Chapter 8 – No rules

Chen Xiaoxue also looked at Hou Jun.


The two of them stared at each other for a while.


Hou Jun suddenly said to me, "I'm betting my girlfriend! Chu Liu, if you win this round, Xiaoxue will go with you today. You can do whatever you want, how about it?"


Hou Jun's words shocked everyone present.


No one expected that Hou Jun would actually bet his girlfriend.


This is what a gambler does.


When envious, they don't recognize their loved ones.


What surprised everyone even more was that Chen Xiaoxue didn't object.


With a mocking smile, she said to me, "Chu Liu, if you win, I'll go with you today. Whatever you want, I'll listen to you! Dare to play?"


Chen Xiaoxue knows Hou Jun's hole cards.


That's why she dares to use herself as a chip.


I coldly glanced at Chen Xiaoxue.


In my eyes, she is not worth even a hundred , let alone ten thousand .


But because she just insulted my parents.


Today, I must let her know the price of being talkative.


"Alright, I agree, let's reveal the cards!"


The whole room fell silent.


Everyone stared at Hou Jun's three cards.


At this moment, Hou Jun's face also turned red with excitement.


But in order to pretend that he doesn't know his cards, he continued to act.


He picked up the poker cards, raised them in the air, and shouted, "Heaven, give me a big card!"




The three poker cards were slammed on the table.




As the cards were revealed, everyone couldn't help but exclaim!




A Leopard!


Hou Jun actually got a Leopard with an Ace.


The biggest card in Three Card Poker.


Hou Jun had known his hole cards a long time ago.


But he continued to act, looking at his cards and laughing loudly.


"I told you I won't keep losing, with one card, I completely turn the tables!"


Saying that, he excitedly went to grab the money on the table.


Chen Xiaoxue also danced with joy.


They won.


They won over ten thousand yuan.


Just as Hou Jun was about to take the money, I suddenly said coldly, "Wait!"


Hou Jun looked up at me.


Everyone present also looked at me.


"Does having a Leopard always guarantee a win? What if I have a 2, 3, 5?"


In Three Card Poker, 2, 3, 5 is the smallest hand.


But according to our rules in Harbin North, 2, 3, 5 can beat an Ace Leopard.


And it can only beat an Ace Leopard.


"Go ahead and dream, who cares about 2, 3, 5? Do you think you're a gambling god?" Chen Xiaoxue sarcastically said to me.


And Hou Jun also didn't believe that I could have 2, 3, 5. He shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, just reveal the cards!"


I opened the cigarette case.


Slowly, I revealed the first card.


Spades 2.


Hou Jun's brows furrowed involuntarily.


Then, I slowly revealed the second card.


Diamonds 5.


The atmosphere in the room immediately became tense.


Everyone's eyes were fixed on my hand, waiting for the last card.


And Hou Jun's hands pressed on the table were trembling uncontrollably.


Suddenly, I shouted, "Give me a 3…"


With the shout, I slammed the third card on the table.


A Hearts 3, brightly lit up on the table.


The room fell silent.


Everyone was dumbfounded.


It seemed like they couldn't believe what they were seeing.


An Ace Leopard, actually encountered 2, 3, 5.


This kind of hand is extremely rare.


And now, it appeared.


After a while, Hou Jun slumped down on the chair, completely lost.


Originally, he had already assumed that the over ten thousand yuan belonged to him.


In an instant, it became mine again.


And he also lost his girlfriend to me.


Even if it's just for one day.


"How is this possible?"


Hou Jun was stunned for only a dozen seconds before looking up at me.


"Chu Liu, you must have cheated. Otherwise, how could this be so coincidental?"


Hou Jun is not stupid. He can guess that I might have cheated.


And I did cheat.


But can his dog eyes see through my cheating techniques?


I still had a disdainful expression on my face as I leisurely said, "Hou Jun, you chose the place, you invited the people, you bought the poker cards. Yet you accuse me of cheating. Do you think that's fair? Besides, do you have any evidence?"


Adultery must be caught on the spot


The Swindler Sect is the same.


Even if you are a hundred percent sure that the other party cheated.


But if you have no evidence, it's all empty talk.


That's why when Master Liu taught me cheating, he told me.


Whether it's a small gambling round or a big casino.


When cheating, you must not leave any traces.


As long as the other party has no evidence, even if the deity himself comes, it's useless.


I collected all the money on the table.


I gained quite a bit from this round.


After deducting my capital, I won over five thousand yuan.


After collecting the money, I directly asked Hou Jun, "Hou Jun, you lost. Shouldn't your girlfriend go with me?"


Hou Jun's face turned extremely ugly. Without waiting for Chen Xiaoxue to speak, he immediately said, "No!"


I snorted coldly.


"Fine, she doesn't have to go with me. Let her kneel down and apologize to me, and call me 'Master Chu Liu'! Then we're done!"


I never planned to take Chen Xiaoxue with me.


I have no interest in this kind of woman who is almost like a prostitute.I was just trying to teach her a lesson for her cheap mouth.


"I won't kneel, and I won't call out!"


Chen Xiaoxue glared at me, her eyes filled with defiance.


"Then you must come with me!"


I stood my ground.


We were at a stalemate.


Old Hei, who was standing by, suddenly patted my arm and said:


"Bro, that's enough. You've won the money, you're not really going to take someone's girlfriend home, are you? Give me some face, let's just drop it!"


Old Hei had a bandit-like aura about him, typical of those in the world.


But he and I, we were not from the same world.


Looking at Old Hei, I coldly retorted.


"If he had won this round, would he have let it go?"


"What do you mean?"


Old Hei's tone was somewhat dissatisfied.


"In chess, there's a rule that you can't regret your moves. In gambling, you have to accept your loss. The bet was proposed by them, they must abide by it!"


Old Hei obviously didn't expect me to refuse so bluntly.


With his copper-bell-like eyes, he glared at me and said:


"So you're saying you won't give me face and insist on taking her away?"


I nodded.


Old Hei abruptly stood up.


"You don't want face, huh? Then don't blame me. Come, come out with me. I want to see how you're going to take her away today!"


I couldn't help but frown.


Just entering the world, and I've already encountered a reckless person like Old Hei.


But I still got up and followed him out of the supermarket.


Master Liu once said.


The Swindler relies on skill and ability.


Whoever wins, must take the prize.


Otherwise, who would bother learning the Swindler techniques.


Outside the supermarket.


Old Hei, tall as a tower, stood by the road with his arms crossed.


The people from inside the house also followed out.


They stood by, watching the excitement.


"Leave now, and this matter is over. If you still want to take Chen Xiaoxue away, don't say I didn't warn you!"


Old Hei gave me a final ultimatum.


And I, with a cold face, calmly replied:


"Then you might as well be rude to me…"


As soon as the words fell, Old Hei's eyes widened.


He took a big step forward, his alms bowl-sized fist swung at my face.


It was clear, Old Hei was furious.


His iron fists were swung with a fierce wind.


I quickly raised my hand to block.


Although I blocked the punch.


I still stumbled and fell to the ground.


Old Hei's punch was heavy.


Just one punch, and I felt a piercing pain in my arm.


"What the hell, do you give up? Still want to take her away?"


Old Hei stood in front of me, looking down at me.


And I, remained silent.


Slowly, I got up.


Looking at Old Hei, I said coldly:




This was a fight with no chance of winning.


Old Hei was a professional fighter, and I had never learned any boxing techniques.


But I should thank my detestable uncle, and my ungrateful cousin Li Dabiao.


Their countless punches and kicks, their beatings with sticks.


They taught me a skill, how to take a beating!

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