Chapter 81 – Payback

He placed a total of three melon seeds in the dish.

Anyone without a serious eye condition could see them clearly.

The betting was over in an instant.

Several men were scrambling to place their bets.

“This round is odd, three seeds, I saw it!”

“Right, it’s odd, I’m betting two hundred…”

“I have to bet too, such a good chance to win money, where else can you find that…”

One of the men even pressed down on the lid of the dish.

Meaning to prevent the stall owner from sneakily adding more seeds.

Don’t think these people are fools.

In fact, they are all very clever.

And they are all in cahoots with the stall owner.

Commonly known as shills.

In the Swindler Sect’s Eight Generals, they are called “Seed Generals.”

Referring to their own people arranged in advance among the gambling customers.

Their role is to incite the onlookers to place bets.

Some might wonder.

With such a simple trick, who would dare to play?

Even if you don’t know their techniques, you can guess there’s something fishy.

But let me tell you, not only are there people playing, but there are also quite a few.

People inherently have a herd mentality.

And under certain environments and the bewitchment of words.

They often do things they wouldn’t normally do or dare to do.

Just like the current telephone scams.

Why don’t they let you hang up after answering the call?

It’s to keep you trapped in the atmosphere they’ve set with their words.

Not giving you a chance to think calmly.

Sure enough, some onlookers began to place their bets.

Of course, they all bet on “odd.”

But the bets weren’t big, adding up to just two or three hundred yuan.

The stall owner continued to shout:

“Last chance to bet, we’re about to reveal. Anyone else betting…”

As he spoke, the stall owner placed his hand on the lid, ready to lift it.

“Wait a minute!”

Old Wu suddenly reached out to stop him.

He took out fifty yuan and placed it on even.

“I bet on even, go ahead and reveal…”

This old rascal.

He definitely knew the trickery involved in this round.

With more money on odd, it was bound to be even.

So, he deliberately bet on even.

And he controlled the amount of money very well.

Betting too much, the banker might let him win to take his money.

Betting too little, winning wouldn’t be satisfying.

Fifty yuan, not too much, not too little, just right.

Sure enough, the stall owner glared at him.

Hesitated for a moment, then lifted the lid.

As the lid was lifted.

The crowd let out a uniform gasp of surprise.

There were clearly three seeds inside.

But upon revealing, it turned into four.

Actually, his little trick was very simple.

The stall owner had a small magnet pinched at his fingertip.

And in the dish, one of the seeds contained a small piece of iron.

This seed was always stuck to the lid.

When needed, a flick of the finger would drop the seed.

When not needed, it would stay stuck to the lid.

Seeing four.

The crowd started to clamor.

“It was clearly odd, how did it become even when revealed?”

“Yeah, this is cheating, I’ve lost fifty or sixty already…”

Two women were saying one after another.

A shill immediately followed up:

“You lost fifty or sixty, I’ve lost several hundred. No matter, let’s bet more this round and win it back…”

He began to incite these people.

The only winner here was Old Wu.

He was happily sipping tea.

Holding the fifty yuan the banker had just paid out.

His smug look was enough to make anyone angry.

The stall owner was very dissatisfied with him, glared at him, and said:

“Old man, you’ve won quite a bit, enough for grocery money, aren’t you leaving?”


At this time, Old Wu should have left.

Otherwise, if he won a bit more.

He wouldn’t be able to leave even if he wanted to.

This kind of street scam.

There are “Horse Generals” and “Cover Generals” specifically responsible for dealing with those who win money.

Their methods are nothing more than extortion and threats.

But Old Wu didn’t leave.

He chuckled, holding the money, and said:

“I’m not leaving, I’ll play a couple more rounds, I’m not satisfied yet…”

Saying this.

He also said to the crowd behind him:

“Come on, everyone bet, let’s bet together…”

If you didn’t know, you would definitely think.

Old Wu was so enthusiastic, he must also be one of their shills.

He turned his head and saw me standing by.

Old Wu was a bit surprised, looked me up and down, and said:

“How come you’re here too, kid? You don’t seem to be in any trouble, huh?”

These two sentences seemed a bit disjointed.

But actually, he meant.

That day he tricked me.

Zou Xiaoxian would definitely take care of me.

After all, I saw him cheating, didn’t catch him, and even reminded him to leave.

I lit a cigarette, not saying a word.

Just staring at him like that.

The stall owner saw me talking with Old Wu.

Thinking we were together.

He squinted his eyes and asked me threateningly:

“Brother, are you guys together?”

“Acquainted, but not very close!”

I said indifferently.

Old Wu heard this, curled his lip, and “tsked.”

“You wish you could get close to your Uncle Wu, but I wouldn’t give you the chance…”

The stall owner looked at us again.

He suspected we were acting and conspiring to make money.

Actually, his little money, I wouldn’t even bother to take it.

And I immediately added another sentence.

“Although not close, I know he’s The Swindler! I’ve seen him cheat in the casino with my own eyes, flicking chips…”

The Swindler?

As soon as my words fell.

The surroundings immediately exploded.

“What? He’s The Swindler? No wonder he always wins…”

“I was wondering why I could never bet correctly, turns out he was cheating…”

“Right, it’s him causing trouble, making us lose money!”

The people around were all talking at once.

Those shills also joined in the commotion.

Old Wu’s eyes bulged, and he hurriedly explained:

“Don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense, I didn’t cheat. No, I’m not The Swindler, that bastard is…”

Saying this, he pointed at me:

“You little bastard, you want to kill me, don’t you?”

I sneered.

If you knew this would happen, why did you do it in the first place?

Old Wu wanted to say more.

But a fat woman, nearly invisible neck, weighing over two hundred pounds, stepped forward and directly choked Old Wu’s neck.

The fat woman’s arms were thick.

Thicker than Old Wu’s neck.

As she choked him, she said viciously:

“Die, Swindler, give me back my money. I lost eighty. If you dare not return it, today I’ll sit on you and crush you to death!”

Old Wu was choked and couldn’t breathe.

His face turned red with suffocation.

He could only make a hoarse, intermittent voice.

“You, let go, I didn’t, cheat…”

“Not letting go! Return the money! Otherwise, I’ll choke you, you damn Swindler!”

The stall owner never expected.

Such a farce would occur.

He and a few shills exchanged glances.

Packed up the gambling stall and ran away.

Old Wu was still struggling.

But the more he struggled, the tighter the fat woman choked.

At the same time, she gritted her teeth and questioned:

“Old thing, are you going to return it or not?”

Old Wu let out a few “ahs” in succession, intermittently saying:

“I, will return. Let go…”

He exerted all his strength, desperately squeezing out four words.

The old guy finally gave in.

The fat woman let go.

Old Wu immediately collapsed on the ground.

Even in such a sorry state.

He still didn’t forget to glare at me fiercely.

I met his gaze, nodded slightly at him, and walked away.

Having done what I came for, I left without a trace.

Old thing, I let him know what payback means.

I hadn’t walked far.

When I heard someone shouting loudly behind me:

“Little bastard, stop right there! You dare to trick your Uncle Wu…”

I turned around.

To see Old Wu, panting heavily, running towards me.

The crowd from before had dispersed.

Looking at him like this.

He must have returned the money to those people.

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