Chapter 86 – Stubborn and unyielding

Another round began.

I still placed a bet of five hundred.

The busty woman was still standing by Brother Zhu’s side, her flirtatious smile blooming like a flower as she asked him:

“Bro, following you, I can win. How much should we bet this time?”

Brother Zhu seemed to really enjoy this type of woman.

With a cigarette dangling from his lips, he appeared to relish the adulation from the woman.

“Then let’s raise the stakes, ten thousand…”

“Alright, bro, I’ll listen to you!”

As they were about to place their chips, I immediately reached out in front of Brother Zhu and picked up the CHUNGHWA cigarettes from his table.

At the same time, I blocked his hand from placing a bet.

“There’s no need to bet so big for just a few casual hands…”

I said indifferently.

The situation in this gambling den was anything but clear.

For now, this table seemed clean.

But that didn’t mean it wouldn’t show its dirty tricks later.

Moreover, there was a female The Swindler standing behind Brother Zhu.

Whether she was a plant from the casino, deliberately baiting Brother Zhu, or it was just a coincidence, was still unclear.

To rashly raise the bet like this…

It was inevitable that he might get carried away and lose a large sum of money.

As soon as I finished speaking, the woman immediately said to Brother Zhu:

“Aw, come on, you already said ten thousand, let’s just bet ten thousand. We can lower the bet next round…”

Brother Zhu glanced at me.

He hesitated for a moment, then said:

“Alright, ten thousand for this hand, we’ll lower the bet next round…”

I understood that Brother Zhu was deliberately explaining for my benefit.

But I detested his stubborn pride in front of women.

In this regard, he was far inferior to Old Hei.

Not obedient enough.

The Banker started dealing cards.

I was sitting in the first seat, with one K and one 7.

Seventeen points.

I chose to stand.

The Next player also passed.

It was Brother Zhu’s turn.

His two cards were a 4 and a 10.

Fourteen points.

This type of hand, we call it a “cut-off hand.”

If you don’t hit, the points are too low.

If you do hit, it’s easy to bust.

It’s one of the least liked hands in Blackjack.

Brother Zhu was clearly hesitant.

He took a drag on his cigarette.

Looking at the Banker’s upcard.

An 8.

If the Banker’s hole card was a 9, 10, or an Ace.

Then the Banker wouldn’t need to hit at all, and could just take him out.

While he was hesitating, the busty woman beside him spoke up:

“Bro, let’s bet on one more hand, double up, yeah?”

Double up?

Brother Zhu turned to look at the busty woman.

His eyes filled with confusion.

Anyone who understands Blackjack knows.

Doubling down on such a hand is simply courting death.

Yet this woman was insisting on doubling down.

“What’s there to be afraid of, it’s just a hand of cards, let’s bet…”

Before Brother Zhu could speak.

The busty woman quickly added:

“I don’t care about you, if you don’t double, I will!”

With that, she placed a ten thousand chip bet in the betting area.

Provoked by the woman.

Brother Zhu was clearly getting heated.

He took out a ten thousand chip and placed it in the betting area.

I didn’t try to persuade Brother Zhu.

I had already said what needed to be said.

If he was hell-bent on digging his own grave, there was nothing I could do.

After placing his bet, Brother Zhu tapped the table and said:

“Double down!”

In Blackjack, there’s an unwritten rule.

Tapping the table means you want a card.

The Casino dealer didn’t hesitate at all.

He drew a card and delivered it to Brother Zhu.

Clearly, the dealer also disliked their dilly-dallying way of playing.

He wanted them to hit quickly and bust.

“Bro, let me look at this hand, okay?”

The busty woman didn’t wait for Brother Zhu’s consent.

Bending over, she leaned on the Card table.

The Gambling customers at the table and the surrounding crowd.

All gathered around to watch the excitement.

After all, doubling down on fifteen points.

Such a blunder was rarely seen in the Casino.

This time, Brother Zhu didn’t stare at the busty woman’s chest like before.

His attention was all on the cards.

After all, he had already bet twenty thousand yuan on this hand, which was no small sum.

The busty woman began to reveal the card.

She did it very slowly.

Her two hands tightly clasped over the card.

Not to mention the onlookers.

Even Brother Zhu couldn’t see what the card was.

I also watched her closely.


I saw her right middle finger twitch slightly, and her wrist flick inward a bit.

My heart skipped a beat.

Spring finger.

The busty woman had switched the card.

The so-called spring finger, also known as a spring hand.

Refers to the action of switching cards, quick as a spring.

In the blink of an eye, the card is swapped.

What surprised me wasn’t her sleight of hand.

But the fact that there were so many people around, it was hard to ensure that none of them were the casino’s undercover agents.

Her dirty tricks.

Once caught.

It would be a case of being caught red-handed, with no room for maneuver.

And it would also implicate Brother Zhu.

After all, they were playing the same hand.

The busty woman pretended to have finished revealing the card.

She slammed the card down hard, revealing it on the table.


The crowd let out a gasp of amazement.

The card on the table was a 6.

Twenty-one points.

Not to say a guaranteed win.

But at least for this hand, they wouldn’t lose.

Brother Zhu was even more excited, slapping the busty woman’s buttocks several times.

“If I had known you had this kind of Luck, I would have bet more…”

The busty woman giggled coquettishly.

“Ouch, you hurt me…”

Saying this, she almost completely leaned on Brother Zhu’s body.

“Next hand, let’s raise the bet again, okay?”

“Sure, I’ll listen to you!”

Brother Zhu, who was usually not very talkative.

At this moment, he was surprisingly bold.

I frowned slightly.

Among the crowd of onlookers, there were already more than two uniformed staff members.

These people were definitely the casino’s visible security.

As for the undercover agents, it was still unknown how many there were.

This game couldn’t go on.

If it continued, Brother Zhu would be in danger.

And it might even involve me.

After all, we had come together.

I stood up directly, looked at Brother Zhu, and said indifferently:

“Let’s go, let’s check out another table!”

With that, I got up and left, not caring whether he followed or not.

For Brother Zhu, this was all I could do.

If he still wouldn’t listen.

Then there was nothing I could do.

He would have to fend for himself and hope for the best.

Brother Zhu still followed me.

The busty woman also followed.

The two of them whispered behind me.

I heard the busty woman’s coquettish voice:

“Brother, we have such good fortune and are so in sync, why stop playing?”

“Don’t rush, girl, let’s take a look first. Later, we’ll go out for a meal together, then continue after!”

“Okay, I’ll put the chips in your pocket for you. I can hardly hold them all, don’t drop them…”

After a rustling sound of chips, the busty woman added another sentence.

“I’m going to the restroom, I’ll find you in a bit. You better not leave…”

Once the busty woman left.

Brother Zhu quickly walked up to me, smiling awkwardly as he explained:

“Bro, sorry for the embarrassment. Brother Zhu has been single for decades, and I don’t usually care for just any woman. But I have a thing for the plump and busty type. I got a bit carried away today, don’t take it to heart…”

Brother Zhu seemed to sense.

That I was somewhat dissatisfied with his behavior today.

I glanced at him and said indifferently:

“I understand, but we can’t play anymore today, we need to leave!”


“She’s been marked by the undercover agents!”

As soon as I spoke, Brother Zhu clearly didn’t want to accept it.

“What’s there to be afraid of if they’re watching? We didn’t cheat. Are you saying this casino won’t let us take our winnings? I don’t believe it!”

I lowered my voice and explained.

“They’re watching her because she’s The Swindler!”


Brother Zhu looked at me, full of doubt.

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