred and twenty thousand.

Su Mei asked me with some surprise:

“Why is there an extra twenty thousand?”


“I told you before, I don’t want any interest. Take it back…”

“It’s the rule, let’s just follow the rule!”


I truly feel that having rules is a good thing.

Everything is done according to the rules.

No need to consider other messy things.

Su Mei scoffed and retorted:

“So, you’re giving me an extra twenty thousand in interest, and we’re even, right?”

I shook my head.

“No, I still owe you a favor. I’ll repay you…”

My statement seemed to displease Su Mei a bit.

But she didn’t say anything.

Instead, Tao Hua, grabbing her handbag, stood up.

“Wow, I don’t want to watch you two exchange tender glances and whisper sweet nothings here. I’m off, we’ll chat another day…”

“Sister Hua!”

Su Mei reached out to stop her.

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